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Everything posted by Nappa

  1. reason 3.0 hehe im still learning, not that great yet, just learn from mistakes and take advice thanks for the comment
  2. thanks, this is just a rough copy, im doing some touch ups on it a little later but this is the basic layout i guess thanks again for the feedback
  3. just finished this one, tell me what u think Songs called "Age of the Machines" STREAM DOWNLOAD ENJOY!!
  4. new trak up, I just finished this one, looking for a little feedback, tell me if you like songs called Cannibal STREAM DOWNLOAD
  5. LOL I was in a hurry.... Download: A Visit From Yours Truly Stream: A Visit From Yours Truely
  6. this is a dark goa song got some cool vocals in, just wanted to see what u guys think. any changes i could make at all? always open for criticism
  7. www.soundclick.com/nappa
  8. cubase is also a great way to go, especially with reason
  9. hey guys, just got this new goa trak up called Onyxia, its nice and short, a little shorter than most goa songs, but i like it, tell me wat u think Onyxia enjoy
  10. thanks i use reason 3.0
  11. hey guys, im a bit new to the site, been making electronic music for a little over a year now, recently got into goa and psytrance so ive been makin that ever since, here are a couple of traks that i have recently made, input on these would be nice, im really just learning right now, but my head is pooring with ideas. Song 1: Evil Psy-Bunny Song 2: Fantastic Flow
  12. reason, ur midi, a nice soundcard and a fast proccesor ur good to go
  13. ya nice work bro, good stuff u got here, im not that into minimal psy stuf but i can definately appreciate this. keep creating
  14. nice man, i like it a lot, i think at 2:00 though u should make some sort of transition, it trails off a bit for too long i think, but ur probably stil workin on that part good stuf
  15. lol i dont really know what to say about this
  16. When you start gettin deep into Reason and addin more and more sounds, especially in Reason 3.0. Make sure you have a nice sound card and a fairly highend processor, then ul be sailing. I suggest minimum 2.0ghz for ur proccesor and for ur soundcard, maybe a Sound Blaster Audigy2 ZS. or just look at some of the soundcards from the Creative Labs line.
  17. great trak man, only part i felt needed some changing was around the middle at 4:10 the melody is great but i think some of the effects u put in there overpowered the melody and made the sound a bit weak. it was difficult to hear it but the effects were pretty awesome anyways, just a bit too much keep up the good work bro
  18. Reason is a great choice to start with, but i would suggest gettin Reason 3.0 if u can, u can find it on a lot of torrent sites, the new stuff is really quite amazing
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