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Everything posted by Shaft

  1. Ochre - A Midsummer Nice Dream Gimmik - Load Error Abfahrt Hinwill - Links Berge Rechts Seen Placed order with Toytronic. Been digging Ochre's Lemodie very much as well as the Abfahrt Hinwill tracks on the Everything is Green compilation - so I took the plunge.
  2. Hm.. thought Simon and Raja had run out of Shpongle ideas. Well hopefully it'll be good.
  3. Hi Andreas!
  4. I would go, but most of the discussion takes place here.
  5. A quick poem for you, Shaft. It's entitled 'You' and is by D H Lawence. Enjoy.

    You, you don’t know me.

    When have your knees ever nipped me

    like fire-tongs a live-coal

    for a minute?

  6. Well obviously you should build it to how you work.. everyone's setups will be different. For me, both keyboards are at the right hand side of me, and I actually have to shift my chair to get to them - but this works well as I have transport controls on the novation and don't really need to sit infront of the screen.. But if I'm not writing music then it's cool as the keyboards are out of the way and it means I can use the rest of the desk for all my programming books...
  7. Artwork looks hot, very consistent with the rest of the releases. Sweet job.
  8. I dunno, it seemed like you made up your mind in the initial post.
  9. If you had already made your mind up, why did you post this?
  10. I don't mind light mixing, as long as it doesn't cut into the track too much.. but I prefer unmixed compilations with a decent flow / rhythm. Like to hear the tracks in full length if possible!
  11. * Secede - Vega Libre http://www.discogs.com/release/847344
  12. Yeah, it's only about 50 minutes in length.. + all the tracks are different versions of the one track Vega Libre. Got it today, and spinning it right now...
  13. It would have been easy for Simon and Raja to produce an album that was similar to the first two, or completely abandoning the sound of those two albums and going for something different - they instead produced an album with the same feeling as the other two, but was much more diverse. It's very easy to sell out, let's not forget. LPs don't have to get worse, IMO it's all about taste anyway, and you can't say it will be an 'abomination' because you don't know.
  14. Perhaps it was intentional.
  15. Secede - Vega Libre [discogs images] Release date:08 Jan 2007 Label: Sending Orbs Catalog Number: SO 007 Album type: CD | 12" Tracks (CD): 01 Vega Libre 11:49 02 Vega Libre: The Citadel 03:35 03 Vega Libre: The Marvel 09:18 04 Vega Libre: Entering Next 05:10 05 Vega Libre: Last Hours 03:56 06 Vega Libre: Sleeping World 11:04 07 Vega Libre: Tetsu Inoue Remix 05:48 Tracks (12"): 01 Vega Libre 11:49 02 Vega Libre: The Citadel 03:35 03 Vega Libre: Last Hours 03:56 04 Vega Libre: Sleeping World 11:04 MySpace Teaser Needless to say I immediately ordered this little beauty from SO the second I turned on the PC. I was extremely impressed with both Tryshasla and Bye Bye Gridlock Traffic, and now this CD / EP looks set to push Sending Orbs into my immediate-buy list of labels - that are constantly releasing quality music. Artwork is stunning. The music preview is stunning (see the myspace teaser). In short, buy it. Quickly!
  16. Aye.. I hardly buy anything else than cds. It's a case of wanting everything you can get hold of for nowt, and as mp3s are a common item these days (and easy to pirate) then people do so. Grabbing a few cds from the store isn't a smart idea, so why not just download them? Heck, it's free and nobody will care!
  17. Never heard of lettuce soup.. perhaps you meant cabbage? Chinese fried cabbage with ginger and stuff is pretty tasty (boiled cabbage is disgusting though)
  18. You cook lettuce??
  19. Vega Libre will be my next purchase, methinks. Wouldn't recommend it.. I placed a 3 cd order - Blamstrain came through fine, but the other package, Yagya and Kettel came in one cd mailer and both jewel cases were pretty smashed.. the artwork wasn't damaged though so I just replaced the broken cases. So yeah, one at a time is better I think..
  20. Yep.. CDs all the way for me.
  21. 1. Ochre - Lemodie (Benbecula) http://www.discogs.com/release/728110 2. V/A - Downbeat Liquid Volume 1 (Chillcode Records) http://www.discogs.com/release/778116 3. Electrypnose - Subliminimal Melancholies (Ajana Records) http://www.discogs.com/release/713639 4. Trentemøller - The Last Resort (Poker Flat Recordings) http://www.discogs.com/release/847586 5. V/A - Vajra (Indica Music) http://www.discogs.com/release/614451 edit: Forgot about Electrypnose...
  22. I have that one too...
  23. I listened to the downtempo side last night and it was good - though there were some parts of the tracks I didn't 'get into', but it's early days yet. Loved Ambiguity, sweet track for sure. 27 minutes is a long time, eh? I was wondering when it was going to finish! Thumbs up though, I'll be spinning disc 2 later on when I'm in the mood.
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