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About shamanfilms

  • Birthday 04/04/1982

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    San Francisco
  1. Title: V/A Engrams - Version 2.1 Format: Digipack CD Label: Shaman Films Media Catalog #: SHAMFCD005 Release Date: August 20, 2007 After it�s successful release of �Engrams Luminaria 2012�, Shaman Films Media once again brings you the second chapter �Engrams � Version 2.1�. Engrams are said to contain all sensory perceptions, but are not directly available to the conscious mind, for that same reason we have asked 10 sonic scientist to help us keying the forgetten engrams buried in our minds.. Let yourself go and explore the depths of each sonic prayer guide you into a better understanding of our world and its surroundings. Compiled by Egnogra All tracks mastered by Tim Schuldt @ 4CN Studios Contains Bonus Music video by Glennwiz VS Egnogra Cover Page http://www.shamanfilms.net/engramsfrontweb.jpg Tracklist: 1. Xyla � Psivamp 2. Phobos Azazel � Kokoa Neutrino 3. Psychoz � Black Ram 4. Quazar � Freemak�r 5. Magma Ohm � Dark Rage 6. Netrosystem � From the Circus 7. Detonatik - Chombawomb 8. Claw � V�Ataku 9. Hishiryo � Magellian 10. Paranoize � Nuhmun Meuman 11.-Bonus Video by Glennwiz VS Egnogra Distribution by Beatspace & Wirikuta http://www.beatspace.com Here is a preview of the Music Video on the upcoming Engrams compilation. Label Contact : Guillermo Alarcon Email - shamanfilms@gmail.com Web - http://www.shamanfilms.net Msn- shamanfilms@hotmail.com
  2. Greetings, Shaman Films is currently looking for 3 more Vjs to help us finish ENGRAMS DVD available in next few months.. Currently we are almost finished with the project but we are looking for 3 talented artists that can make a music video for our dvd your work must be 100% original no stock or copy. email shamanfilms@gmail.com msn shamanfilms@hotmail.com www.shamanfilms.net Egnogra
  3. Xyla - Esotera Album OUT MAY 5TH!!!
  4. Title: SECRET MESSAGE - COMMUNICATIONS FROM HYPER DEMENSIONS Label: SHAMAN FILMS MEDIA Cat.-No.: SHAMFCD003 Format: DIGIPACK Distribution: BEATSPACE DIST & WIRIKUTA Release Date: MARCH 23RD 12 Years Ago a Hidden Monolith was discovered this Monolith some people say it contains a hidden message that comes from the pleiadians constellation. The language which is in some type of Alien Language some people say is a prophecy given to the ancients to prepare humans for the upcoming shift of consciousness in the year 2012. The Digipack Contains the Code Encrypted in the layers of graphics and hidden symbolism, your job is to decode the hidden encrypted message from unearthly beings dissecting our very existence to provide an answer to the ultimate questions… Where do we come from? Where are we going? Are you fuckin’ kidding me? Along the ride an uncompromising roster of artists has been conjured to offer the latest in sonic alchemy, making you wonder why frying neurons has never felt this good before. Fearless troopers assemble: a new mission has been laid out for the amusement of your own reality… or the lack of thereof. Compiled by Egnogra ++Bonus++ Interactive Hidden Code Mastering by TIM SHCULDT / 4CN Studios TRACKLIST 1. Xyla 2. Polykaos 3. Baphomet Engine 4. Cannibal Barbacue VS Magma Ohm 5. Blisargon Demogorgon 6. Kerosene Club 7. Cymazz 8. Wizack Twizack 9. Silent Horror 10. Ruslan VS Bombax
  5. Thank You for your kind review and expect many more releases coming from us in the near future.. also to add this was our second VA our first one was ENGRAMS and the next one is called Secret Message - Communications from Hyper Demensions coming soon in few more weeks! Thank You Thank You! EGNOGRA www.shamanfilms.net
  6. Title: V/A "AH PUCH" Lord of the Ninth Demension Label: Shaman Films Records Catalog #: SHAMFCD001 Release Date: March, 2006 Shaman Films is thrilled to present its latest compilation: "AH PUCH" Lord of the 9th Demension” Compiled by VJ ((EgNogRa)) This compilation features 9 killer Dark Mental tracks that will engulf your mind into a journey deep into the realm of Lord “AH PUCH,” Mayan god of death. Him and his demons reign in Mitnal, the mythological land of death, the lowest and most horrific of the nine underworlds! Defining a new direction in digital distributing, “AH PUCH” is the first in a series of interactive multimedia digipacks that include interactive bios, images, and links to past and future artist releases. Each release also includes a free music video! Coming out of San Francisco, California, a boiling pot of Dark Trance Wizards and 3D Gurus, this release will immerse you into a combination of audio/visual stimulation. A story in full spectrum, each level rises in intensity until you find yourself totally electrified in a higher state of consciousness. The nine unreleased tracks are a lethal dose of twisted dark night mental sounds by international PsyTrance wizards from Mexico, Hungary, Germany, Israel, San Francisco, France, and Switzerland. After Shamanfilms’ successful release of V/A’s “Engrams Vol.1,” and “Luminaria 2012,” “AH PUCH” marks the continuation of a voyage through the Mayan Prophecies of 2012. The impact of each track is multiplied by specially selected accompanying videos that embody the essence of this theme. In a masterpiece of digital alchemy, the tracks and videos together relay a prophetic tale of galactic awakening and the transcendence of the physical limitations of this dimension. This groundbreaking release will be presented in two parts. The audio CD will be available first, in digipack format. It will be followed by the DVD, complete with bios for both the audio and video artists, as well as VJ loops of each video. The DVD is encoded in 6.5mbps 24p AC-3 for maximum quality. If you are ready to surrender to the merciless laws the darkest, most twisted Mayan God, this is for you! Tracklist: 1. Electrypnose – Pyatizvezdnaya RMX 2. Dark Noizz VS Ankur - The Numbers 3. Audiophatik - Eye of the Beast 4. Para Halu - Space Camembert 5. Ocelot – 30 Seconds left 6. Xyla – Ancient Future RMX 7. Greg on Earth - Serpentine apotheosis 8. Amanda - Moosey 9. Datakult - Necronomicon Distribution by Beatspace - http://www.beatspace.com Label Contact : Guillermo Alarcon Email - shamanfilms@gmail.com Web - http://www.shamanfilms.net
  7. Title: V/A "AH PUCH" Lord of the Ninth Demension Label: Shaman Films Records Catalog #: SHAMFCD001 Release Date: March, 2006 Shaman Films is thrilled to present its latest compilation: "AH PUCH" Lord of the 9th Demension” Compiled by VJ ((EgNogRa)) This compilation features 9 killer Dark Mental tracks that will engulf your mind into a journey deep into the realm of Lord “AH PUCH,” Mayan god of death. Him and his demons reign in Mitnal, the mythological land of death, the lowest and most horrific of the nine underworlds! Defining a new direction in digital distributing, “AH PUCH” is the first in a series of interactive multimedia digipacks that include interactive bios, images, and links to past and future artist releases. Each release also includes a free music video! Coming out of San Francisco, California, a boiling pot of Dark Trance Wizards and 3D Gurus, this release will immerse you into a combination of audio/visual stimulation. A story in full spectrum, each level rises in intensity until you find yourself totally electrified in a higher state of consciousness. The nine unreleased tracks are a lethal dose of twisted dark night mental sounds by international PsyTrance wizards from Mexico, Hungary, Germany, Israel, San Francisco, France, and Switzerland. After Shamanfilms’ successful release of V/A’s “Engrams Vol.1,” and “Luminaria 2012,” “AH PUCH” marks the continuation of a voyage through the Mayan Prophecies of 2012. The impact of each track is multiplied by specially selected accompanying videos that embody the essence of this theme. In a masterpiece of digital alchemy, the tracks and videos together relay a prophetic tale of galactic awakening and the transcendence of the physical limitations of this dimension. This groundbreaking release will be presented in two parts. The audio CD will be available first, in digipack format. It will be followed by the DVD, complete with bios for both the audio and video artists, as well as VJ loops of each video. The DVD is encoded in 6.5mbps 24p AC-3 for maximum quality. If you are ready to surrender to the merciless laws the darkest, most twisted Mayan God, this is for you! Tracklist: 1. Electrypnose – Pyatizvezdnaya RMX 2. Dark Noizz VS Ankur - The Numbers 3. Audiophatik - Eye of the Beast 4. Para Halu - Space Camembert 5. Ocelot – 30 Seconds left 6. Xyla – Ancient Future RMX 7. Greg on Earth - Serpentine apotheosis 8. Amanda - Moosey 9. Datakult - Necronomicon Distribution by Beatspace - http://www.beatspace.com Label Contact : Guillermo Alarcon Email - shamanfilms@gmail.com Web - http://www.shamanfilms.net
  8. Group, Does anybody know where to find good psy trance sample libraries in the web?
  9. The new Act Filteria from Italy are the succesors of the greta Pleiadians, anybody have any reviews about them? -Psy2k-
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