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Everything posted by qa2pir

  1. oooh! don't forget the funk and the massive superwaves and the subtlety and fatness I will try to make one to... i will never finish.
  2. When you're talking about it, I would be happy to see the psytrance scene replaced with something else. I know what I would like it to sound like, but still i can't imagine it... Cosmic but yet slow and funky.. And fat but still subtle. Something that makes pictures of giant future cities in the skies pop up in your head, a melting pot of coolness and emotion.. Cause trance has a disturbing lack of emotions and funkiness (at least all the tracks i've heard). This topic really carries me away Won't sleep tonite. Will daydream about those cities instead. Where everyone has purple hairĀ“and blue clothings... And where all the music is good.
  3. No darkness in Lone Deranger? Wow, you are so cool and experienced
  4. Philter: thank you very much!
  5. i hope you will excuse me for hi-jacking your thread for a moment i just wonder what a gate is exactly? what does it do technically and how do i use it?
  6. Geomantik by Prana from the cd Geomantik. A good relaxed song, and when the beat starts it's absolutely megafunky. I thin kit would fit.
  7. No problems You are from sweden right?
  8. that's why i put "easylistening" in front of it. cause even though the basslines are basic and the arrangement basically just consists of two different melodies repeating over again and it is not suitable for getting into trance or anything, the melodies are like goa light. and i got really dissapointed when having my first listen to it in years this weekend. i've heard so much better now. but the melodies are still great (some of them) and i thought it would be fun to see what you think =) And to MpMsAy: He has released 4 albums now =) (The later the more completely meaningless)
  9. It's swedish easylistening goa/trance from -98 Speaking about production quality and arrangement, it's pretty poor but some melodies are lovely. Dreamy, not really psychedelic but makes you float away into another time and place a bit. here's a link to the amazon page of the album: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detai...=glance&s=music Anyone heard it? What do you think?
  10. Every piece of music that's been made by a creative producer will give the listener a feel of joy. I feel very happy when listening to goa music. I've found some tracks that make me sad as well. But mostly i just feel full of energy like you said.
  11. not heard many but talpa is goood!
  12. I've only got 48 cd's... 12 of them are subject to selling (they are crap) That means 36. 12 non electronic (mainly hiphop, skatepunk, nu metal) 24 electronic records. About 10 of them trance or chillout. Gotta buy more.. yarr. My parents won't let me order from psyshop or saikosounds though
  13. ... Keith303 - Suffocate Symbiosis ? ... Keith303 - Liquid Sinus ? ... Matrix Cubed - Robotik EP ? ... Sybaris - Welcome to the Gods ? ? ... Subhuman - The Sky Beyond (the innerverse) ? The tracks above can't be found on the ftp server =(
  14. Is there anyway to even download the album?
  15. I've downloaded it all and listened through half of the songs. Everything is really good, thanks so much!
  16. Maye i'm weird, but i think Pleiadians music is totally emotionless (but good):S I think Transwave and BLue Planet Corp, Hallucinogen and many others are very emotional.
  17. How old are they? I don't recognise any of the artist names. Edit: of course i had a listen now, and it sounds really inviting. I'm about halfway through Makara - mantra and the melodies are just so intelligent and awesome. This is the first trancemusic i can imagine is possible to trip to. much less cheesy and yet more melodic than any goa i've heard. it sounds old, simple and atmospheric, and i love it!
  18. The idea of the track is very good! The melody is dreamy and spacey, and the beginning makes want to hear more. I like how you put together different small parts with lots of panned delay and dreamish pads behind. But the percussion sounds distorted, which doesn't fit the track at all. Maybe you wanted it that way? Well, i suggest you make a slightly more prominent kick and bass (i think the should "work together" more) and look over the hihats once again. Maybe the entire song is clipping, but i think it's something with the hats and kick mainly, the snare is really tight and fits the track well. Overall: great track, dreamy and very goa-ish. Keep it up!
  19. Thank you! Didn't think i was going to get such nice comments! And now i know which genre it belongs to I always have problems with classifying my stuff since it rarely becomes what i wanted from the beginning. One song that is made with a vision from the beginning is "hiding from the whale", it's fast psytrance but i think it's not as good as sonic walz. Chec it out if you want =) Grimoire: I suppose the percussional sounds are the ones that sound a bit boring? Or do you mean the synths?
  20. I really don't know if this is necessarily trance but i think it's quite psychedelic (122 bpm). It's called Sonic Walz - but it is not a walz, just that the main part is in triplets, which i see as high- speed walz =) This is the direct stream- link: http://www.soundclick.com/util/streamM3U.m3u?ID=2157156&q=Hi And this is the link to my music page where it's called "the never existing saga of the sonic walz" http://www.soundclick.com/bands/5/qa2pirmusic.htm Any comments are appreciated!
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