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Everything posted by Sonic

  1. D-root hi profile LOUD Ritmo Time in Motion Sphera Zen Mechanics These artists do tend to be very similar sounding without much progression(weird its called progressive) but are definately worth to be listened to if you enjoy progpsy soundscapes
  2. I've never experienced anything like it but i'd say prog psy makes me unleash such emotions, happiness sorrow etc etc. My opinion is that usually these things happen by coincidence and that u can't cry everytime you hear a track though i really like your topic mate cheers
  3. link again broken :/ and since everybody's giving you credit im more than curious to hear it
  4. lol nice fail! link
  5. indeed! i just felt like sharing those days. Too bad i looked like an asshole hehehehehe
  6. not
  7. http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIFLNW_hG_w&feature=related The track that starts at 2.47 with the amazing drum melody.
  8. awesome news high expectations from this artist hope it doesnt blow
  9. not at all im just saying psy should be heard in a place where you can have enough room to dance too bad all the vids i found are too dark to see a thing, anyway i guess this might work but still no mad dancers :/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ak6tnNhQwQc enjoy
  10. im sorry to say that but that's definately not mad dancing and pretty pitiful seeing so many people trying to dance in a small room. I'll try to dig up some vids from parties happening in Athens that might give you an idea of how entairtainment should look like
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