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Everything posted by RAH

  1. Are we talking from an idealistic standpoint or are we looking at the actual music? Because if you take full on you will see plenty of full on formulas, similar breakdowns, the bass structures. If you talk about dark-psy, they all seem to have at least one track with their squelchy synth line or atmospheric ominous pads, not counting the glitch elements -or at the very least- a track that is for the love-of-god no slower than 148 BPMs. We are full of predefined formulas, we might not talk about them, artists might not consciously use them, but they are there to make sure it sounds LIKE PSY, and not like electro, or minimal, or bloody house music. That is not what I said at all. Let me re-phrase that, just to be sure. When astrix decides not include the full-on bass lines and crazy guitars and insane build ups... It is not full on anymore. yes? If he slows down the tempo, adds some percussion and some of those god-awful "bubble" sounds that apparently 80% of minimal artists use these days, then suddenly it is minimal. By convention of what people know and accept, which IS not written in stone and ultimately useless. Normal people won't draw blood over the meaning and intimate differentiations of musical sub-genres unless, off course you are anal retentive. Artist A did psy-prog, think iboga... or something and they cross over to electro or minimal... i mean they stretched out their boundaries (musically speaking) NOt for the better or worse, that's up them to decide, i'm not here to judge, i'm simply stating the difference. look i'm not favour of anymore sub-genres and categorizations either, I absolutely love to hear music that breaks them and does it well. Case in point: Lostep - Because We Can. That is exactly why I stopped writing reviews and buying music, because I was not hearing any evolution in general. For the record I enjoy-ed dark and prog and chill all the same and will still listen to it from time to time. The primary point of this conversation remains and thus why I had to explain this in such parsimonious detail. PSYTRANCE IS DEAD, because the term is too ethereal and ultimately meaningless, Because the culture is full of people who have their own idea of what the sound should be like and vibe and there is not a general consensus. This thread is living proof of it. Psy got diluted to the point where folks don't recognize it's many facets anymore. Back in the 70's you had led zeppelin and you knew it was psychedelic, nobody was going to argue that. Today the world is a different place, more complex and segregated.
  2. Psy trance is by definition a sub-set of predefined sounds and formulas that we collectively know (and identify or misidentify as psy trance). As it has been stated you have room to grow and experiment a bit within these confines, but if you go too far, then suddenly it is not psy anymore according to our definition. The artists that evolved the most (in what direction it is unimportant) are no longer psy, because they decided to stretch the line a bit farther. They crossed over to electro, or tech house, or horror trance or whatever. The sad truth is, once a sub-subculture is defined as such, once we identify the psy sound, or the 'goa' sound, it stops evolving, given those basic elements are now defined.
  3. Makes you wonder who's the rocket and who's the pony
  4. careful now RTP, according to RA, Timo simply paid to put his name there (or something along those lines - kind of like raja ram) so the real kudos here is actually for santos. - eitherway Mr.Maas is supposed to have a gig here 20 or the 21st of the month. Same day as PanPot... this track just made it a lot easier to choose which way I roll that day
  5. What a massive, massive track... 16 min and not a second wasted. RA claims Timo Maas is behind it with an italian dude (Santos). Really recommended. Anyone heard it? anything else like it? http://www.residentadvisor.net/review-view.aspx?id=5618
  6. My nearest guess would be a long and slender usb storage device with a standalone vibrating feature. Girls love it.
  7. I have no idea, it is one of those rare genre-defining topics (i loved DP's picks ) and thus why it is fun. But it's up to you really, i have no qualms either-way.
  8. That is an excelent list, we seem to be on similar wavelengths.If you are into Stewart Walker, be sure to check out "Grounded in Existence" which is a bit less dance and more melodic, but probably his best. Anyway, there's a lot I don't know here, so I'll take a look cheers! Agree, the new perfect stranger is good.
  9. The coachella set (thought you were talking about that one) was sick... literally. He jammed in there everything from Run DMC to System of A Down, to ape-shit crazy DnB (current value) ... You can find a precarious recording of the set online... google it up. 1) how can you not like squarepusher? Try "Hard Normal Daddy", it's a classic, his most cohesive work as of yet, not counting a few loose tracks here and there. It sure as hell wasn't "just a souvenier" ... piece of junk, i'm still really, really disappointed with that. 2) Actually it wasn't until recently that i started checking out sending orbs, but "Mings Feaner" is already in my top 10 all times classic. Either way it's not really the same vibe as Warp, is it? Then again it was all about Warp about 8 to 10 years ago, because they were doing such different stuff, you know? The material they were releasing was simply breaking boundaries for good... not anymore, obviously... last time that happened it was probably with Luke Abbott and his Tuesday EP, in Border Community...
  10. Are you sure it was a live? He does a lot DJ appearances, including Coachella, which is one of the big stops in the US. - I like his work, the richard d james album was a big for me at the time. Nevertheless, I always found AE a it more interesting, so while i don't hear any Aphex Twin constantly, a copy of Tri Repetae never leaves my ipod.
  11. I fell in and out of that genre within a few semesters. In that time I did manage to go catch a few Lab4 events more than a few years ago now, they were insane... only thing i remember about them, though
  12. Dead Beat - Roots and Wire
  13. First all, nice this place is back online, alright, it's like my day-surfing isn't complete without stopping here for a second even to read junk... and what in the world is up with all these god damn hackers? seriously? Who pissed them (him) off so bad? I mean, you got to have a real grudge (and a lot of free time) to go to those depths. How did it get to that point? I understand you will always find rowdy people and assholes, but learning to deal with these people is also part of the real world. Second, I don't know what is the connection with off-topic and it is clear there was a connection, yet i wanted to shed light on a couple of things you all know, but it never hurts to mention it again. Psynews is a music forum, but it is undeniable this is a community here that has evolved from the music aspect and has nested a little digital home. Some people stay for a while, get in to the music, share war stories, make acquaintances, fall out of the music and still remain here, or they simply leave. But it's still a community, it's more than place to come ask about music techniques and or latest albums. It's a place where you come and see what is up with 'what's his face' and 'that other crazy bastard' or just to see what is up in general with this place. Closing off topic -even though most of it's worthless in the traditional sense of the word- kills a lot of that group dynamic. lastly, I understand for everyone's sake and peace of mind, closing off-topic is the safest route to follow, but i just hope you al understand that is exactly what the bastard(s) that hacked this place wanted to do and you are letting them win. I also understand, a lot more is at stake here with other websites, including the Suntrip one, so it's a difficult call. Either way, thanks for keeping the spirits and the place up, hope it remains peaceful down there...
  14. What happened to opening polls in this place? for the first time in a gazillion years I wanted to open one (mind you, a valid one) and alas it was nowhere to found...
  15. :wank:
  16. If you are willing to look forward beyond dark psy, or just regular psy, you will find complexity and depth is applied to rhythms which is a big limiting factor for traditional dance music in mi opinion. Give a few of these ago, it might be more satisfying in the long run: http://www.discogs.com/release/971802 >Legiac - Mings Feaner www.discogs.com/release/970707 > Karsten Pflum - Fuck Music Easy But if that is not the case and you wish to remain in psy, the first thing that pops into my head is associated with complex is usually "Bus - Return of the Fist" .
  17. The Last Atlant - Cloudburst of Colours
  18. I thought this was funny... better luck to him, gonna get it after pay day tommorrow...
  19. I tried this experiment backwards, as in what non-classical artists would sound good enough to interest a classical music buff, my father, the type of person that thinks cool jazz is just talking it too far. The result: Ame (Sonar Kollektiv Orchester RMX) - Rej , which is an already interesting dance track. But, this classical remix with the real pizzicato lines and the feel of a real orchestra is just mind blowing.... best i can do to get a short sample, sorry > http://wsm.serpent.pl/sklep/albumik.php,al...EKTIV-ORCHESTER As for your question, i'm not a classical music buff, but i grew up listening to it and there's sure power in there... you just got to know where to look and have an open mind
  20. From Squarepusher's - Hard Normal Daddy is an icon, do be sure to check it out if you haven't along "Music is Rotted Note", from that album "My Sound" was the soundtrack for my favorite acid trip of all time. And whatever you do, skip the latest album, it's bloody shame. I love Amon Tobin as well, "Adventures in Foam" under the moniker Cujo is really old, but definately one of his best. For an even hand of jazzy sounds and more convoluted ape-shit crazy drill and bass or whatever "Supermodified" is quite good.
  21. Dunno if Humate counts as 'powerful Goa' but it's certainly melodic and break-ish... Check "3.1 Bedrock Ambient Mix", it's old as hell, but really good. If you are just looking for something interesting without a beat, find "Subsonic Park", AFAIK "Inner City Codes" is the only album thing out there. Dubby, IDM-ish, trancey type of stuff, top notch.
  22. actually, i'm like a sponge these days anything you throw at me i'll give it a go, and i trust your taste anyway, so whatever input it is appreciated.
  23. I'm an advertisement copywriter, that's nearly the same these days but since you asked, i shall mention a few tunes i've found interesting in the minimal-something realm: Hillside - Anders Ilar (sworn) Espumante - Funzion (v/a - from sunflowers and papayas) The Gate - Sten Einmal Liebe Und Zuruck - Boris Brejcha Don't trust chief Wiggum - Hardfloor ... it's a work in progress...
  24. Actually, i've got no idea, i'm still trying to define what would minimal be for the regular non psy-person. At work there's person who really likes minimal, but for the longest time MY personal idea of the whole genre has been really influenced by psy, so it's just now i'm taking a look and seeing what is in there... I could throw a few names, but i would like too keep looking a little deeper and make sure i can contribute something of value to this list before i do that. Thanks for the contributions though, they are definitely a step in the right direction.
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