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Everything posted by RAH

  1. i'll inquire about this one...
  2. dude... not this conversation again... look it up man there has already been pages upon pages of this discussion.
  3. i didin't hear anything closely resembling to Timeline in the samples ... (the original one) as far as i am concerned this was wizzy at the top...
  4. RAH

    Tikal – Carnaval

    is there anything remotely close to jazzistique? (i don't remember how it is spelled)
  5. got a package and i am betting is scozbor... about damn time too...
  6. nice one d00d... is homeboy gonna be alright after his issue with the army?
  7. RAH

    V/A - Nowhereland

  8. i don't think i go out enough to events to know what is underplayed or overplayed... i might name a a few favourites just have people going "man, that was played all summer in every major festival" and then i would look like duche
  9. There it is... http://www.sonic-energy.net/interviews/doubleREL.html
  10. V/A - Green Instant http://www.discogs.com/release/293732 (if it ever works )
  11. RAH

    V/A - Nowhereland

    it's one of those should i keep it should i trade it CD's (which does not happen often with me)... i'm not sure... i'm going to keep with me for the time beeing
  12. i think i like listening to compilations (and reviewing them for that matter) a bit more... but is always nice surprice to hear a good album.
  13. The commercial hippies - Dr. Freakenstenstein (dedicated to all of you going to glade, have fun you luky bastids)
  14. well isin't psy trance a blend of random noises anyway
  15. n.p: Rah - wish i was funny (dumb RMX)
  16. Traveler & shaft - Shut up & post (seraph from from hell rmx) URL KILLAH!
  17. inquire for yourself... when words fail sounds never dissapoint *click* you are welcome
  18. i'm out popcorn
  19. Woooow talk about a classic... haven't heard in a while, but loved that song NP: Baphomet Engine - Screams (V/A - Electric Embryo)
  20. hmm... still kick ass though, huh?
  21. when has sensient released melodic trance in the past ?
  22. im glad someone else besides me liked that one (on some respects)
  23. There it is for all those interested, http://www.sonic-energy.net/interviews/alt...ve-control.html
  24. well is good to know artists are are always this well-intentioned.... *claps*
  25. i could thow in a few names, but they might not be very rinkadink minimal, is cool? Check out > Serius Porn Collector Metalogic Magus remixes Sensient - Pressure optimal is psy-gressive, but is really nice stuff maybe vibraspirit vol 11... if you are not sure... it's good buy eitherway... hope it helps you can read reviews and check samples for most of these in my sig
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