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Everything posted by qa2pir

  1. Just curious: what kind of music is this? Something worth checking out for me as a non-obsessive, non-collector just listening to the music?
  2. Easily Embarrassed is a bit dubby and can't be recommended enough, really. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8rvwQghmwY Maybe not the deeply atmospheric stuff you are after though?
  3. Tandu - New Aura Slow goa with very nice melody work!
  4. Cosmosis - Alien Disco Pleiadians - Pleiadians Prana - Alien Pets Hallucinogen - Shamanix That modern psytrance is way too dark, cold and scary! Bring me goa with egyptian mysterious melodies.
  5. Hallucinogen - Twisted or Dimension 5 - Transdimensional.
  6. No bullshit, just great hypnotic music which creates a floating atmosphere from beginning to end. A true gem in the genre.
  7. Twisted.
  8. Very good music! In fact some of the best trance music I've ever heard. It made me dance.
  9. qa2pir

    RA - 9th

    Maybe a bit too much of the same notes and rhythm that gets blurred by delay effects. And definitely too loud bass drum, perhaps a bit overcompressed sound. But well thought out, floating music with a sense of journey.
  10. But isn't there a highly spiritual/oneness/transcendental aspect to gazing out in space?
  11. The melodic style of: Hallucinogen Astral Projection Cosmosis Transwave Etnica Often inspired by italo disco and ethnic eastern music. Also I like powerful kicks and bass grooves. I rarely like meandering (as in lazy placeholder "soundscapes") and very much like sounds that dynamically interfere with each other to create something greater than the sum of parts.
  12. Bryan Ferry - Let's Stick Together
  13. This is such an album that I can easily see being perceived as the very fabric of space-time if played under the influence of a psychedelic. The mastering sucks completely though. Either that or this guy doesn't have a clue about mixing. The bass is just too quiet and the intros are very loud. Makes no sense.
  14. I don't really see the point in this. Good music comes from a talent, intuition, most of the time. It's very difficult to make interesting music without "feeling it" for yourself. And beyond that it's a matter of how long you can keep going without getting bored. Whether "keep going" means polishing the sounds and phrases you have or adding complementing sounds is not important. It's different styles of making music. You can make a lazy minimal house track and you can make a lazy forest psytrance track.
  15. Brilliantly composed with emotional, transcendent melodies.
  16. Errh... A 150 bpm kick drum does not seem that hard to "produce" in my opinion. Could you elaborate on the other characteristics necessary for this "alpha-state"?
  17. A totally non-insightful regurgitation of noise. Used to be spiritually powerful dance music. The above is highly subjective opinion.
  18. qa2pir

    Pleiadians - IFO

    Maia and Asterope are cosmically, transcendentally good. Will never stop loving. but Alcyone and Taygeta do create some powerful energy aswell.
  19. Transwave - Malaka Dance from '96 is an early example. It has the very same snappy characteristics.
  20. This depends so much on how you choose to define consciousness. I think as we age, we develop a sort of passive self-consciousness, because we get to know ourselves better and become more capable of handling our feelings and thoughts. It sucks to be young in this regard. I look forward to growing older. But there's also the aspect of "overthinking" which I am more readily disposed to interpret consciousness as. This phenomenon makes me reserved or overly open (depending on the situation; often in the polar opposites as to what would be considered normal), and sometimes shy. I also tend to analyze my own behaviour to the point where I no longer think I am worth existing. It goes the other way around too; I can also feel as if existence does not deserve me. Maybe I am a bit narcissistic in this regard - my self-confidence knows no greys. Maybe drifting a bit off topic since we were, I suppose, talking about drugs and music. But those are my very subjective cents.
  21. Elea - Zion Thanks to I think Rotwang for this recommendation. Very good album.
  22. Will not listen
  23. Man With No Name - Possessed No matter how much I try I cannot stop thinking "OH FUCK YEAHHHHHHHHHHH" whenever I hear this track. Perhaps for the better. Every man needs an "OH FUCK YEAHHHHHHHHHHH" track.
  24. Thank "god" for psytrance.
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