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Everything posted by GagaISM

  1. Winding-Refn, the director of Pusher, Bleeder, Fear X, Valhalla Rising, Bronson and the new film Drive is a fan of Koxbox and used them in his debut film Pusher from 1996.
  2. Zenon is to my knowledge usually a bit different to the Scando style, but Cujurius One's Creating A Second Sun and the Rolling Eyes comp fits right within this sub-genre. Maybe the rest too... I don't know.
  3. I know that we've discussed this topic a million times before, but I'm still looking for more! Looking for stuff like: Atmos (Headcleaner, Klein Aber Doctor) Auricular (Audion) Autopsy (Espark) Beat Bizarre (Lewd) Bufo Castell, Maria Charasmatix (Soma Agents) Comadose Cujorius One Die Sonne (The RIP) Genetic Spin (Lowrider & On/Off) Haldolium - (Deagua & H2) Igneous Sauria Intact Instinct Krumelur (Minimal Animal) Minimal Criminal Moses N.A.S.A. (early) Noma - Navigator Nuclear Ramjet (Music For Spaceports) Paps Planet BEN - Silver Psypox Shiva Chandra (Auricular, Gecko) Snug as a Bug Tegma (Doppelganger) Tenka (early) Tripiatrik Vaishiyas (Flaxid) XV-Kilist Yumade (Creamcrop era) Zerotonine (Cygnus Loops) V/A: Daneism - Ayahuasca Records The Lurker - Cosmic Conspiracy Records Liquid Levels - Creamcrop Records Folded View - Creamcrop Records Plan.Plant.Planet - Crotus Records Soundscapes Part 1 - Crotus Records Tryptamine - Iboga Digital X-Perience: Dreamsession - Leviathan Recordings Undefined Emotional Frequencies - Leviathan Recordings Progopoly - Plastik Park Halluci-nations - TIP World Farmer's Choice - Traktor Schalllabor Rolling eyes - Zenon records Proto/borderline stuff: Children of Paradise (Urban Alien) Hux Flux (Cryptic Crunch) X-Dream (Radio) Boom!
  4. That doesn't say anything. You know why? Because people into electronic music aren't as dedicated to groups/names as Metal heads are. There's still so much more people listening to electronic music than to Metal. I know this because electronic music is rather weak here in Copenhagen (compared to the UK, Holland, Germany etc) and you'll find 30 times as many people at electronic parties each weekend, while there's maybe only one or two Metal shows with less than 200 people attending each. Plus House music and minimal Techno is played at almost every reception, fashion show, store opening around town. Electronic music is simply much more accessible as a whole. Most of the people listening to it just don't care about names. They mainly care about what's currently trendy and popular. Even my old friends who used to listen to Goa think that Astral and Psy sounds too old now. So they listen to Techno instead. All that will of course change once the trend arrives.
  5. Ps. A little example (I used to be active in the Black Metal movement for years) is how it was virtually impossible to find Black Metal bands playing the old school style (without keyboards and symphonic elements) in the late 90'es. There was maybe 20 active bands around worldwide. The scene was so small. Releases were all limited to around 100-300 copies. These days Watain (one of those few bands) is signed to a semi-major label, selling thousands of records and touring the world. Thousands of bands have appeared out of nowhere all playing raw old school Black Metal. Many of them shit of course, but a few of them have released new albums just as good if not better than the classic ones. Who would have predicted that just a few years prior? No one... I've been working in record stores for years. I know many shop owners and the story is always the same. No genre will ever be completely forgotten. Especially not genres like Goa Trance that represents a strong and original aesthetic. It's simply too unique not to be picked up again.
  6. What we are experiencing now is an all-time low for Trance. The exact same thing extreme Metal went through post-95. It took about 8-9 years before it got "retro" and picked up again. Now it's probably bigger than ever before (as far as quantity of bands goes). The same will happen with Trance, we are just way too close to the classic era right now. It will take a couple more years before it turns around. But I promise you that it will happen. That's a major misconception. Trance and electronic music is MUCH, MUCH more popular than underground Metal. It's a major cornerstone in contemporary pop-culture. Big mainstream bands like Metallica is a different story of course, but Goa was basically mainstream in it's heyday. It was either Infected Mushroom or Wu-Tang Clan for the young boys in the burbs back in the late 90'es. A band like Napalm Death (best selling Grindcore band ever) never had an attraction like that.
  7. Great thread albeit a very idealistic one. To grasp what's going on with Trance right now you should probably look to underground Metal. That genre has had a HUGE revival (for a "non-commerical" genre) in the past 6 years. Tons of bands picking up on old styles like Proto-Heavy Metal, Doom, Psych, Black, Death, Thrash, NOWBHM, War Metal, Grindcore, Swedeath etc. The same will eventually happen with Psy/Goa. But it's not going to be because of this thread, and I reckon the artist on labels like Suntrip will play a very little role in it. 90's fashion and music is on it's way back into the mainstream. It will be through that wave these new artist will come. They probably won't have much knowledge of this forum or the genres cultural history. But they will get into it fast in need of some new forgotten style to explore. Both musically and aesthetically. Most of the releases will as always be mediocre, but a few of them will with time be regarded as neo-classics. I think we'll see a return to analogue production techniques and hand-painted psychedelic album covers. Thing is that we, in this thread, are waaaaay too immersed in the music, scene and it's history to be able to do it. We need a new generation to help us out of this hole and that generation will come within the next 6 years.
  8. ^ Exactly ^ Our generation has been brain-washes into thinking that genetics doesn't have any influence on who we are. Mainly because of world war 2. Unesco's program to erase the idea of racial and genetic differences has been a great success (I can see why it was necessary). But Unesco is more than anything else a political/humanistic program, not a scientific one. Fact is that our genome decides far more than we'd like to think and that there is a great genetic difference between various human races. Not just the color of our skin. To think that music is somehow above this seems quite absurd to me. Just like it's absurd to ignore the environmental influence. Here's an article that says it's probably a little bit of both: Musical taste may be genetic
  9. Toï Doï deserves mention as well.
  10. That mail is sadly no longer active.
  11. I've always been wondering who this guy is/was as I love the painting he did for Dragon Tales. Was he the man behind Equinox Records? Anywhere I can see more of his artwork?
  12. I'm wondering what the main labels AP has been signed to are. Was the TIP version of Trust In Trance and Another World on Transient just licensed releases?
  13. Process should most definitely also be on the list.
  14. Because we are genetic beings. Our genome decides how well we'll be able to see, and thus decides to what extend we are able to enjoy visual experiences etc. It would be weird if that didn't have any influence on our experience of music. Especially in this day and age where getting access to the most obscure sub-genres is easier than picking up a bottle of milk at the store. In other words; if you have the hormonal balance (or lack there of) to enjoy really aggressive music -> then you will find it. If not, then chance that you'll get into it because of your social surroundings is minimal. Here I mean REALLY getting into it. Craving it. You might be able to enjoy a semi-melodic chorus of some Metal song. But you wouldn't cry if the noisy guitar parts was removed. Some would call that taste. I call it biology. Ya dig?
  15. It's interesting that so few acts have been mentioned, especially if you consider Goa to be the sub-genre.
  16. Hux Flux Koxbox X-Dream Classic Psy is all about the X's
  17. A lot of the members on this board stress the fact that Koxbox ain't Goa Trance. Not that it doesn't make sense. But what I'm wondering then is when Goa and Psy became two distinct genres. If The Infinity Project and Astral Project (among others) are the Godfathers of Goa, then who are the Godfathers of Psy?
  18. Good picks! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NPJ6GMXM3E http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiXioWKF5ig
  19. That does make sense. But they said the opposite on the show I mentioned, and used it as an explanation as to why so few females work with sound engineering. It was a show made for national radio drawing on studies done at a respected university. So I would be surprised if it was total bullshit. I'll have to see if I can dig out some info.
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