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Everything posted by RAH

  1. repluggled is not bad... i find their bass line a little too repetitive but Persia and tool time are nice uplifting stuff... i would call their sound an interesting candy-flip. The sound turn a bit jaded... but thats probably cause i overplayed it in the first couple of weeks.. NP: Catla - Meshuribul (V/A - voices of Madness)
  2. Carbon Based Lifeforms solar fields and from ultimae as well, Fahrenheit Project Part Four or even better 3 aww almost forget.. Deviant electronics is excelent stuff... (which apparently is not 4/4.. but theres is still a generous amount of drumming )
  3. Artist: Serious Porn Collector Album: User Label: Last Possible Solution Year: 2005 Format: CD Country: U.K. Songs: 01. Slow (136 BPM's) 02. Splinter (137 BPM's) * 03. Residual Circuits (137 BPM's) 04. A Sign of Decay (138 BPM's) * 05. Stiffy (136 BPM's) 06. Ashamand (SPC vs DJ Bendler) (136 BPM's) * 07. U Wat (138 BPM's) 08. Electrical Redistributer (139 BPM's) * 09. Urgh (SPC v Tenzing) (138 BPM's) 10. Processing Numbers (134 BPM's) Why I like it: If you were wondering where good minimal went hiding, you need to look no further. Lek Black is back from the recent N.R.S affair, changing the style a few degrees from his numerous appearances on Symptoms of compliance. For starters the beat per minute count slowed down a bit, you can feel it in the reappearing kick. The mysterious aspects are still present and the scant mellodies remind of any half-coherent Richard D. James album immersed in heavy delays. The end result is a mission through minimal with eerie undertones, progressive moments, tribal teases and speck of groove. Closing the book awaits a strange down tempo fusion, with all the tall-tale signs of Black, exploring dubby basses and hip beats. Why you might like it: The kicks might not be very varied throughout, but the echoing congas and tambourines with numerous rhythmic artifacts complement the production well. A bit more musically inspired (and thats no insuation of sweet-tooth) than his earlier work, an interesting side of Black seems to develop. The outcome is reserved, retaining that mechanical vibe Last possible solution has been releasing lately. My highlights : 02. Splinter A strong beat with generous use of bass in chain-saw mode, quirky synth lines, a tea-spoon of funk with the mysterious aura that seems to surround anything Lek is producing. Stuck in the middle, a slice of heaven visible only when the dark clouds dissipate (around minute 2:30). 04. A Sign of Decay Using a very layered approach to the composition with a myriad number of sublevels to get the message across. Screams heavily delayed, squelchy effects, droid-like harmonics and a standard bass line. 06. Ashamand (SPC vs DJ Bendler) A much welcomed organic drumming accompaniment, alongside subtle "ohh" samples with a new assortment of drone outputs turning liquid. The production feels more rounded and when Black gets a bit of help it shows through. 08. Electrical Redistributer Displaying a carnivalesque beat without being joyful, the song moves forward in between the couple of breaks without even attempting building ups. The chain-like bass once again explores slightly different ideas, as the ussual porn the collector has been sharing keeping the higher ranges on a mental hard on. Saiko Samples
  4. CPU was acceptable in his first cd... the second... i wouln't touch with a pole... not even a long one... but thats just me
  5. HAHa welcome to the club... if the bank only knew were i really am now... hihi
  6. i have been reading a few good things about this Nam Shub of Enki, guess now i have reason to check it out as well
  7. way too hard to pick 5 so this what i can think of right now and i know im missing a bunch of great stuff, so in no order... softer... Kalumet - Koyote (V/A - beat om beat) Miniloge - Leelo (V/A - Limelight) Uni - the opened eyes (La movin) Taucher - wet (progressions vol1) Qualia - feedback (v/A - Inspirazzia) tetrameth - the quickening (v/a - intelligent manipulation) harder K.U.R.O - Ion Park (v/a - electroscopic) freaking - depravation chambers (v/A Hammering at the gates of soul) registered user - lan (V/a Symptoms of compliance) Kemic-Al - Xifajk (Little Devil) (v/A - Mushy mistery) ok you know what i give up, this is too much thinking and flipping back and forward through cd wallets and lost boxes and in deed lost cd's... sorry.. eternal work in progress
  8. i never got into the more abstract industrial sound, so that explains why this is not particularly my thing. I came strong in my opinion and i already apologized for it. I was nevertheless open enough to start this thread to hear what other people that DID like this stuff had to say, out of personal curiosity. And i considered myself enlightened now...
  9. alright, whatever tickles your pickle i like to think is not so much about bad music, but at the time you play it .... if i ever get into this mood, ill be sure to report back. I think i was a little fast to judge this, and i apologise if i hurt your blackned lung feelings
  10. RAH


    i think the poll option so that other people can rate the cd is a good idea. But im definatelly using OD's slightly modified ranking system
  11. Did ANYBODY flip through the samples of these people? http://www.saikosounds.com/english/show_ar...?artist_id=3022 they were god awful... talk about industrial-noise-junk! my speakers were pleading for a rest, and so were my ears... are there any fans of this here? i would like to know what draws you to this music... im not trying to bash anyone or start a flame war, but i don't think i spotted ONE mellody in all that noise maybe for samples... i felt compelled to discuss
  12. someone started an online sample data-base for these kind of matters, i think the idea is great and the site is very organized http://www.fullonline.net/ if you are sampling something, and it just too good to be true, it might be worth checking the place out, see how many people did before you it bothers me to see repetitive samples in songs, but with so many people producing these days, is going to be inevitable... what is important for my ears is whether or not the sample fits well with the overall thing.
  13. i got serius porn collecter today... im waiting on the new silent sphere & V/A - PyroGenetic come on mail man!! do yer job !
  14. RAH


    There > http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=24835 i wasn't particularly fond on that one, and once again im not sure a lot people bothered reading. This issue has come out before, and is not that people are out to get promos here or anything, but when u take the time to write something, is clearly more enjoyable when you like the music.... otherwise why bother?
  15. RAH


    How about we substitute astrix for bomb... the dude barely scrapes by for me... so that's a 5/10... besides that little correction i think this is the rating system the world has been waiting for
  16. INSOMNIA RECORDS Compilation: Kindzadza And Friends 13 Dimension Connection (CD) http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/ino/ino1cd003.html
  17. RAH


    i would have to agree with basilisk... besides a few notable exeptions, review threads here go mainly unnoticed. it is true the stuff i repost or review just dosen't find a sweet ear with people here at times, but they are gathering dust way too fast. Offtopic & general are clearly the 'hot' subsections here. But again, thats just me, obviously people post reviews here with varying degrees of feedback
  18. dude when announcing a new VA from your label the least you can do is get the names right, and last time i checked Repluggled was not released on drugless... it was... take a wild guess
  19. you are excused im not particularly fond of Kindzadza (in particular) either... but i don't necesarily dislike full on like i have mentioned times before
  20. Silent Sphere - Phenix (from dance) god that tune still rocks just at much as it last year
  21. http://www.soundclick.com they seem to be straightforward enough, but i havent tried myself
  22. RAH

    Killer Buds

    i thought that remix did not even hit the toes of the original... it could be cause im just in love with the Goblin remix from Clear Visions of Israel 1. Now that's a rework of alien cop. "if you can't stand the heat... you better stay out of the kitchen, eskimo"
  23. yes that tune is magic... airdrawndagger surely had a coupe of gems. i enjoyed magnetic north a whole lot... but wavy gravy just has something special to it
  24. thats some trippy stuff.... straight out of the amazonian jungle... i liked the tiger samples it's an interesting one. It could have used a little emotion though, i did not feel like it was taking me anywhere... or maybe im just used to more traditional sounding stuff. did you find anything good for mastering? a start-up option (and u know it's start-up when we are talking about DX plug) but the interface is pure eye candy Izotope i'm pretty sure, experienced people here can recomend you better stuff though
  25. RAH

    Killer Buds

    heh.. i wouln't call it the whipping boy, people in this forum just seems to have a distaste for it. i have had an oportunity to hear a lot of good full on... but we might have a different idea of what full on is to begin with. I already got into a discussion of that previously and i don't want to get back to it... what i don't understand (for my taste) is how some people, think certain projects that sound like 1999-2000 are just the non plus ultra right now. I'd like to think it's about moving things forward, and something that sounds like another Hallucinogen - lone deranger in 2004 is just well.. been done before... but that is how i see things. and certainly Killer buds does not fit into my category of moving the genre forward, from what i could hear is just not very original content.
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