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Everything posted by N.I.V.R.A.

  1. there is also a free tau it has good sound but if you ad some effects and a good compressor you can make good sound..."just type tau and you will find it...
  2. yes we know but it was a surprise to see crazyboris on this forum and be both go to the same parties in belgium(i think) and we are also members of an other psyforum(www.psychedelic.be) and it was just for fun.....
  3. ik maak alles in fl (kan je beter ordenen van al u paterns en soms gebruik ik reasons als ik bepaalde geluiden nodig heb) en daarna zet ik alles cubase, voor een beter sound en daarna steek ik het volledig liedje in wavelab en dan heb je nog een beter geluids kwaliteit.
  4. very very good, if you ever make a cd, just let me know...
  5. ah den boris.... ik zou gewoon ook met fruityloops blijven werken, ik zelf werk met cubase, reasons, en flloops maar ik combineer, maar voor geluids kwalitijd master ik alles in cubase en nog met een paar programmas...
  6. da mag helemaal niet zo luid.......................................
  7. i just love their cd's and that's all i've seen them one time and it was a dissillusion...perhaps it must stay a fantasy...
  8. dont use headphones because every soundsystem sounds dif...listen it loud....and you will it hear... i just use a stereo sounds system...
  10. Never Everland missed symphony scorpion frog frog machine tasty mushroom montoya rmx song pong city of the future and some unrealesed songs...
  11. it makes me remind that humanity is capable of doing just a few thing good....it has become my second love , my second love....forever....
  12. the rule is always a multyply of 4... in every song you will hear it... 4-8-12-16...
  13. i've just seen that you are also a novice in musicmaking... just keep on trying like myself, when i feel my song are good enough i will put them on the net and than you can judge me....
  14. the sound are good and i like your bassline, but it sound like one big intro to a song, but it doesn't starts....perhaps a melody somewhere....
  15. it sounds good but i miss the bass, perhaps it can be a bit louder...
  16. if i'm uninspired i take my diskman and go for a ride whit my bike... sometime it last as two weeks that i can't make anything.... but after that i start... and i will not stop or sleep ..... just take a walk look, around you, listen to your diskman or what ever you have and don't press yourself...or just get drunk empty your mind....
  17. great sounds and i like your bassline the most but it is a few minuts to short and Perhaps your can add few melodic sounds, because it sounds very good....
  18. thanks now i know....
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