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  1. HI !!! pducry@hotmail.com Just A little DEMO ! http://rapidshare.de/files/15614955/Agress...n_b01_.mp3.html
  2. Thanks for all... This tracks is old, and i have a new material, taht is more professional ! After i will take it ! bye !
  3. Hi... MY TRACKS www.tramavirtual.com.br/insane "eletronico/trance" The project of psy-trance baptized as Insane, native of the city of Rio De Janeiro and with you influence of the sources extreme of the style"WEIRD AND BIZARRE", if it presents with authentic and innovative proposals, loading diversified ideologies of the traditional parameters of the PSY. Approaching the side most aggressive and strong of psy-it tresses it, the proposal of the project is presented by forts basslines, sharp syntetizadores, innovative drums in the stem and timbres, thus providing an extreme and contagiante psycodelia... BYE...
  4. VB-1 Audio Realism Bassline Albino
  5. Hi, my name is Pedro Ducry, and Im from Brazil Rio de Janeiro... And I have some idea... What do you think about make some tracks togheter ?! I use Cubase, FL and many VSTs... If you like, lets talk about this on MSN or mail ?! --> pducry@hotmail.com We are makinh a PSY FACTORY OF SOUND !!! LETS WORK TOGHETER !!!
  6. Hi... Great Track, very C O O L !!! Just answer my question... Whats VSTs do you use to crate this track ?! ! ! ! BYE BYE ! ! !
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