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Everything posted by crazyboris

  1. Simon Posford is hugely overrated.
  2. yeah, they do matter
  3. dumb track titles
  4. don't feel bad, the dx7 is great too bout the mwxt; it's almost sold snorry
  5. woooo a dx7 IID sweet I'm saving for an sy77. the mwxt is €390. photos on demand
  6. experimental sounds and complex drones >> microwave xt! (I'm selling one btw ) other: nord lead/modular, wavestation, jd-800/990 (instead of JV-1080), ensoniq ts-10/12 etc or just a sampler with lots of modulation options? what kind of synthesis r u interested in? fm, wavetable, additive...?
  7. Sennheiser HD 650 http://www.sennheiserusa.com/newsite/hires/HD650_hires.jpg
  8. I've got a few songs of his. It's pretty ok although i'm not really into "psybient" and such.
  9. i blame television for that edit: and sugar
  10. "nobody" actually means "Blaze"
  11. that's a healthy male fantasy nothing gay about it just guys around the fire listening to music.
  12. hmmmz probably in a log cabin with a stone fireplace in the company of men with lumberjack shirts on
  13. it seems that nobody mentions Simon Posford
  14. the USA Bruce Springsteen - Born in the USA
  15. technics sl 1200 or 1210 perhaps?
  16. The only ambientish label I know that releases their music on vinyl is Type records. I really like their music. How come other labels don't release on vinyl too? Is it too risky maybe? MP3 releases yeah sure, and CD-R's too, but no vinyl Or maybe I just haven't discovered them yet. Maybe you guys can give me some names of labels? I already know Drone Records but their music is too noisy.
  17. I bought a fancy multitracker! http://www.yamaha.com/yamahavgn/CDA/Conten...G%253DY,00.html And I'm going to buy a Wavestation EX next week!
  18. http://www.myspace.com/mp3tests it's worth checking out these guys are from the Netherlands
  19. Radiohead - Hail to the thief
  20. tiesto's dutch too
  21. vidna obmana
  22. It was fun reading, especially the beginning where you compare your mother with a 303
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