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Everything posted by khogg

  1. Well, I've never been lucky enough to hear him play live, but I do have 2 cd's compiled by him (Time & Space 1, Dimitri's Dat Bag) and they are excellent! Great full on trance music.
  2. Little banana man says: "spooky horror trance makes my life okay when turds have grown on the underside of my large flying boat." He likes to dance, but only to spooky scarry trance... this is what makes him unique and special, like my big toes. Uuuuuhhhh, roger. Over and out. Beep.
  3. Now that's what I'm talkin bout.
  4. Dance you motherfuckers! Muahahaha ha ha ha HA ... ah ha HA HA ...
  5. God dammit! I said GET DOWN!
  6. Well, I dunno about the rest of you, but I'm lookin' for some wicked, evil, scarry trance. Something truely horrific!!! Anyone got any reccomendations?
  7. tako?
  8. As far as I know, Breath will be released on their album in September.
  9. khogg

    bad bad

    I don't know about France, but Trance music is not dying and it never will.
  10. And I thought I was the only one! I listened to the samples at saikosounds and thought: "this sounds okay, but..." Then I read the reviews and people raved about it like it was the best thing ever, so I bought it hoping it would be as good as they said... and it wasn't. I've only listened to it a few times because it's so annoying to listen to with those over the top obvious melodies, and I find myself wishing I hadn't bought it. Oh well, perhaps I'll sell it on ebay.
  11. khogg


    Hell, it's got to the point where I'd write some reviews even with the login (I'm not a hippy but I can't get a password, so whatever...
  12. khogg


    They have a few wicked tracks and obviously have skills making cool sounds, but they're not really my cup of tea either. Anyway, here's the Infected tracks I like the most: Acid Killer (this one is with Zerox I think?) Psycho (Live Remix) P.G.M. Mushi Mushi I do like some others but I have to be in the right mood. Another good track is "Magic Mushroom - One Absolute" which is made by Erez and Lestat
  13. khogg


    One or two really doesn't give an indication for me (at least, an indication I can trust), and that has nothing to do with the quality of the one or two reviews. One person's review is just that--one person's opinion. Now, if ten people all speak favorably about something, and if their descriptions of the music style/sound all agree, then that really says something to me. Or even if eight out of ten people agree. Whatever, you get the point. Problem is, nowadays you're lucky to find even one review of a CD. That's just not good enough.
  14. @ DT, was just listening to Logic Bomb - Desire, and you are right, it's got a wicked bassline in it!
  15. Actually, I don't care much about the cardboard covers. I just take them off and leave them off. My only problem with them is when the cover on the cardboard is decent or excellent, while the cover in the leaflet in the acutal CD is terrible... AP - Amen is a perfect example. They should have packaged the CD like the Cardboard thingie. I'll be getting the MWNN CD and I just hope the cover will be as in the "chaos pic" or what saikosounds has. That cover with his face on it is LAME!!! @ psyfi: "i don't like covers that look like gay swinger-club ads" LOL!
  16. best basslines: Astrix best melodies: Astral Projection best cheese: Cheddar the rest: I dunno...
  17. Yeah I was looking for that one for a while. Then I traded some kind of skin wash for a copy with a guy in Japan. It's true! Try finding someone in Japan to get you a copy.
  18. khogg


    @ Psyfi, that explains why I have had no answer from Children about getting a password. Man, if they are going to consider it a forum and not answer emails (which I can understand because obviously they have lives outside this site), then why not just drop the password system!!! The site would run itself again. Then the two best parts of the site (the reviews and forum) would both be active!?!
  19. I always enjoy your mixes. Great tracks and good mixing. I have discovered quite a few good albums by liking certain tracks in your mixes and then checking the albums they came from. Thanx! I actually decided to buy Emergence after hearing a few tracks in your mixes and that CD is hands down one of the best compilations I have ever owned.
  20. That should be: "Delirious" Forgive me.
  21. Uummm... WOW! Respect!!!
  22. Oh and how could I forget! Silicon Sound - Pure Analog <--- Check this out!!! (if you haven't already)
  23. Jirah - Outer Access Psydrop - Fantasy Seeds Fatali - Moments Those are the three I would get out of your list. If you are into the 'full-on' sound, then I would also recommend you check out the following two "(artist albums only!)" Astrix - Eye to Eye Alien Project - Aztechno Dream
  24. Bamboo Forest: Step by Step
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