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Everything posted by RAH

  1. boards of canada - Amo Bishop roden this is stuff is gut-wrenching... my all-time fav song from them... *sighs* the memories...
  2. Compilation: Multiple Personalities Web: www.sonic-dragon.com Label: Manic Dragon Records Year: 2005 Format: CD Songs: 1. Terminator vs CPC - Mosgortrans 2. Paranoize vs Claw - Vampire Legend 3. Xenomorph vs himself - Schzoid Transpersonal.Progressions 4. Procs vs Captain Ifan (aka Duck Off) - We Are Closed 5. Dejan vs Jellyheadz - Freakin' Six-Pack! 6. Mubali vs Ocelot - Mood Swinger 7. Sequipa vs Baphomet Engine - Multiple Personalities 8. Quasas vs Dylalien - Alien Together Now (Baba mix) 9. Kulu vs Strangers - Unbelievable Here is an interesting idea band together two of the most deranged acts from several countries and give them a little homework. To make music for even more deranged people. To begin with, the self-titled ‘Fried Babas' from Manic Dragon compiled this bad boy, does that tell you enough? This is trance you have gulp down first and enjoy second. At times I have to wonder when it stops being music and it just becomes another avant-gard-ish experiment. Well, if it still shakes my bones as if I had stuck the finger in the electricity socket, we're good to go. The good side about a versus only compilation is the fact at least an entertaining level of complexity to the arrangements can be expected. The order of the day includes a strong fetishism for squeaks, blips, alien melodies and splashing timbres with an oceanic depth. Terminator vs. CPC - Mosgortrans [148] ‘Mosgortrans' brings a lot of lot banging what else with these two. In the forefront a slowly building/creaking synth spiced up with a juicy distortion, the now fashionable heavily delayed quasi-voices and a sense of cryptic Russian groove. Sampling as usual is alien-like, methodic and highly spectral, you can expect to see this one the Goa Gil sets. Paranoize vs. Claw - Vampire Legend [148] I'm not sure why I associate Paranoize (Alex Ladyzanskay) with Dracula-ambient noises. The break sample ‘I am Dracula' seems to confirm my rumors. Claw (Charalambos Pieris) from Cyprus brings forth even more madness to the ‘Vampire Legend' in a heavily compact number full of assorted surprises, that remind a bit of Manifold on the eerie bass and leads, while the synth's can be compared to previous Paranoize material in the likes of ‘Fucking Evil Noise' (Ketuh). The kicks here are immense. In between we have as usual; vampire-oriented samples, a few screams and a strong gothic feel to go dance your hips off while you sport fangs. Xenomorph vs. Xenomorph - Schizoid Transpersonal Progressions [145] Here's someone who fills the description ‘multiple personalities' disorder quite well. In all seriousness, the song is a pretty good builder. It feels more developed, more melodic but still along the lines of “Incongruent Anatomy (Vertigo). The bass is knitted alongside the melody on a peak around the third minute with very pleasing knob turning. Procs vs. Captain Ifan (Duck off) – We are closed [148] How often do you fall in dreams where that sense of depthless-ness occurs? I feel the same way with this one… a sudden jump into the unknown. These cats are going about their business with a ‘We know how this thing normally goes, but we are just going to do our thing.' kind of attitude, this is beyond twisted… very precise sample work on so many levels is just thought-numbing and groovy, especially the ‘quack-quack'. bass line. On the drums there is a good doze of tribal work, fast syncopated beats and samples that remind a bit of Scozbor specifically in songs like ‘Normal Drug Taking'… very involving stuff. We recently had an opportunity to ask Procs a few questions as well. Dejan vs. Jellyheadsz – Freakin' six Pack [150] Interesting to see these two French acts band together. My thoughts about Jellyheadz' earlier work where a bit mixed. With Dejan I knew it might be a more… earth bound somehow. This one floats away though. It's very spacey, I feel like in the planetarium for some reason. On one hand you can feel the Dejan beat driving the song while Karim goes wild on the upper ranges. The progression seems a bit slow and at times redundant, but is something coherent at the end of the day. Mubali vs. Ocelot – Mood Swinger [144] You know how we have never really seen C3PO, (the white-bullet like robot from Start Wars) intoxicated? Well imagine how that would sound. 'Mood Swinger' fills my description of the scene quite nicely. Imagine those bleeps and chirps running wild on delays, as strangely pitched build-ups intertwine with seriously dazing effects. Sequipa vs. Baphomet Engine - Multiple personalities [148] This one takes the cake for me. A seriusly melodic track in very South African way. The singing-chanting-roaring voices are great. I'm going to guess is some sort of strange German dialect, truth be told – I have no clue. They stick in your head though. This one is a personal favorite. Quasas vs. Daylalien – Alien Together [153] Says who you can't you use the Lone Ranger melody/anthem for westerners these days? This is pretty out there stuff as well… sample vortex and interesting beat work at specifically syncopated steps in the sequencer, but no strong melodies to back the madness up though. A bit to fractal for my taste. Kulu vs. Strangers – Unbeliable [150] The Greeks close the compilation with Russian spiced riffs and a strong mechanical drum work. Besides the screams here and there this is pretty involving, the upper ranges show such complex diversity of effects, I'm not even going to attempt describing it. Its madness, I'm finding it a bit more acceptable because there is still that static drum work that reminds a bit of the Doof stuff. Not very melodic in the traditional sense of the word. Having the synth's drowned to such proportion in latest effects ensures it sounds that way. My guess is that was the point. Overall a crazy ride, with a number of acts showcasing original tunes with a bent for dancing-madness. A number of melodic tracks like “vampire Legend”, “Schizoid Transpersonal Progressions”, and “Multiple Personalities” stuck in between more ethereal experiments with a clear sense of psychedelic aesthetics: “We are closed”, “Freakin' Six Pack!” and “Mood Swinger”. All and all it is exactly what you can expect from reading the artist list and bit more. Favourites: 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 where to get, samples, etc > http://sonic-energy.net
  3. Sequipia & Baphomet Engine - Multiple Personalities great stuff
  4. For all of those interested, I got to ask a few questions to Procs about his upcoming album, non-commercial psy trance, the far-off realms of consciousness + more http://www.sonic-energy.net/interviews/procs.html
  5. you should hear that one more often
  6. RAH

    Jairamji - Kindred Spirits

    do have a listen when you can, i think you would like this one... very much along the lines of angel tears, that kind of downtempo...
  7. Carbon Based Lifeforms - MOS 6581
  8. my point is you make such great reviews man, it's poems, but the problem is that 80% of the stuff you review is below a 6... so i don't know other people but when i look at the thing and i quickly scroll down and see a 4...5...6 i go like... hmmm... well... might not be worth reading then... you know? now im not saying you should sacrifice your integrity or your taste whatsoever, but it would be kick ass to read something well graded by you of the recent years more often
  9. yeah i thought this one was alright... not too great but it did have its moments... what a review thought o0 next time you're running out of 'average, and somewhat noteworthy' stuff to review don't forget to keep checking sonic-energy for insipi-ration
  10. yeah use soundforge is good stuff and pretty straighforward
  11. RAH

    Jairamji - Kindred Spirits

    did you actually hear it?
  12. AWWW MAN!!! what a song!! i haven't heard in so long np: Derango - Boomorgon RMX need to unwind from work
  13. RAH

    V/A - Audio Sinndicate

    metronome contrib such a great track though
  14. i know dude... i was too lazy look for it... i did mention i knew there was another thread lying around though.. anyway, your post dosn't have the poll option and these crazy cats are so good they deserved two threads anyway -edit- shit i think i voted for the wrong one my vote goes to a beatiful place in the country..
  15. Ok so i have a slight suspicion there is already a thread about this, but i don't care... i found geoddadi yesterday and a beautiful place in the country below crap in my night table and i was delighted! Few acts can be so ethereal, coherent easthetic, and wierd... true psychedelic juiciness IMHO... one of my fav acts for the last 4 years... anybody else feel the same way? ohh... crap.. i forgot to add more poll options... you have any other obscure stuff by them? do please share your findings
  16. RAH

    V/A - Hunters

    i got this one a few months back and i liked a few songs, it definatelly has pace to it... unfortunatelly i disliked the south africans here as i ussually do is the same timecode sound... that really high pitched screetching-trupet noise that ends up giving me head-ache... ... there i said it you can crucify me now... thank god for digital talk, triskell and silicon sound... they pulled their weight on this cd positively for me, and that phatmatix song (him alone) does quite well too
  17. well some people tried to make the best of it contrary to popular beleif, the neighboors had no problem with the party all jokes aside... how touching are these two pics? & veryy sad news... it looked like it was going to be one hell of a party.... just as to clear any doubt:
  18. i have been told i have good radio-voice... but im not sure if i have samples of interesting writting regarding psy experiences... the best thing you can do though is keep an eye on the tv, or your movies and just keep a video recorder hooked so you can sample the video and then import it... you use mac right? shouldn't be too hard to do p.s: keep an eye out for the war of the worlds dvd that movie is just oozing great samples... not talking about voice though but devices and effects... not sure how adaptable it might to be to ambient though
  19. Artist: Mr. Peculiar Album: Mind-Dala Label: Sonic Dragon Records Year: 2005 Format: CD Country: Australia Tracks: 1) Born on Mars 2) Compressing Time 3) African Soul 4) Brain Snake 5) Mind-dala 6) Timeline 7) Crystal Energy 8) Silver Clouds 9) Yellow Solar Human I've got to admit I'm not hugely familiar with Mr Perculiar, I have a few of his tracks on various compilations and they have always been excellent so I was looking forward to hearing his artist album Mind-dala. I'm not sure what I expected from the release based on my scant knowlege but this isn't it. Not better or worse, just different. What we've got hear is an incredibly solid and cohesive trance album, from the second it starts it oozes quality and the tracks seem to compliment each other so well that that - in the best possible way - they really don't stand out, they are all that good. When I originally put the CD on the first half of the album flew by so effortlessly that I soon lost track of which tune I was on I was simply drifting on the sound. And here was me worrying that full-on producers had forgotten about the "trance" part of psytrance. In fact, it wasn't until about two and a half minutes into Timeline (track 6) that I bothered to check where I was as a sublime riff built over one of the more chilled moments on the album before giving way to a clean guitar sound which picks it's way over the track in a style reminicent of Pink Floyd. I really couldn't believe at this point that I was two thirds of the way through the CD already. It's really not worth me going through and describing Mind-dala track by track, that misses the point somewhat. You put track one on and want to listen to the whole thing. It's not about having 7 minutes to stand out on a compilation, it's a true artist album. Just buy it. Especially if you liked the albums from the likes of Protoculture and Hydrophonic buy it right now. - MonkeyDo more reviews @ Sonic-energy.net
  20. i'm a little worried about this thread i might have a couple of bootlegs... just not on my possesion atm
  21. Yotopia - Point blank... love it! had the cd stashed in the car for a couple of months anf i totally forgot about it! great vibe
  22. is it ok if i admit i have never heard of this people before o0 looks mighty interesting though!
  23. Leif Hatfield - Feelin Alright' it's friday freaks!!!! let us rejoice
  24. heliotrope is fuckin awsome... i like metronome as well... besides that.. hmm.... B.r.a.z.i.l and... kalumet... im out for the moment
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