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Wise old ones
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Everything posted by Shaft

  1. IMO it would do better without the text there. But awesome all the same.
  2. Playing through the four tracks of my album and the last track is on right now... Kaleideoscopic - A Day Ambles Lazily Along
  3. Anything from Ishq.
  4. Ah yes, they both have the same keyboard shortcut. I can't do anything about it.
  5. I still didn't do the hymen order yet, though primarily because I'm almost finished with doing someone's website and they'll pay me through PayPal - then I can use that for some CD buying. Thinking about getting Stendeck's latest and also LEGIAC's new one on Sending Orbs.
  6. Couple of days ago... * Zero 7 - Simple Things * Moby - 18
  7. Awesome tune. np: Starcade - Radio Interstellar
  8. Shaft

    Sunday Chill

    It happens, when you're just getting into a style.
  9. Shaft


    LOVE all of these tracks. Though I wouldn't personally classify Sandspider as IDM. Check out more of Sending Orbs stuff, particularly LEGIAC who are releasing sometime this/next month, I forget And also there's a lot of good stuff on Hymen.
  10. 1 Vega Libre (11:49) 2 Vega Libre: The Citadel (3:35) 3 Vega Libre: The Marvel (9:18) 7 Vega Libre: Tetsu Inoue Remix (5:48) Are my favourites. The rest I didn't much like - it's a good single but Tryshasla is much better as a complete work.
  11. It was never released...
  12. Can we have a tracklist?
  13. Same here... Apart from a select few tracks I listen to a lot, most of his stuff just doesn't do it for me like it used to.
  14. Stunning artwork as always guys. Keep up the good work
  15. I emailed Lennard a while back to ask him about the new releases, and here's what he had to say: heya, all the stuff on the kettel/secede collab album will be brand new, and the sound is gonna be quite different from leraine and such. we're still sort of picking tracks and making/editing new ones..its a slow process since we're both kinda busy. and yeah the track on my site is a sort of teaser..originally made for a new album which im working on as well if all goes well it will probably surface somewhere early 2008 cheers! len
  16. Air - Talisman And to bed!
  17. IMO I would put Secede in the same vein as the Future Sound Of London... I'd definitely call it psychedelic music.
  18. Lennard van der Last (Secede) Not psytrance. But favourite producer.
  19. Landau - Independence and next: Bluetech - Cliffdiving
  20. Shaft

    Sunday Chill

    I've got most of the tracks... though I don't think Crescent Suns isn't anything orgasmic. I would personally have dropped Leraine (even though it's brilliant) and put Born In A Tropical Swamp right at the end. Favourite tune of all time. Bye Bye Gridlock Traffic is a corker too, but quite fast... ~180bpm. The original San Pedro is great, but the Low Sky remix is definitely on another level. Deer Park too is really good - but Cumulus is definitely one of the building up tracks!! Might download tomorrow though!
  21. Please don't. We have enough shanti shanti ethno generic crap out there as it is... make something different?
  22. Yes, though I prefer the first disc to the live 2nd disc.
  23. Crop Circles - Lunar Civilisation
  24. Got these on Monday... * Proem - You Shall Have Ever Been http://www.discogs.com/release/809068 * Machine Drum - Mergerz & Acquisitionz http://www.discogs.com/release/661829
  25. Good news.
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