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Everything posted by djgreen

  1. your high energy and nice track selection gaps for some of your rough mixes thanks for sharing
  2. patrik, would you recommend a pair of in-ear phones for the mid-budgeted psy listner? also, after .wav, what is your choice audio compression? very high-end setup, where do you live, can i have a listen!!!??
  3. Excellent Review DeathPosture! This VA is spectacular; A big benchmark for the (scando) progressive psy scene. The tracks are neatly crafted to perfection and sequenced and arranged wonderfully by the compilers. The dark mood setting of this VA is something I am always in the look for in the progressive psy scene. Not enough of it is coming around, for some reason most of the progressive tracks out there are a bit too fluffy as were written for the morning time. That can be a little too epic for many people who are into psytrance. I was explaining a friend that the reason I love progressive-psy so much is because it has a lot space in it. More room to expend and grow, but the sounds are phat and very filling so the space doesn't feel empty. It feels mature, structured and emotional. So back to this amazing compilation: Beat Bizarre - Corrosive Juices (Shaman remix) - Groovy, Deep and sexy beats full of crunchy whooomping fx sounds and phattty basslines. The melody rides this track farther and farther away into unknown realms that just sound so good with those tight hi-hats. This track really touches my heart, good job! POTS - Pole Position Club: Uplifting, techy, and housey beat joined by drum-n-bass sounding amens (pure acid sounds). Nicely chopped voices bring in a change into a more rolling bassline and a thumpier kick. The sounds are screaming something in a language I cannot understand, but i can for sure hear the track trying to tell me something. pretty intensly. Amazing precaution work going on here. oh i can speak about this track for ever but let's continue on. Parrket - Science in my Mind: Melodic kick drum with off beat hi-hats and atmospherically ocean sounding pads welcome in a distinguished kick/bass combo that makes this track progressive!!! Here land the melody, sounds like a sad victory song from France. it comes in and flips this track into a mind bending sonic sensation that keeps unfolding deeper and deeper throughout some harder parts like screams of war. But the progression continues and the hope is near (3:13) – melody is back telling us not to worry, things are sad, things are hard, but the beat is there, the snare is here, and we got to keep marching (3:43). The sounds interact, dialect and the beat becomes stronger. I’ll leave it up to you to find out the rest… Kalimax – Demons: Here comes my favorite track in this compilation. The mood setting is dark and spooky from start. Long lasting pads lead you through far tribal soundscapes. The beat kicks, fast strong and rolling. Like a wild flying horse going through the skies. Faster, faster the hi-hats demand. Wait, look (1:45), and keep rolling!!! Something is chasing you- a Struggle, a cry, a whispering sound tearing through the air. (2:45) Wait, keep going, a ray of sunshine and hope is inspiring the rider to continue riding. Don’t be scared (3:30). Keep riding. You have arrived (4:30) – draw out the sword and prepare to fight. Your heart is pumping, but you keep cool. You see them; all around you, inside of you, your heart keeps beating. DEMONS!!!!! (5:40) To be continued… Lovely!!!! A must buy 9/10 All tracks are favorites but the prosect track took me out of mood a little.
  4. Hahahaha Actually buddy, the translation is not victory or winning but conducting. The act a conductor performs on a symphony. It relates to the early trance music in Israel because the artist will get on stage, wave his hands in the air as the melody play just as if he was conducting the crowd. I must tell u nitzhonots haters that for me, it was the first contact with fast pre-psy trance. and it was actually quite a treat at the time. Every week a new track will come out like, Tarzan, Jungle story, elephants, and such... and it really got us kids excited. Till this day I get a kick listening to holymen tracks. Nitzhonots trance is the closest trance to goa. I could be wrong about the translation, but I always thought it to be that kind of nitzhonots and not victories.
  5. Wow! Thank you Cybernetika, this is the first time someone wrote a full review on one of my mixes. I am glad you enjoy this hour of chaos, and that we share a bunch of favorite tracks. Trolsk - Thanks for checking it out anyway. Btw, only two tracks got guitar in them, and I mix out of the second one relativitly fast. I do enjoy guitars in psy as they express emotions strongly. uchzzzzzzz
  6. FOR PROMOTIONAL USE ONLY - FOR PROMOTIONAL USE ONLY - DJ: Green Mix: Dark to the power of 6 URL: http://mindflux.us/pvt/DjGreen_-_dark_to_the_power_of_6.mp3 URL2: Coming Soon... Date: July/2005 Style: Dark PsyTrance Time: 57:35 min Size: 73MB Encoder - Lame 3.96.1 Bitrate - VBRkbps/44.1 Khz info: Enjoy 1 hour of pure chaos noises to all my alienz friends out there more to come... always support the scene/artists/labels tracklisting: 1. 06 baphomet engine - satanic temple (remix) 2. 06 MENTAL SKRAGMA - No Beginning - X-RAY 3. 06 terminator - two lions - Theory of Madness 4. 06 psyxs - claustrofobia - Demon nights 5. 06 IRON MADNESS - Maniac police - FOREST 6. 06 psychotic micro - face of fear - electric embryo 7. 06 freaking - depravation chambers - Hammering the gate of soul 8. 06 quasar - hickadelic - Alien FM 9. 01 Psybirds - tzar 10. 01 alien fm - intro (rmx)
  7. I thought psybirds are russian
  8. I agree with grahf, goagill should bring more light and positive spiritual goa trance into the scene. But stepping into darkness also has its benefits as the light might seem brighter coming from the valley of death. My favorite image of goagill is from Last Hippie Standing documentary where he plays a most uplifting set and the crowd respond is just amazing. I will actually cut that part of the vid and post it on this forum To stay on-topic, when goa gill goes dark, it is no-mercy, no-one-can-help-you-now dark trance. did you hear the last VA he released? it is pure (good) evil
  9. I find Wizack's music anything but formulaic and polished. His music is purely unstructured brain chaos in many colors and flavors. not sure what tracks of his you have heard, but the dude produces a track a day, and it always has different sounds, different basslines, different structure. yes he does have his unique wizack sound but its not the formulated gms track that only the sample and key might be different. I find his style very fitting for stoneage, and especially to kluster's latest album. Not many artists can make music as psychotic as wizack. as for fresh new dark'n madness, checkout the new vectorselector release.
  10. heya ! thanks , glad you enjoy it i have a new one coming up shortly that is darker, harder, faster and more focus using the latest energy bombs. the dark side mix is like a teaser of different styles of dark trance and so the flow might be a little off. most people told me they like the ending the best, but that is because they are fullon heads. stay tuned
  11. very nice track selection, must listen!!!
  12. i got one its my first dark one so its a little all over the place had to do with my mood that day I have just replaced it with a higher quality version too (192) enjoy http://mindflux.us/mydarkside.htm 1. Three Point Turn - Committed - Explicit (HADSHCD19 - HADSHOT HAHEIZAR 2002) 2. Tim Schuldt - Constant and sharp - First Error Code (AUR1CD003 - AURINKO RECORDS 2003) 3. Tim Schuldt - Tearing the fright - First Error Code (AUR1CD003 - AURINKO RECORDS 2003) 4. PPS Project - Data Storm - AC VS DC (HAD1CD023 - HADSHOT HAHEIZAR 2003) 5. Random - Point R - VA - Demons Night (Unreleased 2004) 6. Fighter Project - "Coma S.S." - Psychofight (NOVIY ZVUK 2005) 7. Psypeyote - Follow The Frequency - (Unreleased 2005) 8. Micromusic - (Unreleased 2004) 7. Wizack Twizack - Sweeden Weeden - (Unreleased - STONEAGE RECORDS 2005) 8. Winter Demon Vs. Toxic - Dancelution - VA Project Sun dew (BL04 - BEYOND LOGIC 2005) 9. REV - Sunday driver - VA Forest (DOO1CD015 - DOOF RECORDS 2005) 10. R.A.M. - Midnight Snacks - VA Planetary Exodus (FPRCD001 - FRAGILE PLANET 2004) 11. Kindzadza - Back to the future - VA Psychedelic Yours 3 (PRVCD08 - PARVATI RECORDS 2005)
  13. hmm you guys are wrong that yael cover is NOTHING in its gayness compare to Astrix - Artcore he looks like a dragqueen...wtf
  14. this is killah piece of dark evil energy night music. fantastic track selection - bang on mixes - high energy from start to end. favorite parts: t he mix at minute 25 the huxflux track!!! the mix right after the huxflux track (i think) at min 52-53 the last mix killah! I didn't mind the mono, but I do not think it is nesecry to have a mono mp3 at 256kbps. 192 will do fine, or 224kbps vbr. gimme part III
  15. HI! Just found this post and I am at work and cannot do torrents from here. I can host this mix online but the file size will have to be smaller. I recommend 192vbr with a baseline at 160kbps That should bring the mix size for about 100MB at that size, I can cover about 300 downloads for you for one month or something can't wait to hear it! I am way into progressive psy lately I have a set in the works...featuring some really hot tunes - stay tuned
  16. This show totally did it for me!!! sry I wasn't there for the chat, an important meeting at work held me from doing so, not that I would of managed to point out more than 2 of the tracks yaniv played. This style of electro is soo appeling to me, and I am not normally attracted to older sounding 80s influnced sounds but man, this is so good and yaniv can mix it soo well. Krelm's unique style was a perfect mix to Yaniv, bringing a psychedelic and tribal break it-build it-progress it vibe with his sounds. I have already listened to the show twice and will do again. thanks and keep it coming -Tom
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