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Everything posted by RAH

  1. marketing comes from market... and in market you find buyers and in buyers you find people actually willing to spend money on it. I'm not saying there isn't a strong market of people world wide consuming the music and the culture very strongly, the thing is it is spread to thin. Hence very few people are actually making enough money to organize a massive communications strategy like the one big labels can (or at least could afford) since the something like Beatles. The psy trance effort is very underground even with big names on a world-wide basis and the effort remains viral (which on this day and age is just as just good as anything else, or probably better) the thing is it is taking longer to reach critical mass of widespread acceptance. In order to that, a cultural shift needs to happen. Psytrance needs to become as appealing to the masses... Think about the target audience, traditionally outcasts, hippies, ravers, the party people, the mind-expanders... this is core demographic by no means encompasses a majority of anything. Big bands and big names appeal to a lot of people, psychedelic trance does not, you need to like dance music, you need to like trance and you need to like 'special' trance , without forgetting you need to have some kind of fondness for the ideological roots of the culture that accompanies the music - psychedelia. That's an awful lot of segmentation, i'm afraid and it needs to permate the core of our cultural values slowly. If popular culture deems it an interesting experiment they can assimilate then it will become mainstream, if it doesn't, we'll remain underground. hope that made any sense, i'm not too sure myself.
  2. That's not only a great cover, it's an amazing album! Personally I always thought the best ones around passed through Inga Burina's hands with Boshke Beats and Horns and Hoofs. It just seems like nearly every time she was doing more than a cover an actual art piece. And she didn't limit herself to simply graphics it was design, Metalogic's cover was all about playing with the cardboard, etc... so personally my award goes out to her. Too lazy to post pics... they are not hard to find
  3. that's must have been a party... :clapping:
  4. Let's peruse through the collection in random joyful ecstasy and thank the gods for this weekend day with a quick minimal top 10 (not only psy). Albums or tracks, whatever is good. Not too much perusing so it turns tedious, this is meant to be fun... I will post mine as the right time comes The point of this exercise is to check how much the term can vary between the bunch of us.
  5. Been out of the loop so i'm just listening in. First of all, superb idea releasing the mixed version for streaming, it's definitely one step forward. as for the mix and the tracks themselves, obviously it's top notch. Brilliant stuff
  6. that's presumably because your neurons dance more than your feet. for the pile: Funkcarma, Guarner, Legiac (*), Loess, Miles Tillman, Luke Abbott (*), Tycho (a bit like boards of canada)
  7. Easiest to use and really robust application. Rips anything that passes through your sound card. http://rogueamoeba.com/audiohijackpro/ look no further. Well actually give it a google search for Audio Hijack Pro, see what you come up with.
  8. Social insight of the year. Does your mansion have a snail mail to send the trophy?
  9. At work when i'm not in a meeting or brainstorm, i'm probably listening to music 80% of the times... so let's say average... 6 to 8 hours a day regularly... sometimes pushing 10, when i need to bring some work home.
  10. Save yourself 500$ and get the triple.fi's instead, it's the same thing sans the custom fit.
  11. Many times, my old man and his posse are classical music buffs, i grew up around hi fi set ups. i'm also considerably deaf-er after spendings hours hidden in the sub-woofeer part of giant speakers inside clubs. There's just something really personal about being able to fall asleep with headphones. It's a different experience. I also listen to music at work a lot, so in-ears are perfect cause they isolate the noise and i can pump them when i need too.
  12. I like that. likewise i use headphones for most of the reasons that have been stated before. In my case is just much more affordable to get good headphones than and really good speakers. In the last few years I've developed a slight fetishism with them and will purchase a pair per year. This year it was the Ultimate Ears Super Hi Fi Pro 5. I'm liking the in-ear design after getting used to them, but that's another story.
  13. my name; not in vain, thank you. For the last time, let's please not give YSE anymore ideas. Who said propaganda is bad? the federalist papers are considered one of the most important pieces of propaganda, because they convinced the colonies in america a constitution was the right path to follow. (sorry i went to an american high school, i know example is not the best). Like someone else said this is not black and white, but you are not even treating the subject as mild gray, let alone white, which is your loss. Didn't anybody watch that documentary on LSD? Tim Leary ran a very interesting experiment when he was still head of the harvard psychology department (i think that was the tittle). The experiment counted about a dozen monks, a church with closed doors and enough acid to keep them happy all morning. About a week, couple of weeks after, they gave these ordained monks -people serving the church all their lives very strictly- a small questionnaire; All of them empathically acknowledged what they had gone through that morning was the closest thing to a divine and religious experience in their entire lives. Then again look what manson did with a bit of it too... guess the blade swings both ways.
  14. Wow... really? Are you sure that's not heresy? Did yo check in the big book? isn't that thou-not-shalt-dou #9? I really don't mean to be a negative nancy here, but you know... i'm just not sure everything mixes in life. There is no problem introducing people to music you know, but it is kind of like telling a joke; you know what joke you recite to your mom and which ones you save for your mates. The way i see it is, you are young... it's 197-something... you are in high school. You like this one girl, but she attends "young Life" and is most definitely straight edge. You on the other hand are young, in love, impressionable by peer pressure, so you attend one meeting (that's how it starts, just come to one meeting, first one is free!) and all of a sudden, 6 years have passed and you are in church, it's 8:30 in the morning on a sunday and waaammm.. there you are, screaming in tongues, communicating with 'god'. *sigh* got side-tracked, where was I? Yes, you attend the first meeting wanting to impress everyone and you just casually happen to have Led Zeppelin - Presence in your car, so pull it out and lug back to the living room, coaxing everyone into listening just one song (For Your Life, off course). BAM! you expand their minds for five minutes, they love you, you are their new god... they want to be fried too. That is, until their parents hear it as well, and... let's just say they still crucify people on the 21st century. moral of the story? Christian rock is an aberration. Let's not give Yellow Sunshine Explosion anymore bright ideas.
  15. i just joined this conversation, so sorry if if i'm missing something, but hmm?? Timbaland is one of the most renowned producers in the hip hop scene. Dunno know much about him, but a friend in college who loved hip hop used to rave about his beats. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timbaland wiki is your friend.
  16. The Loke track is very interesting. In this case it sounds way better when he is working on his own...
  17. Taste aside, we can find a number of qualities that permeate general judgement and transpire genders. For many of us, these qualities are present yet the importance of each is very different. When you hear music that takes all these qualities and holds them sufficiently high as to please everyone, we find the 'good stuff.' for me, a few things are paramount: - head-rocking factor: If my neck makes involuntary movements front to back we got promising things... can't really make it stop not matter how ridiculous it look, but is a like a personal compass. - quality/production: Make sure those three years of sound engineering school are felt in frequency spectrum, i want my speaker's worth. It's true you can have perfectly shit music with huge quality standards, but you can also ruin a great track by not really backing it up with the proper 'bandwidth' - so to speak. - Innovation: I assume you are expressing yourself with music because you have something original and interesting to say. Otherwise, no point preaching to choir. - Cinematic: Really good music usually makes you forget you are there listening to something, it evokes memories, feelings, it moves you... and not only for its sweetness. - timelessness: Every now and again I encounter such great music it is best not to hear it over and over and over again, only every now and again because i want the feeling to last, almost as if i'm controlling the dopamine levels with it. I don't really grow bored of it, because there's enough complexity and love in the production to keep discovering new things, maybe it just simply rings a bell inside which I don't tire. It's a really ethereal quality, but most important to distinguish the good from great. Sometimes, a specific track carries through memories or feelings of past times and it might not be great, but for on a personal level it is difficult not sigh when you hear it. Last time this happened with 'new' material was probably few months ago with Sonar Kollektiv Orchester (Âme) - Rej ... what an amazing remix ... damn... you know that one is made to last.
  18. Actually it was very clever and misunderstood stunt known to us in the biz as "murketing". Well done mate, you beat those h2o folks by a mile with your promotion. Let's go hear the music now...
  19. Does your friend realize there's already a psy trance artists by that name? Check, Shanti Matkin he also makes psy with Riktam (GMS) and releases music usually on Spun.
  20. The x formation is well known but not very original. The quintuple formation usually means there is one too many people in the band and you always have a douche bag that dances and jumps around and does not know how to play anything, but he has the right vibe, the spirit and probably the stash. The twin formation works very well if you are both from the Scandinavian region and happen to be females... and don't have any qualms with skimpy outfits. The... ahh.. i give up... :wank:
  21. that's really bad-ass cover, i love it.
  22. that's a very common misconception. (AKA a big fat lie) Otherwise the label would have released the original album in the first place. Many people here claim that if they like the music as 'preview' they buy the album, unfortunately the general market trend seems to slope in the other direction... i'll give this a try though, sounds interesting.
  23. what is that boy on? please taketh away from the kids; i fear sudden and widespread retardation, psychosis, incoherence and possible flatulence of the worse kind unavoidably leading to... well, shit.
  24. Subsonic Park - Second Skin ( Inner City Codes - Electrolux) Fuckin brilliant album and truly eye opening chill, dub, ambient, electro mixture. Very recommend.
  25. Well, I for one was completely mesmerized by the promo texts and have already purchased every CD by those jolly folks over at h2o records...
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