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Everything posted by khogg

  1. Looks pretty cool. Might get it over Christmas.
  2. khogg


    Correction: it won't be made until 2012, it won't be released until early 2014. I hear it's a real killer track though.
  3. khogg


    Astrix - Kali (Gms Version 2 Rmx) ... that's one of my favorites. Actually I have most of those tunes. I'll trade them all to you for a copy of: Fly Agaric and 1200 Mics feat. Michelle & Zorba - Death killer (Alien Project remix) (gms re remix 2005) (astrix rereremix 2007) (Once upon a sea of blissfull awarness-slowed-down mix by OTT & Younger Brother) (TIP allstar speeded-up remix feat. Eskimo and Sesto Sento) (GMS re-master) Which (I am told by a very reliable source) won't be released until 2012.
  4. Antic, "Few "wibbly wobbly" sounds doesn't make it different, since everyone else seem to use them now." Yeah, I guess that's true. For the baseline, you may be right, but it still doesn't sound like your typical full-on baseline to me, it may be in notes, but not in sound, not to my ears anyway, and judging by 45 second samples.... blah. Anyway, I wasn't necessarily refering to just you with the comment about expectations. There have been posts about this upcoming album for a long long time now, and in each one there are people raving about the first and drooling over the prospect of a new album. My point is, when the expectations are that high (in general) for anything that had a well received first part, then you can almost count on a collective let down when the sequel arrives (take a look at Matrix 2 and 3). That's all I'm saying. Sincerely, Da-K-hogg
  5. Mean Tacco Machine!!! Great stuff.
  6. Well, I never did listen to the first Hux Flux because it's dam near impossible to find, but this new one sounds interesting at the very least. It doesn't have the much hated full-on baseline. Infact, it doesn't sound anything like full-on at all, expecially the last few tracks. There are some nice wibbly wobbly sounds in there, and the cover is pretty cool too. This response was predictable though. The expectations were so high for so many it seems.
  7. Well, I got it now and only listened to it a few times. Won't make a definite statement about it yet, but is has variety, is not typical full on for every track, and has some really awesome funky tracks on it too. Better than the first for sure.
  8. I think you are being unnecessarily harsh. It sounds like standard business practice to me. Legally, they have to charge you the tax and they can add it to the price when you log in or on the invoice. It's all the same in the end.
  9. Anyone out there have it? What do ya think?
  10. Tandu - Multimoods http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ease.asp?id=935 Elysium - Monzoon http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ease.asp?id=119
  11. Ha! I just ordered it.
  12. I agree about the samples: they sound good! I have their first album and it's nothing special in my opinion, but I'm going to get this new album anyway, because it sounds much better.
  13. I just noticed, Saikosounds has it in stock! Must be a re-issue?
  14. Any good?
  15. I don't think the size of the label necessarily has anything to do with it.
  16. To be honest guys, I don't know why you would even bother ordering from a label directly when there are so many great reliable online shops out there now. Not trying to be holier than thou, just a friendly suggestion.
  17. I don't like much of anything Twisted releases (Shpongle being the one exception), but like you say, it's all about taste. I'm sure there will be many people raving about this Prometheus album which is fine, but sometimes I can't help but wonder if all the rave reviews of Twisted releases are just an extension of the hero worship that seems to exist for all things Simon (or associated with him)?
  18. Thanks Mike. I checked the website and it looks pretty cool! Way cheaper than buying CD turntables and gear when I just want to play around and make some mixes for myself.
  19. So I have a computer, and I have a CD burner, and CD's. Now the question: how can I take tracks from CD's, and mix them, then burn the result onto a CD using only (free?) software?
  20. Or what about an album with Borris and Astral Projection? Would be an interesting mix I think.
  21. Good news. I liked Electric Roundabout a lot.
  22. My most dissappointing purchase so far this year: Wrecked Machines - Blink Best? I dunno. But two that stick out in my mind are: VA - Clarity Protoculture - Refractions
  23. He has always been one of my favorite artists. Unify was awesome for sure (much better than Blue Planet and Divine Design).
  24. khogg

    psy share

    Avast matie, prepare to be flamed! "Let the psytrance movment be alive in Any part of the world!" LOL!
  25. I do like Silicon Sound, very much. Crystal clear sound, uplifting, energetic, and it's great to dance to without being a total full-on clone.
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