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Everything posted by Psychocell

  1. Me and my mate gem on the dancefloor....! havnt got time to post other pics, sorry
  2. YAY OD and Majoony am i still going to meet you peeps before hand, still amped Might have some mates coming with me if thats ok
  3. ok ppl RECAP HERE! So who's coming to the twisted party?
  4. Bush - Letting the cables sleep
  5. Pendulum - Tarantula This dnb rocks!
  6. yeah i was there too dude, what a fuck up hey! thought the party itself was ok, wasnt as packed as i expected to be
  7. Just found out some of my mates from UK are heading to this, LUCKY BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!! The venue for this place looks absolutely amazing wish i could go
  8. http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/1...5382316-2411162 These are the sorta books you need to get started, gives you a better understanding than the manuals you get. I have all the books for Reason.2.5, that would be Ignite & Power Start, cost me around £6/7 each
  9. So i can stay on Reason2.5 (the only thing i wish Reason2.5 has is the mastering tool, like in 3), use Cubase to sorta master the track once done... i think i feel really comfy on Reason, been reading books, tutorials, exercises, etc for months. ill give it a chance, thx again people!
  10. So you would use cubase to "sort of master" it when the track is done?
  11. ummmm.....i sorta understand So you cant record external instruments/etc from Reason, but you can do it from cubase?
  12. What do you mean by record audio? And when you mean make a better mix? sorry im not that literate when it comes to pro audio, still an amatuer
  13. ...using Reason2.5 by itself, with a midi controller, some refills, Wav files.... The thing is right, ive been working my arse off trying to understand everything Reason can offer, and its seems to be quite a useful tool. But everywhere ive looked, i notice everyone uses Reason/2.5/3 with Cubase SX/3, is that because Cubase has a better sequencer, because you can "plug" in VST's? Can someone shed some light here, cause i have cubase, and im thinking whether it will be worth getting around it and understanding it too Thanks! psy
  14. Abakus - California Sunshine
  15. Morning ppl! I reckon we meet up before hand for this party, would be interesting meetin everyone in person before we all get fucked
  16. Pendulum - Hold Your Colour
  17. nice!
  18. Ill see if a mate of mine in Liverpool can make it, she always got liquid, hehe Otherwise if i cant get any, then ill just bring some smoke i guess We'll defiantely do that May psynews'ers take over this party!! haha!
  19. This is going to be like "Psynews Gathering London" @ Twisted Records Party!! Lets take over the dancefloor!
  20. Just PM OD, ill be meeting you guys in person on the 3rd GOING TO BE HARD STOMPING SESSION I TELL YOU!!! AAARRRRGGGH, i cant wait for this one
  21. Hey thx dude! will take a look later...! Im outa here! Adios amigos!
  22. ooops Talent defiantely comes from yourself, not from learning something I couldnt find anything on the net stating whether he studied or not.... thats why i posted this thread
  23. Thats quality!! I just wanted to know, cause im looking for places here in the UK to study, and just out of interest i wanted to know where he studied... That was hilarious dude!!!
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