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Everything posted by RAH

  1. this has been on mp3 player for months now, Para Halu has a new album coming up soon... Ocelot just released his 'morning' album with Vertigo and later this year there's a 'night' album planned on dropout... oh and i think Electrypnose is working on his 3rd album as well... looking fookin good for twisted trance if you ask me
  2. ha... my brother is all about paraglyding... he just ordered a wing 3-4... or 2-3 or something and was in Utah for a month taking special acrobatic courses... he literally goes every weekend to do it... very cool... let me know how it works out, you might infect me with the sports virus hey DP, that's a neat ride man... guess things are looking good at work i got bought V/A- Musica Disccordia & Bufo - Bug eyes this weekend... can't wait
  3. yes it really offends me to click the link... hold on where's the that report button. Your explanation suffices, thank you for clearing it out. I understand your opinions may change on the material, and it's interesting to see reviews as bio-entities that adapt with time, but people read reviews once... they will take with them the first impression you gave them. Just my two cents... have good one.
  4. http://sonic-energy.net/core/ check the downloads section... and yes you need to register, but it's free and we don't spam you
  5. i'd be nice to actually see a bit of that content in the boards intead of posting links llike some random web-bot every time... cheers
  6. i guess you haven't seen aphex twin play? i don't give a damn if they clap, jump or do triple somersault's... i'm going there to hear good music and hopefully with some interaction... if i want to see people dancing and having a good time i look down at the floor. i'm one of those that thinks a performer can transmit a lot more energy through his music than his physical qualities. Really good musicians are -sometimes- studio nerds, that happens is not uncommon in other scenes... and while they might have not practicied the macarena to dance while they press play, they know their shit... so... i mean... eitherway... i'll take the nerd i'll come back to fill this one properly... later...
  7. oh... sleep deprivation is doing funny things to my preception these days...
  8. you're right, i had totally forgotten about that one, probably cause it didn't ring any bells with me then... and now... so... for my taste... i guess they are improving... but Hexenhammer is definately the standout
  9. The samples say something like "guilty" it's supposed to portray the inquisition times and thus the hexenhammer. i had high hopes fro MWS and they have another track in V/A - Mindshare, but unfortunatelly they didn't really go out of their way to create something new, but rather used the same formula... which... makes you wonder since... it is their second track released. i don't think it's evil at all.. it's just fuckin fast and noisy. I think Noise Gust did a much better job in creating an 'evil' atmosphere with Summon Spell... Overall though the datakult and acid goblins takes the cake for me ... for dark-er stuff either metallaxis or Kemic-al - the new stuff is stuff. Gorump Peyya has a few interesting things coming up around the corner, I'm also digging Bionicle, and for prog Igneous has a few dark goodies... "Amphian" or "multispin" for instance...
  10. wierd in deed... i'm waiting for the ok to mirror them... i guess you'll know sooner or later if it was/wan't cool to re-share...
  11. niceee... i'll mirror in SE tommorrow
  12. ale... *click*.... "ignore user"... *click*.... ahhhh.... i can breathe again!!!
  13. you are one year behind baba
  14. try http://goa-trance.com/download/TheQuacken-...f_the_Spoon.mp3
  15. sorry to go offtopic, good luck with the VA to everyone involved, i think it's a good step for HOMMMM-mega but in this day and age women have more of a 'buying power' than men... so rise up moni and demand they put a hot guy with washboard abs on the maid outfit or you don't buy it
  16. i'm not understanding what you mean. Of course it's cheaper to do it online, that's the point... at the end all you are saving is the cost of manufacturing, printing art and creating CD's. But you still have get the artwork, you still have to master the music (in this scene) and you still need to pay advances to artists. And if you deal with a label.. well there's an extra charge for them right there too.
  17. actually, i highly doubt beatport would have mentioned anything about pricess in the contract. They migt just mention artists/ labels are entitled to 50% + some other goodies, without having to mention a specific price... they wouldn't get in to that... why bother?
  18. i think you're wrong here... big labels will hook you up thorugh some slimmy, advance that is big money, but you have to take on the costs of production including renting the studio and promotion & equipment. All big labels have is a 150 page contracts writen by the best lawyers in the country to screw you over every single penny they can think of. Things change when you deal with... u2 or madonna... but in general... a small-time band in a big label ends up getting screwed over and indebted. not to mention the percentage points they get is between 15-20% With say... beatport.. it's 50-50 and nearly 60/40 to artists on the big end. So in reality... life ain't that bad on the digital sales if you are scamming people for 3 pound wav downloads but at the other end of the scale 1 dollar is not feasible. Go check mastering costs for a track alone...
  19. i haven't actually bought from anything from itunes i don't know the program, don't own, a mac or iPod for that matter and DRM? plwwease... i just read an economic analysis of the store a few months back. Which means if you buy 5 tunes, it dosen't mean you pay 5 dollars... it's like $6.0-7.0 or something like that to give you an example.
  20. actually iTunes advtersises tunes for .99 Cents but there are hidden consts when you buy the music, it's a wierd system they have sometimes you pay a bit more, sometimes less... it also depends on the amount of music you buy.
  21. Artist: Electrypnose Album: Subliminal Melancholies Label: Ajana Records CAT: AJACD006 Sonic-Energy.net: http://www.sonic-energy.net/core/content/view/279/2/ Tracks: 01. Submarine 02. Neverending Story 03. Cordial Family 04. Mountains Landscape 05. Entre Palmeras 06. Tripad 07. Rozococie With Ajja 08. Bzoum 09. New Wave 10. This Is The Begining 11. 00-16 Subliminal Melancholies is the long awaited second album of Vins Le Barde’s sudden incursion in the world of psychedelic trance as the now renowned Electrypnose. The name makes it clear -or at least hints the idea- we might be dealing with a softer side of the coin from the pieces of his down-beat repertoire we had been listening in scattered locations, all with a very positive response. The specific type of music ranges from ambient tunes, to chill going all the way to his ‘experiments’ in down tempo. These tracks often sound like corrosive, glitchy breaks with muffled kicks and heavenly sounds to mix a weird soufflé, making everything into a fluid symbiosis, breaching that gap between producer and artist. This is the same guy that has no trouble spilling out a mechanic vibes at 150, straight from Fritz Lang’s Metropolis in his very worse nightmare. The end result is melancholy, feeling, musical composition without sounding clichéd or cheesy for a second.. Submarine opens in ambiance to the sound of whales communicating in their daily water-cooler conversation about… god knows what. Piano lines are subtly introduced one note at the time as the track takes form. Somewhere around the third minute a beat comes in and the submarine is complete with all sorts of side effects, perfectly restrained as to not damage the actual environment sitting atop, like sound pollution that in some strange way complements this aquatic exploration. The very first movie I remember watching in theaters (which is a big deal, because I love movies) was Never Ending Story. That same Christmas some family member gave me as a present the sound track of the movie in tape, that literally got jammed from listening to it so many times. I have tried to remember if there are any specific sounds that remind of the sound score and to be honest, I’m not completely sure. I think the main line that comes in about half way might have something to do, but it could be placebo. Either way, I cannot get enough of it, and the interplay with the bass is heavenly. I keep thinking I have heard it before and as such it all makes sense now, even If I can quite put my finger on it. Its magical come-down music and I’m placing a pin in the backburner to play it when that moment presents itself again in my adventures. Big thumbs up. Cordial Family reminds me a lot of the general mood Ajana presents in his Magical Journey compilations. So, in a way this is all about that sound for me. Mysterious, eerie sounds challenging the notions you can have distress and chill music. In this particular track the high pitchers -like some gun-powder rocket gone terribly wrong- for the first couple of minutes bother me a bit, is not inviting me to listen to this but I carry on. By this point this is exactly what Electrypnose defines as ‘experiments’. Is not down-tempo, is not IDM and is not breaks, its some weird fusion that sits in between. Interesting, freakish family we deal with here. The Mountain Landscape of melancholy swirls with gliding sounds from the beginning asserting a catchy line and baleful energy decrescendo that keeps getting more and chilled as the timeline runs its course. Call it good meditation music. Entre Palmeras is slightly deceiving. It’s supposed to convey a tropical feel of Palm trees, sun and probably the ocean in the background, but I don’t get that dubby taste. Perhaps only the really heavy bass marked with the signature glitches around the edges and the distant voices. Around half way through there’s some synth action, bare piano lines but I’m still not being transported to the Island. Let’s drop that mental image altogether and focus on the music here. Unfortunately the track is not grabbing me. Tripad a return to what Electrypnose does so well, that gothic, magical feeling in the harmonic structure to create the psychedelic sound score for the new Munster’s family show. It’s detailed and especially designed to grab you from the beginning, as the piano takes us through. In the middle we find some chirping sounds that remind me a lot of the door bell in my house and I keep looking to see if someone is actually ringing. Well executed, I like it. We have reached the 7th chapter with Rozococie and that is good news. Along with invited artist Ajja Leu they have placed forward an amazing piece that puts a lot of attention on the guitar solos on top of a chill beat. It reminds me a lot of Canartic and his album Headphone Test released last year. It’s got that blues-y guitar the chill atmosphere, the hints of Carlos Santana circa 1970’s, for me post-rock music should be ALL about this. If you are going to hear simply one sample in this album, make it this one. And Vins, bring Ajja back we want to hear him working in something Electrypnose again. The collaborations continue in Bozom, Olivier (didgeridoo) and Francois Chabbey (Guitar) from Water Lily continues giving new life to the Electrypnose experiments. By association this one conveys more of an eastern vibe. Each one brings something valuable into the track making a composite of influences, which is why psychedelic chill out can get so exiting at times. There so many ideas mixing in the pot together that is very pleasing to hear something work. This is barely digital in sound, heavily marked by the organics, focusing on different elements to build trance states. New Wave goes back that same 1700’s post-gothic feel accentuated by the piano (or whatever they call those instruments at that time) and gently pushes gritty jungle-esque, fractured, break core rhythms with noir pads. Interesting… This Is the Beginning goes deeper into full-time glitch-break mode of mechanical proportions on top heavenly pads that strike a sense of machine-made Armageddon, highlighting that sweet point before they blow it all to hell. There isn’t much interaction of elements, it’s all very minimal, but it’s supposed to be a beginning and it works well as a good set opener. If you manage to beat match a long intro on this, it can work wonders. 00-16 is something of a recapitulation of what we just heard. I could type “magical, eerie, glicthy, mysterious” all over again but man, wouldn’t that be boring? So I’ll just say it encompasses the feeling of the album quite well and places a golden ribbon at the end to leave you feeling rewarded. I had the opportunity to play this album for a high-brow, classical music connoisseur (one of those folks that feel extremely proud of having the entire discographical collection of Beethoven) who happened to study in Berkeley at some point in the sixties. After playing the album for him for about ten minutes, he looked at me back and said nonchalantly “Are you trying to hypnotize me to sell me something later?” Coming from him, that was huge compliment. So let’s look at it that way, Electrypnose is trying to hypnotize you to sell you something. What? A window into what his subliminal melancholies sound like. And it’s a fascinating world down there…
  22. 1-Sounds_Great_man-thanks_for_supporting_the_scence-M...
  23. downloading too, will mirror to the SE website in the following days. cheers. looks tasty! p.s: isn't that Hishiryo track fawking awsome? what a way to close it
  24. wait, wait... so it's 1.99 + 1 = 3 pounds for a wav track ! what rip off... they are charging the costumers directly for the new web-job they just got. It's really nice interface though, fawk... full AJAX integration.... nicee
  25. completly agree with you, i wouln't pay $ 14 for wav's or mp3's when i can buy the cd for that, it's not good business sense anyway you look @ it
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