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Everything posted by crazyboris

  1. "A true collectors item!"
  2. DJ Schwa - schlamastikka
  3. Maybe this could be helpful: http://www.synthzone.com/theorytb.htm
  4. Except for Skazi tracks
  5. Hi Increase your attack. It makes your bassline whip (?)a little bit. Have lots of fun!
  6. My worst would be 7 nation army... WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!!! (I haven't heard the other remixes)
  7. I wanted to add a few but they're already in this list Big thank you!
  8. I bet his lame 7 Nation Army RMX was one of them... ténnnnngggg teng téng teng teng tenngg tennnnggggg Shiva Jörg for president!
  9. Fill your head with Phantasm vol. 2 It's like you're listening to the audio samples of an old album on Saikosounds.
  10. Simsynth is crap, Wasp isn't. Hint: Don't use presets What I mean is that you can get some decent dark sounds out of Wasp, even a few out of that other crappy DX10 synth. But I don't use them very often
  11. Isn't there going to be released something under the name Metal Sharon? (Simon + Ozric Tentacles) Correct me if I'm wrong.
  12. Of course it will. Don't you worry
  13. Of course... why didn't I think of that... Thanks man
  14. What exactly do you mean by this?
  15. HI EVERYBODY! (hi doctor...) Does anyone of you know where I can find some decent samples of sounds of the rainforest (animals etc)? Most samples I found on the internet are FULL of noise... Or can someone recommend me a good sample cd(rom)? The same thing for the ethnic/asian/indian... stuff. Only these or even harder to find (imo). Can anyone help me out? Thanks
  16. How much for number 7 and number 10?
  17. Nu zegt ge daar iets... de Waves bundles... Weet ge wel hoeveel die kosten? Ah ja, ik verkies om software te kopen (tenzij ze gratis EN legaal is). Gekraakte software is broodroof. Das hetzelfde als mp3's downloaden vind ik.
  18. blijkbaar hebt gij veel geld om uit te geven En de kwaliteit van uw geluid is beter me fl in cubase dan fl apart? Tiens, das interessant Dus ge maakt alles in fl ma ge mastert het in cubase... Is da tzelfde als werken me fl en de geluidskwaliteit van cubase bekomen? Of iets in die aard... A brief translation for the non-Flemish speaking members of this forum: So you make your songs with FL but by mastering with cubase you obtain a better soundquality instead of using only FL?
  19. Thanks Freeware plugins that don't decrease (is this the right verb?) the soundquality of your track are always welcome!
  20. Hi everyone. I'm thinking of changing from FL to Digital Performer: it's cheaper than Logic (because there aren't instruments and FX-plugins included, which gives you the possibility to spend your money on the plugins you actually want) and it seems that it's much easier to use too. And the sound quality is much better with DP than with FL too. Unfortunately, there's no trial version of DP... As there are no FX-plugins included, you have to buy them seperately. I've been searching the web for quite some time now and I've tried a few myself (trial versions of course ) but I'm sure that there are still a lot of unknown (for me) out there that are pretty good. So... can anyone of you give me some advice on some FX-plugins? No need to mention the ones from Waves... Greets, Philip
  21. Yesterday I was watching a TV program about tuning cars and they played psytrance...
  22. Syntecno's Teebee It seems to be the best TB-clone on the market. I can also recommand you Rebirth (software) because this one is a lot cheaper than the Teebee, but doesn't sound that good
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