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Everything posted by qa2pir

  1. This sounds like any random a-bit-darker fullon there is... I don't follow this genre so i can't give you tips but stuff in this genre should suit you i think.
  2. You have 2 albums where it's acceptable, that means you must have more d'n'b albums than 2. And you call yourself a newcomer :/
  3. They wouldn't have to do it in the forum.. They could create a new site for it, like the review section.
  4. I heard a guy decribe in a thread something called "Symphonic Ambient" and he spoke about synths mixed with real instruments. He also said he was tired of Psy-Ambient because it was just about effects or something like that. I think that guy was OOPIUM but im not sure. He mentioned an artist called something with digital. Don't remember. Anyway, im looking for this genre, seems intteresting. Any tips? and what's that digital-something really called? Dam, gotta start bookmarking threads.
  5. I only know No Fate by Zion. Not sure if it's the same track but i think it's sort of lame. It sounds old in a way that other old trance doesn't (even stuff from 1992, for example Trancmaster 2). I actually like the scooter remix despite the fact that they don't tell it's a remix. That version has more melodies, better production, some acid stuff and a vocal added, which is actually good and fits the melody. But i don't listen to it anyway because it's scooter and i can't stand that tall guy with white hair and cocky attitude =(
  6. It's easy for you to say "run and get it" but is it possible to get it at all? This old stuff is so great, and it's very hard to download and they're often pressed in small amounts. But this is like my favorite style so i wonder how you get these stuff. "Be there 1993" or is there any other solution?
  7. This has a way too long buildup. I'm at 4:00 now and it feels like it's just started. And the bass doesn't sound good (the main one), try to decrease the reverb on it and spend more time tweaking (maybe a bit deeper EQ too) and some of the casual bass sounds that drop in in the beginning feel like they blast your ears (notice that i listen on mid-quality headphones (no studio equipment or PA system). However, i think the hi's and mids are good, nice melodies, storytelling song with many fun effects and well mixed (despite the bass issue). It's not extatic but very... i dunno how to say. It's got a good feeling. Now at 6:00 approx it's starting to sound more busy. The bass fit's better now with all the wirling melodies but the sound is still a bit lame. The small break at 6:02 and the acidic stuff that follows is good. If you could concentrate a little bit more on melody developement (but keep the good effects and stuff) it would be even better (of course). And try to keep it a bit shorter than 16 minutes :S It's a bit slow moving still. I sense some inspiration from Pleiadians - Modulation at 11:00 you introduce a more pumping, minimalistic and experimental mood. It sounds a bit like koxbox. I think this is more interestinig than the acidic effect- driven madness before. One problem is that you overuse reverb. All the reverbs should be shorter, it could actually make the whole song better =) Now it's beginning to sound like a climax. The bass sounds much better with this slower melody than with the full-on from before. The effects are less chaotic and more planned and better than in the beginning. The ending with the melodies only is the best part of the track So here's a resumé: I'm suprrised that someone here dares to try stuff out of psy limits =) This is experimental goa, very long and evolving (could almost be split up in smaller tracks) and original melodies. Much time is spent on it i can hear that, but your mixing skills can improve. so, bring the reverb down, compress more, and keep being creative And try to make them a little shorter. Ok, i've been criticizing you a lot, but that's only because your music interests me and i want to help you. This track is probably technically better than my stuff but i hope this review will help you evolve.
  8. This section is too dead... Anyway, i'll give this a listen and tell you. And i'd be happy if you took a look at my thread too
  9. I definately like it. It's spacey and a bit melancholic. I dunno what style it is but it's got a very nice feeling, like you float in space. I like the short length and the short intro and nonexistensial outro. The melodies are great but one more melody wouldn't have ruined anything. Overall i like it... Is there any album or anything by this artist?
  10. I've been making lots of tunes lately, mostly very short ones and i have uploaded some of them to soundclick. The 5 on top of my music page are new, the ones i've uploaded so far. http://www.soundclick.com/qa2pir They're in different styles, pop, chill, trance and ambient. The absolute latest one is a piano tune. Need some feedback (even though these songs are made fast and not too serious).
  11. If you mean which elements come in first: Usually ambient stuff. If you mean what to do first in a track: Start with the beginning ie ambient stuff. To get the mood of the track. But there's no rule. Start with some juicy rhythms if its more comfortable for you. or a killargh melody.
  12. No but hallucinogens music has a lot more mystical feel... It's hard to explain. I think both are goa (spiritual healing and hallucinogen) but hallucinogen is closer to the core with more melodies and stuff.
  13. What about the new ES stuff? I heard samples on their page and it was about the same level as scooter in my opinion. Cheesy voicesamples included.
  14. Transwave - Malaka Dance
  15. Now that is stupid =)
  16. I've listened to One Love (average, sometimes really good), Stardiver (not very good), Blue Planet (just weird, strange and not good at all) and Twisted Bliss (nicely produced, out of ideas, repetitive) So i think i know his thing pretty much. Thanks for the respones.
  17. I like it. deep rumbling basses, good track names and stupid, hard sounds through it all.
  18. Thanks!
  19. Is this psy-ambient or another kind of it? Related with psy stuff at all?
  20. ok, thanks.
  21. are you being ironic? well, it's actually a VERY BIG deal to get there, since im terribly lazy and stupid.
  22. I love their style. It's a shame they're a little too repititive (they use the same scales all the time, sometimes very similar melodies) and the old albums have a little muddy sound to them. It's like it will never be loud no matter how much your blasting your speakers. Anyway, they are good and i am very surprised to find that there are so many bands in this style, and i'm gonna check them out for sure. I see you live in sweden, Nils. Do you have any idea if any of those bands could ever be seen in a regular musicshop? I prefer just taking a bus to the shop and walk in instead of waiting 2 weeks for an internet order
  23. This thread is a goddamn waste of space Kidding! But i'll have to bump it in some way so why not this way?
  24. So why don't we make swedish the official language here. I am a clear example of this people's inability to speak english in a way that can be decoded by a thinking being.
  25. This sounds interesting. I can't listen now, however i'm sure that the quality of yours and all the other participants samples is too high above mine. But maybe i'll send something anyway.
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