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  1. Cybernetika Thanks for the feedback Abt the bass yeah im gonna lower it and give it a little more decay so its more smoother... Explosions at 10 Khz ... that can be arranged... for ur friend Hopefuly will have a an updated version up for some serious comments agai !! Thanks a lot !!
  2. No mor eviews ? I need feedback !!! Plzzz
  3. Thx for the tip xiphiaz....
  4. Just had a listen to the updated version... Well it doesnt sound distorted ... which is good About the bass.. well i think the lenght of every note is a bit long or maybe the decay is set high.. so its not punching in and out rather just flowing . also u cud try to compress it first and then overdrive it a little so it sounds punchier
  5. Heres an updated version of the track... It still needs a lot of work on the breaks, transitions, mastering & EQ but u get the basic picture Lemme know what u think.. Suggestions/Criticism/Feedback and Brutal Honesty welcome !! http://www.acidplanet.com/artist.asp?PID=551724&T=2935
  6. Hey Andy The bass line is good.. its the actual sound of the nass that i didnt like... but then again thats just my opinion... The distortion sounded like too much compression or limiting at some stage !! apart from that its nice !!!
  7. Its nice but sometimes things sound a bit distorted and the bass doesnt sound so good IMO... needs some work !!
  8. I like it ... only thing yeah the sound quality... compress the master, then EQ it and then limit It heheh ..
  9. Really nice work. I like it a lot keep it coming
  10. Hey ppl... ne tricks u have to make some good breaks. im a little new to making psy trance, just made one yet.. Some tips and tricks will help !!
  11. Well i like the production , but it sounds like a bit distroted did u compress/ limit the shit out of it ? maybe go a little easy on it !!
  12. Very nice production.. Dont like the synth that kicks in at 1:58 and i agree with daze the synth at 3:53 is not my cup of tea, and at 4:35 its all goin out of control... .. the pad at 6:16 sounds like forced upon the track.. i think u just need to work on the melodies, and the synths could be more psychedelic.. all in all good production, keep it coming... !!!
  13. Hey guys which vst synths do u use the most ? i like 1. Albino 2. Vanguard 3. Moog Modular
  14. I really like ur style .... Nice traks , but again i have to say that the bass line lacks power... everything else is spot on.
  15. I cud only get like 1min 14 sec of the track, unless thats what u put there... whatever i heard was nice ...
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