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Everything posted by qa2pir

  1. I'm doing little tracks myself just like many here and the style is very variating. In fact, i can't see how the artists can make tune after tune in the same style over and over again... And i admire them to be able to discover one area of music too. But i'm beginning to suspect they can't do anything but goa/pop/techno/whatever they're into. Anyway, my style is mostly chilly no matter what tempo and style i use. I think it's got a little personality telling that it's me who made it.
  2. Thanks for the info! I went to the stores with a friend who lives in the city but we did other things too (kebab,cinema) so the store had closed when we were done with that. We went to the second hand store too (my friend recommended it) but it was closed... damn. gotta go there one more time.
  3. I couldn't find a better topic to ask this question in: Do you consider Boris Blenn good? I've got 3 EU albums downloaded and Jupiter 8000 - Twisted Bliss on CD and it's just to repetitive... No sense of building up, climax, tension or anything. Just a groove, some acid lines with same groove, breakdown, same groove, the end. All of it. Boring i think =( Is there some deep psychedelic core i don't understand?
  4. From what I've heard (BoD, Transmissions, other various tunes): Transmissions Shango Beyond... BoD Transmission's got some magic tunes... Contact, Man to Ray and 10000 MILES!
  5. I've been looking for a goa shop for quite a long time now and i found it on this site. The questions: How much stuff do they have? What kind of focus? New or old stuff? I'd be happy for replies.
  6. Now you're getting Philosophic.. Of course certain music can bore certain people. And yes, music is made to entertain but can fail sometimes. What would i represent here except my own opinion? It's a discussion forum =) Oh,,just read the last line there... Ok, let's quit discussing.
  7. Prana - Alien Pets is a pure classic and Transwave always rule so... Yes=)
  8. Nothing atm but mostly Kindzadza,Phuture Primitive,Pleiadians these days. Sure it will change soon.
  9. If, as you state, all of those except filteria are worse than talpa, i won't take the time to explore them. Talpa is boring crap, i mean no atmosphere, melodies are trhe same through the album (except chill tracks) and the production is of the kind that never sounds pumping no matter how loud you play it... urrk. Anyone agrees?
  10. Entheogenic is just a pile of boring samples of screaming/singing priests and other boring stuff, and i don't like it. I don't see a necessary connection between hi quality chillout and incoherent random singing voices that do nothing but making me like the artist less: why didn't he write a nice poem or a beautiful synth line instead? because he can't perhaps. And last: The music is FASTER than trance at some points and together with them samples it just feels like they're rushing through it. it's not trance and not chillout. it's like trance but taking away the good stuff. what remains is new age fluff with no meaning. Sorry Shpongle IS almost as good as people make them look like =) Shulman is a good uncompromising artist. I like that his tracks can be anywhere between 2 and like 14 minutes and be really quiet, dubby or with experimenting synth lines Phuture Primitive is good aswell.
  11. The first two albums have rediculous melodies sometimes and great sometimes. BP Empire, the third one, has great production and several great ttracks, and feels more complete. The two latest i havent heard that much.
  12. No problem Make sure you get the new version of drumatic. Has a far better tweaking system and better sound aswell. I assume you got it already, but just to make sure
  13. obviously it doesn't make all people puke. or do we have a lot of fecalia-masochists around the world?
  14. Talpa's album is great, 10 memorable tracks. He's one hell of a "stompy badtrip music with evil medieval melodies" producer and i hope he'll stick to that and also evolve a bit. Some tracks on his album had similar melodies and many had almost the same atmosphere, hope he will fix that.
  15. love your new avatar EP
  16. If you wan't to synthesize drums, try Drumatic 3, a free vst. You can really get lost in tweaking those sounds. It's even hard to get them to sound like real drums again after tweaking them.
  17. I can give you some clues, although nothing is definite and the important thing is to listen to things you like but anyway: .Bpm around 145 (rarely less than 140) bpm. .Bassline hits at all 16th (or all except the one the kick is on), this goes for most of full-on tracks. .It is kinda "boring" in the beginning (often just bass, sweeps and effects) and reaching a climax with a melody in the end, while goa is melodic all the time. I want to say again, this is a question of definition. The best thing to go after while figuring out what it is is listening to the word "full-on".
  18. I enjoy basslines that focus on the 4th instead of offbeats. I can give an example Geomantik by Prana has a great bass that seems to go with the kick, instead of (as most full-on) being most loud right between the kicks. That makes a groovy, cool bassline. I don't know if im 100 % correct annyway... But that track has a cool and different bassline anyhow (and is good overall).
  19. Ok. The song is still 5:20 so not really radio friendly. Anyway, is the singing more like shouting in the original version aswell. And thanks for the reply.
  20. To Ukiro and other people who might know: I found there are two different "original" versions of "Our Darkness" by Anne Clark, one of which is just called "Our Darkness" and the other has the epitet "Alternate Mix" and is roughly one minute shorter. Is there any significant difference between these except the length?
  21. I think it would be better to improve on this forum. Because this forum is better in general, even though isratrance may have a better Making Music section.
  22. That's why i wrote "tracker" instead of tracker I mean the tracker way of just filling in when the notes should be played, like you do in FL.
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