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Everything posted by RAH

  1. did anyone catch they were interviewing people outside the Fridge? muhahaha... the memories, guess that place ha's been peeling brains for a while now ... :clapping:
  2. i think these kinds of polls serve more to inspire personally than to answer any useful statistical information about whether this kind of endevor is actually viable in any kind of standard. If it's good music i would even buy it in a well presented CD-R, like i twas the case with scozbor. But truth of the matter is the great majority of the community will not cough up money to buy something they can get for free... that's why things are the way the way are...
  3. H makes makes seriously wicked tunes. Love your new stuff as well... definately getting better with each track. Keep it up brother!
  4. it's a review... i honestly don't think peopel should take this stuff too seriously. when i started social commentaries because i realized i was bored to talk about the music itself, i quit. it's fun, it can get you inspired, it gives you some displine if you really take it seriously (thanks for that Martin), but at the end of the day... it's just another review for the pile... don't loose sleep over it.
  5. RAH


    dude she's a cutie (i'm talking about the rhino, hehe, j/k) hold on tight to her... sorry no pics this time, maybe next.
  6. i'd say give it at least a week and do not skip the spliff test...
  7. I don't subscribe to the idea more people means better music. I rarely hear good tracks with more than 4 people involved, it just gets too mixed up and it's hard for individuals ideas to surface. Off course, there are exceptions to every rule... i digg....
  8. tierra azul was a favourite for a while... Forest Fuel takes the the cake these days though, but i haven't heard the newest album as of yet, so dunno...
  9. Lamb - Trans Fatty Acid (Kruder Dorfmeister RMX) - The K&D Sessions
  10. all these damn numbers, they always confuse me... hehe
  11. Astro is also making music as Thutankamon 5000, for more twisted and primal sounds. The same quality is still there though, keep an ear out for it, it's good stuff.
  12. RAH

    V/A - Vapour

    it's not a +RLS it's a compilation
  13. damn, guess i'm gonna go get this one, been putting off, but i clearly need to get it
  14. hearts beating... listen carefully it's the simphony of life.
  15. RAH

    V/A - Vapour

    vapour was an act of love for the scene, alas a comercial failure... and unfortunately we're unable to continue on that path. But it was a blast putting it together and being a part of it. I'm very proud of what we did. At the end of the day, i hope all those who listened enjoyed it. Don't support the home labels if you don't like, don't support the scene, but for fucks sake support the artists!!! let them know their work is worth something, let them know with actions the product of their love went somewhere productive. That's the important part.
  16. this is so ridiculous, it's funny... :drama:
  17. Seriously. My father is classical fan and my mother has an ecclectic taste between Sade and latin music and... everything that sounds unlike what i listen too...
  18. wow, you didn't even mention Syndrome nor Hertz so good and what about Way back!? which to me where the better ones of the album, but the whole thing is very well executed. Nice to see such a high production level and the music is wonderful. Unfortunately it does not stand the test of time to well... and in retrospect it would have been nice to see a little more variation of the elements on each track, which seem to repeat over and over with slight tweaks, albeit the same thing in the end. Overall though... this stuff is worth getting and they did blend the post-soumi, commercial sound well enough to make it work, so kudos.
  19. i personally think it's ridiculous and i can count the number of tracks that to my ears are good at 160, with my right hand. But hey, i'm guess i'm just an opinionated cunt :clapping:
  20. nice one mr.tuthankamohn, all the best with it
  21. v/a - the meaning of life (vertigo) had this cd for 3 months (maybe more, dunno) just lying around and last week was the first time i actually managed to get into the track. funny how these things hit us. can't wait for the album
  22. Holly smokes dude that is amazing, is there any way you can transfer that to paper somehow or a computer design to send a few of those to real wine companies? there's definately a few avant garde-ish companies that would (to my mind) take that design in no time.
  23. +10 :posford:
  24. nice one cheers :posford: sucks everyone heard it and nobody bought, thus we won't be releasing anymore music anytime soon :drama: agreed Kiwa got a lot pf play here as for Outolintu, i have feeling i would like more Sienis, even if haven't ordered that one yet. my share so far: flooting grooves (probably deserved a review) benza it was good getting a re-release of loumuhappo, the fractal cowboys album, i somehow expected more... or that maybe was just the drop that got me wondering why i don't listen to 'dark' anymore. ufff... and v/a - Bliminal, almost forget... amazing stuff...
  25. download away then, calamar audio deserves a heads up, we'll be hearing from Ville alone and with Lava Lords as well, which i think is with some other dude... but name escapes me right now, but cool tunes nevertheless, very funky, deep and fuckin woobly....
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