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Everything posted by Gnome

  1. Could you ever describe the feeling of having sex to someone who never did it? Edit:i'd like a "yes" or a "no".
  2. Do you actually know what the word "psychedelic" means?
  3. You know what cinos.There is a possibility one day you will have to face your beliefs about everything.Psychedelics,parties,music,psychedelia in general.And this is going to be very very difficult for you.Something like an inner war.Why dont you just,let it go.
  4. Thats obvious,we didnt need to give an example.Just the fact that you didnt understand what i said its enough. Stop answering yourself you psycho.
  5. Gnome


    Gay,commercial and so not-psychedelic.A very bad way to spent NYE.Only for fools.Have fun.
  6. Thats one of the biggest problems of this scene.People who never had at least one psychedelic experience and want to believe they know things and can separate styles and express their opinions.Noobs.
  7. And yeah this compilation is quite good.Nothing super special. At least their sound is different.Lately every fuckin compilation has the same sound,every fuckin song looks like the next and the previous one.Like everyone is using the same cubase plugins.This one is a bit different.But again,nothing special.It is the way it should be.
  8. Fuck yeah!Great stuff!Im seriously ka-boomed.We want more!
  9. Gnome

    v/a Lyserg Lesson

    Hehe that Osom track is insane.
  10. Yeah maybe because ITS A CHARACTERISTIC OF TRANCE MUSIC?? You try to make some psychedelic without this kind of bass and send it to me please.Maybe you are a super talent and you dont know it yet.
  11. 1200 Mics is the definition of "this scene is going downhill".
  12. Bola - Pendulus Gridlock - Invert The Detroit Escalator Co. - Terminal (Dtw) Dither - 6 Duuster - Amand-set.o Autechre - Surripere Coil - Red Queen Fennesz - Happy Audio Boards of Canada - Dayvan Cowboy Vector Lovers - Girl + Robot
  13. Come on,Trumpeter Swan Rmx is almost the same with the original.Almost no changes. Well,what can i say about the comp....Penta lost it for sure,nothing special in general.
  14. Entering D:\,finding folder Muzik...right clicking for properties....7844 files,826 folders....MP3 who?
  15. Hmm.... Akasha_-_Love_Philtre-gEm? Ban him!! j/k
  16. Why do you mix old tracks? I'd prefer a mix with unreleased tracks and no tracklist.
  17. At last! Although my favorite Ka Sol tracks are those twisted forest creations like Fairytale,Waspnest,Apathy,Flying Carpet......wicked shit But of course i also like the morning/melodic stuff,all Ka Sol music is good music (sounds like an ad). And to be a little off-topic.....we want Zoon!!Where is Zoon ?! -> Ka-BooM ! <-
  18. Lets wait for some reviews after the festival to decide about this.
  19. Thats a nice comp.Really powerful Ocelot track kicks ass as always.Love his style.
  20. Hey i heard a couple of tracks from this album.....sounds great!!!
  21. What the fuck did you expect?If you hate something its 10x worse on acid.Beh! The last compilation "dedicated" on acid (if i remember well) was Scrambled Heads.Now thats some trippy stuff.
  22. Follow the rules and you can hope in an afterlife with parties,virgins and ethereal substances.
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