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Everything posted by qa2pir

  1. Ok, Ukiros post made me excited about this so i gave it a listen anyway. It's a bit better than i expected, but starts to feel boring after a while. And the day an artist starts working on an album after the fifth track i dunno what i'll do... Good atmospheric stuff in the background and nice stuff floating in and out of the mix but the main groove is too static, as ukiro said. Not bad at all but please don't be so extremely confident! I don't even like when pro's promote their music like that!
  2. If you hadn't wrote the first two sentences i would have listened to the track.
  3. Hallucinogen - Space Pussy and Thugs in Tye-Dye - Perfect Maxisingle! One mad insane stomper, and one more mad insane, groovy tune (and trancespotter, but that one isn't mad in the same way) Pleiadians - Maia and Asterope - those melodies! Infected Mushroom - Funchameleon - the bassline is wonderful, and so is the melody in the end. Juno Reactor - High Energy Protons - This represents the essense of goa for me... and some cool futuristic visions! Eat Static - Prana - so groovy, psychedelic and funky Rip Van Hippy - i couldn't talk - no motivations required Psyko Disko - Get Away - insane! That's the ones i could think about today, i think this way about many many tracks but these are the main ones, and the today ones.
  4. NOOOO that's so killar! stfu n00bs.
  5. Listening to "the sleeper must awake" by astral p. and MFG. Don't now if it's made by them though, it might be the file sharing syndrome.
  6. i also dislike the thin psytrance booklets... I saw a cd in a store called "change" by mr. c (i didn't buy it so i can't tell if the music is good) and in the booklet he had wrote about 10- 20 lines about each song, where he got the inspiration and such. Very nice.
  7. Haha, if this is a filler track your album is on the buy list immediately Thanx fort the great music!
  8. Have you stopped making songs? Because this is good. Kinda breakbeat-ish and funky. I have no technical comments actually, well done simply. Good groove and nice arrangements. I like how it freaks out in the middle. Nothing bad to say except i want more melodies.
  9. Hahahaha, thank god im not a cs g33k, that would cause you lots of flaming and "pwning"
  10. Nice vibe and 'melodies' but a little muddy sound. Overall i like it, twisted and all but not THAT twisted as you say it is. I would call it dark psy or something. Like it matters
  11. Philter: I have heard very few psytrance songs with shuffle... And no single full-on track with shuffle. or have i misunderstood something? Atleast i thought shuffle is the same as triplets. I.e 50 % shuffle is a mix between straight and triplet.
  12. No feedback to give, very very good track. I see you're releasing an album and you're completely worth it! One thing: The tags say that the song is called Pure Energy, not Masters of the Universe. i think Pure Energy is a much better title and btw, MotU is already taken by UX.
  13. OK, this is good stuff =) The beats are kinda muddy but you have some seriously wicked effects. Very psycho track, and well mixed for most of it.
  14. Have you been making music since 1990 or do i get something wrong? If i haven't I count on you. Downloading =)
  15. I hope it will evolve into something new, this scene is losing the sparkle if you know what i mean. There are lots of good artists but i think there isn't a very big creative flow in generall for this music.
  16. Err... I thought mastering was not about "something you have" but about studying the techniques for like 20 years. :S
  17. mm, this track is good. Nice melodies and great feeling. bassline is not as bad as nick says, but not the highlight of the song. The melodies for it are good, but the sound could be more edgy. Overall really good stuff =) Big plus for not stretching it out to an 8 minute track. (i don't mean the content is bad, just that a short good song is better than a long boring one).
  18. You've got to open a filter plugin, a kind off effect that filters away certain frequencies from your sounds. Then you automate the cutoff knob/slider of the plugin to make it cut out different frequencies and thus making it sound like the instrument is "moving" if you can see what i mean. I never use this effect cause i'm to lazy to automate I think you should concentrate on the real variation, bringing in and out different instruments and sounds and building the track, instead of adding effects. Make it sound good without spectacular effects, and then add them to spice it up =)
  19. I'm pretty confident you can do that. Installing them is just a process of unzipping the dll files if im not completely wrong, and the dll is all you need. Don't trust me though, but i know you can do this atleast with all the plugins i have.
  20. You're lucky to have friends that care about your music The music then: The intro is rough but i like the concept (and still not near as rough and unpolished as my stuff). the voicesample is cool. Then the kick and bass kick in and especially the bass is nice. Then some psychedelic effects of the kind that i have no clue how to make (is it some special synth for them?). The hihats are panned and distorted in a way im not totally fond of, but when more of them kick in it becomes a lot better and very groovy. No climax to comment on which is kinda sad, but this tune can be really good with a proper climax. The bass is totally Murderaaarrghhh and nice percussions in the end of the sample. The intro doesn't completely fit but to tell you the truth, i think it becomes more of a journey if you introduce different moods through the song, so keep the intro ^^
  21. Yeah my comment was a little sarcastic so dont take it seriously =)
  22. I know the song you posted was like 145-148 something but i think 142 is not slow either.
  23. "slow stuff (142)" excuse me? What is the world coming to!?
  24. Good sounds, great flow! First song i heard from you and im really impressed! nice feeling that doesn't get disturbed. I wouldn't call it dark though because that makes it sound like it's a boring "night time stomper" with bass, drums and chirps and clicks. It's not that, it's a great melodic sound with oldschool feeling and good melody enhancing chirps and clicks! The bass reminds me of hallucinogen, i will try to find the song i'm thinking of. EDIT: the song with similar bass was bubble'n'tweak. although that bass is not as similar as i thought. Anyway, the bass rocks and is very hypnotic and not boring fullon-ish. GREAT work!
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