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Mad old ones
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Everything posted by moni

  1. Trademarks need to be washed too from time to time. Edit: he also wears the same belt with those jeans .. must be part of the trademark.
  2. Oh, no! The terror jeans are back! Damn it, he wears these jeans everywhere. He has these jeans on in EVERY PICTURE that exists on this internet. Somebody give this guys a second pair of jeans please! *runs away screaming*
  3. moni

    I am angry

    I have these 2 friends: - one has a well paid job, and does music in his free time, cause he likes it, and it's fun. he dj's at parties for free and even pays his own transportation and stuff. - one has a decently paid job. music is what he wants to do, as music is his life, but music doesn't put food on his table, so he spends more time with his job, and less time making music, and being depressed and unhappy. I said that artists shouldn't have to have two jobs to be able to get by. So what are you disaggreeing with? The fact that for some people music making is a hobby? Making music in your free time isn't quite a "career", especially after you have been at work for 10-12 hours. Anyway, some are probably in a good situation, where they have a job that pays well, and maybe the job isn't requiring you to work overtime, and you consider your free time as plenty enough to make music. Sorry for calling it a hobby. I rushed.
  4. moni

    I am angry

    You've got a full time job and make music in your free time? Then music is to you what we all know as "hobby". Let's make a difference between people who make music out of some interest, curiosity, for fun, aaaand people for whom music is their life, their career, their time, their full-time job. And when they don't get paid because of some unfair processes that developed in the scene, they have to reduce their music-making time, and get a job, to get by. A SECOND job. I have said it so many times, it makes me sick repeating it, but here it goes: talented artists should be rich, it's only natural that art should be rewarded with money, and big money still, because art is not a basic need (like food and water are for example), and art is not easy to create. So people should stop saying: "Make music for yourself, it's not about the money!" ... such statements make you look shallow and little. If it's not about the money, it's about recognition, appreciation. Artists search for rewards like these, but they have to be materialised, so we can keep them alive. So it IS about the money ... too. Edit: Amygdala, don't get this wrong, i'm not addressing you, it's a generalisation of a concept.
  5. moni

    I am angry

    I understand where Elysium's and Colin's disapointments are coming from. Looking at the line-ups of the biggest festivals around, and seeing the live acts displayed, i found myself saying: "Wtf are some names doing in these line-ups? They haven't released anything impressive lately!" I have been part of a festival crew, but when i joined the crew, the line-up was made allready, and then i noticed that the main organiser was actually friends with quite few acts in that line-up. So, up to a certain level i can state that gigs in the psytrance scene are based on friendships between promoters-organisers-artists. It's a process similar to "bed-ing your way up". Surely there are also serious organisers, serious promoters, serious labels who sweat to get good results in their psy-activity, and maybe end up loosing money, but still have the energy to go on. But there are also good artists that sweat, and when the people you work with and put your hope into turn out to be fake, the disapointment is much bigger. Money come and money go, and money can be lost, cause we're built so that we can make more. But art is not like that, art cannot be wasted. Art is time, time is precious, time is life. You waste art, you waste someone's life. My only advice to artists that get disapointed by the scene is: Take control of your dreams, and don't put your hopes in one person only (one organiser, one promoter, one label)... it's you who's got the gold, and 99% should never be "good enough"! Be an artist at soul, and a bussiness man at mind. Life's a bitch sometimes and we must be kameleons. Psytrance is not dead, psytrance has just split into more psytrances than what we expected. So Elysium is leaving the scene, but Kristian Andersen is still making music. His progressive house electro tunes have impressed me nicely these last few weeks, and he's doing well gigs-wise and promotion-wise too. The music sells also. So i have no reason to say good bye to nobody, i still have his good music in my life. Good luck Holm & Andersen!
  6. So far, most played CDs are ones from 2005: Ticon - Zero Six After Antix - Twin Coast Discovery VA - Midnight Storm VA - Invasion From Hyperspace VA - Set 5 Kaya Project - Elixir VA - Left Coast Liquid Shpongle - Nothing Lasts... But Nothing Is Lost some Ocelot.. etc... and older... Shpongle - Tales Of The Inexpressible Emou - Still... Pretty Good Year OOOD - aLive From 2006: Tegma - Around The World In 80 Minutes Androcell - Efflorescence new tracks by Holm & Andersen (also known as Elysium) - prog house & electro, the good stuff
  7. Topic moved from Music Promotion section to Music Making section.
  8. - intimate hygiene tissues - painkillers - lighter - some plastic bottle in which you can mix drinks (ex: vodka + orange juice) so you don't have to carry 2 bottles with you all the time - earplugs - clothes for cold/rainy weather - clothes for hot weather - condoms - etc!
  9. Well, showing up here and replying to his complaint shows a good attitude from your side. I've been an organiser myself and i know it's not easy to solve all details in the world, and to make everything perfect for everybody. Especially with the stress level and the sleepless nights and etc. Banjankri, i wouldn't be so upset on the food-shops at festivals. Food and hanging out at restaurants is not the main attraction of a festival. Take the money, give me the food and i'll go mind my own bussiness. Shops in festivals are independent from the organisers, as Neurobiotic said.
  10. i only bought from them once, didn't have problems. they gave me some promotional stuff, flyers and so, and also their card. it contains this info: good luck!
  11. When people's money are the subject of a contact, it's best that you show a serious attitude rather than a "funny" one. You are the organisers of a big festival, you have big responsibilities, so you should act serious .. that's what people that buy your tickets expect. Seriousity. Plus it's all international, different countries have different languages, different cultures, different minds and different sense of humour. What might be a good joke for you, might be a bad joke for another person. Good luck with Sonica 2006 and hope to be there in 2007! Have fun!
  12. All posts related to your post were moderated. You're not the only one who got moderated. Shaft, reger, abasio, and radi6404 of course, got moderated as well. This is the General Section, more info, less mocking please. Even though i understand where your post came from...
  13. Moderator's note: Please don't use insulting/offensive language, joke or no joke. Topic moderated.
  14. no. probably to a non-psy person. psy people can buy for themselves if they want. non-psy people don't even know about the existence of such music.
  15. yeah, 1 i'm gonna give to a guy. dunno which guy yet. ain't that funny?
  16. cool. it would be nice if you had also older releases though ... i suppose PsyBuy is based in Germany? good luck!
  17. good track too bad you can't really find such releases anymore. to buy or to dld i mean.
  18. and i saved the best for last. i find this one quite mind-expanding: i think it's an actual painting, if my memory is not playing tricks on me.
  19. another one that i like. it would make a nice backdrop:
  20. from another cathegory ... remarkable covers: actually all Hallucinogen's covers are "unforgetfull" i wonder how this one is done and who did it:
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