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Everything posted by RAH
I honestly think psykovsky reached that point you mentioned a while ago with Deja Vu project or on his own...was "Only Love (We will take)" ever meant to be an 18 min dancing saga ? North or South? I can't help but stand there when i listen to them, and half the times I enjoy them more if i'm laying down. The reason i'm being so harsh, is because he has done great things, but in my opinion this is not one of them. If people found it good then maybe i'm missing something, and i'm probably just getting lazy to go scavenge it. I like it when skill slaps in the face and I don't have to dig deep.
I only own Kind Of Human but it is great. "versatile" is definitely a good descriptor
Seeing as how I randomly ran into this thread and got the damn thing a while ago - now probably lost in some dusty corner of my room- I will just just add this was really disappointing. 'Works' like this mark my personal disinterest in 'psychedelic' music. To my ears, this seems like the spot where it all finally switched from a seemingly dislocated faction of complexity, awe and randomness to simply the latter. Let's be honest, and this coming from someone who owns and has heard more than fair share of fucked psy trance... this rather close random garbage, with little technical or musical skill of any kind. Comparing this to derango in arrangement, musicality or the ability to create a setting is futile. But hey, my breakfast does not include a hearty slice of crystal meth, so... it all seemed a bit pointless. Good show if you enjoyed it though, that's what taste is there for.
Nice, man! Really.... retro and we all know that's hot these days.
I tend to agree with Ormion, I don't think he ran away from anything, quite the contrary, he had his whole life ahead, he had graduated university, he was a smart kid. Obviously, family problems play a part in the whole thing, but it is not the primary motivator. I guess I should read the book to really see what was meant to be conveyed through it, but what i got was not what (p(sy)ayam got at all...
I'm surprised this wasn't here. Actually, just today I was lending my DVD to a friend who hadn't seen it before. I find it very difficult to think of a movie that has affected me this much in a very long time. Not through tears or staged drama... Just the basic drive of the character, the message that is getting across. The insight that captures on such a great scale. We've all dreamed of abandoning everything for a while and just taking off. I'm guessing on this board, more people than usual have done that, but in general, it remains as a fantasy for most of us. I'm not even going to touch on the story, I just wanted to talk about my personal impressions on it, regardless of what happens. If you haven't seen this, you are missing one great flick. 5/5
http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/a_complete...exual_failures/ Styled as a documentary, in the vein of seemingly 'unscripted' entertainment. The story itself is the life of the main character and director and his unsuccessful love/sex life. So he goes around interviewing (or trying to) interview old girlfriends and acquaintances to find out what went wrong. In the process, he explores strange and comedic aspects of his sexuality and although crude at times and nearly 'borat-like' , it's funny how it manages to be almost human and captivating. It's the real story of a person and his memories and fuck ups and a whole lot of purposely stupid situations to make you laugh and they succeed at times. I rented it and thought I wouldn't get past the first five minutes, but I did. While it is not exceptional entertainment, it's certainly different from your usual movie... 3/5
It was a disappointment for me to, I'd always hoped his album would have been more along the lines of "theory of everything" and not so much in the lines of "what everyone else was doing." which wasn't that good that either... Well I don't have as many ultimae as I would like so, it turned out to be one of the better ones for me. It is true tracks like Human, had been laying around before, but I fail to see how something could be a disappointment when you could have read the track-list on the website to find that out, instead of ordering it... not sure I follow.
I'm self Employed - (analord 06) w32.Aphex@mm (Analord 09) VBS.Redolf.V (Analord 11) Every Day & Laughable Butane Bob - Hangable Auto Bulb Didgerido Yellow Calx & to cure a weakling child - Richard D James Album Polynomial-C - Xylem Tube (easily my fav.) Xtal (Sel Ambient Works 85-92) - I Spend an entire day in bed hiding under the blankets, listening to this track non-stop after my first serious come down =) I've never gotten over the fact the recording quality is such shit. Blue Calx - Selected Ambient works II (cd 2) - Rhubarb - "" CD 1 - Wisp has a remix of this lying around, it's great. finally > Jynwey... something... the first track on Drukqs... it's my ringtone.
really? guess i need to listen to more vibe tribe... i had no idea
I actually liked it a lot more than his previous stuff, which i only heard sparsely, but never really clicked... dunno why this one did, but good stuff...
actually, the reason why i stopped looking so deep into this it's not because most releases were 'ok' they were just reallly bad... so in the scale of things, that's why mentioned it.. :drama:
Did you get that? Because for me it was the complete opposite. My first impression was: "what a great diversion for the poor bastard to escape." but then it was followed closely thereafter with a "... and that was the end of the mayan civilization."
Bodhi 13:20 - Secrets of the Mojave was okay...
I tend to agree with a few people here. In my opinion Vibrasphre's best work was their earlier one. Echo, Lime structure (the original attention grabber for me) and archipelago, which in some respects has a few good tracks. I like their warm approach, their downbeat stuff has been a favourite forever. So while i dread new things like Dewdrops that has a great, technical & juicy intro, i can't fathom how it would climax into such a cheese fest. On the other hand, they keep me happy with sounds like "analog marinade" so it's a bit of a trade. You can always find great stuff in every album you look at no matter if you are into the downbeat, the cheese stuff, or the more technoid tracks, which is a good mix of things considering they do all those three modes really well.
I'm surprised people have completely missed out on a few important items: - Flowers and trees: Resist temptation to hug the bark-dudes too early in the show, it makes them queazy and it makes you look desperate. With the flowers on the other hand, you can flirt and talk to during the sunrise, this even encouraged depending on what geographic location you are at. - The Gnomes: simple, don't fuck with them... if they harass you for food and drink, oblige and you might be rewarded later. Stay away from close knit-groups, they tend to get violent at times. Some of them can be cool though, and they carry a few interesting 'party items' for sale, you can barter food in exchange sometimes. - Fairies: When they say "dance like nobody is watching" it does not mean you can close your eyes and wave your arms around like are bruce lee... accidents happen that way. Especially with our winged friends fluttering around, most probably just as intoxicated as you are... Except they are flying, so you can imagine how difficult that must be. If they accidentally crash against you, be kind offer them water and don't take advantage of them because of their size, they travel in groups. They are really docile though and friendly, so strike up a friendship if you can... they know where the good parties are at. - Pink Elephants: If you do get the opportunity to catch a rare glance glimpse of this majestic beast, take heed and slow down a bit. Don't stare directly at the eyes and just watch from a distance in awe and respect. The rest you'll learn as you go along...
I've seen plenty of documentaries that were way more interesting than this movie. It has nothing to do with the acting, the directing job (which is great) or the timing, it's just fuckin boring. With aliens gang-raping bush through his eye sockets, or not...
Are you talking about the one with george clooney? cause that worse than a kick in the nuts... not that i've ever been kicked there, but i'm guessing is about the same.
Current Value? - http://www.myspace.com/currentvalue - That should be 'hard' enouh (o.O) I'm not personally into that stuff really, kind of nonsensical cacophony to me. Just the other day I ran into a rather interesting mixture, though - http://www.discogs.com/Various-Sambass/release/160366 - Sambass Vol.1 (DnB + Samba + bossa nova) kind of chilled. I liked Landslide, Patricia Marx and High Contrast a bit... at least something different.
Dunno what's the status of this, but it says 'rough mixes' Not all bad, definitely good starting points. Kind of interesting to see where this goes...I liked BrainSplatter, is very squad-parte http://www.myspace.com/neurotransmitterz
I'm not too sure about this one you mentioning. I rented it, left at at home and neither my dad, mom, or brother could finish the whole thing thing. It had some pretty interesting POV shots worthy of some credits in film school, but that's about it. The story line was sooo sloowww and uneventful, you literally had to be sitting in an asylum with everything but one eye working to be able to finish that snore fest But that was my experience... I did like Science of Sleep very much, though
shhh... stop giving them ideas
Hollywood is truly amazing. In those 30 second teaser trailers they can make grass growing look interesting. Such is the case with "W" and the fact it was directed by Oliver Stone should have been somewhat of a relieve this was meant to be good... somehow. Last time that happened it was probably 3 or 4 years ago when I hesitated for 30 seconds and ended up renting "Primary Colors". Maybe I'm just dreadfully bored of presidential portrayals, or maybe it was the fact movies don't get here in the cinema for a long while, so when they do come out finally, you just get excited there's actually something new. As for the review: It is almost as dreadful as his presidency and that is a major feat. Not so much bad, as just boring. We get it, he's a dumb, idiotic looser with a silver spoon. The problem of autobiographical moves is that you know it ends, and it's usually not on the positive side of things. Keep your change, go throw it down a river or something, it's probably more entertaining.