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Everything posted by khogg
Space Cat's recent album is very full on inspired. Quite different than his old work.
He has great productions skills. Has made some songs that I like. I prefer his work as Sphongle more than most of his faster stuff. He's good, but he's not THAT good. He's not god. He's just some guy who has a talent for creating computer music. And frankly, for my tastes, there are plenty of other artists I'd like to see play live before him. Anyway, obviously I'm in the minority as a great portion of trance lovers worship the guy, which is fine. I just don't share their sentiments. EP asked if it was just him that felt this endless vocal worshiping of Simon and all this he is god stuff was a bit much. Well I feel that way too.
It's not just you. He's not that good. IMNHO
Just a trend as far as I'm concerned. No biggy. In fact, the more... SATANTIC... they try to be, the less evil it seems. You can't try to be evil. Truely evil people are just evil. They would make a song called Blue Wall and it would be effortlessly devious and corrupted in a sly subconcious way. It would be blissful, beautiful, captivating, but EVIL (picture Dr. Evil saying "evvvilll"). Whenever I see a CD with track names that are trying too hard to be scary. I just laugh and move on. I think we should be worried when all psytrance released is polished and catchy and lacking soul or heart or true inspiration.
What's that oldschool song that goes something like: "I felt as if I was flying, high up in the sky." Then it goes off on some crazy acidic sounds. Nice. Might have been on the yellow album? Good vocals. Or perhaps I should say: nice sample. Way to take a short sweet sample and distort it in a really cool way and make it an integral part of the song. That's what I can appreciate. Or the ever so famous: people can fly... Or perhaps some clever Cosmosis samples at just the right place. Saying so much with so little (surrounded by some clever burps and farts). These are things that are missing in so many of these infected did it (badly) so I should too modern attempts at integrating the human voice into a type of music that is usually so blissfully free of inane speach. This is getting off topic.
I must agree with some of the senitments expressed above about Talamasca. Starting with his second album, squeaky clean sound, but not inspiring. BPM's too high, same same same Talamasca pitter patter full on style baseline too recongnizable in all songs... just not that good. French full on. Nothing more, and not much less. Many love the guy though. To each their own. Come to think of it, I have heard a couple of his songs that I like where he (rarely) drops the insane tempo a bit. I think the guy has talent but not for my taste.
How about: Electric Universe - Cosmic Experience, some very nice goaish full on on this one, although the CD as a whole is not as good as Unify. Triptych - Electrology, some very cool tracks on there with crazy use of sounds, energetic and not your usual poop. I also find that many Nano compilations are a bit full on but in a classy way. In particular I must reccomend: Nano - VA - Clarity Nano - VA - Natural Selection <--- especially this one, compiled by Protoculture if I remember correctly. And speaking of Protoculture, his album is quite good full on as well.
Vocals... can be good. Singing... can be good.... rarely. Generally ----> NO FUCKING SINGING! AND IF THERE IS GOING TO BE SINGING GET A REAL SINGER AND MAKE SURE YOUR LYRICS MAKE SOME SENSE AND AREN'T UTTER POO. Thanks, kdogg
I like to store my cd's in a pickel barrel full of sausage, fried eggs, and potato chips. Mmmm... yummy.
An Astral Projection cd these days will likely not blow anyone out of the water, but for fans of their music, a new cd that doesn't totally sell out the full-on Israeli disease will be miles better than the average shit that is released all over the place these days. I look forward to the album. Who knows, with any luck, they will release the eqivalent of EU's Unify.
Out of print for a long time my friend. Many a person has asked this similar question. For while there you could still find the odd copy on obscure online sites, but now... ebay is sadly your best bet. I bet someone like Avatar will rerelease it one day.
Anything over 145 turns me off. Too pitter patter if you know what I mean.
Waiting for a New Life and Aliens are probably my two fav's The second CD on Violent Relaxation was pretty good to.
They probably paid for the track before he released the gayest album ever, thus reducing his status to 'yet another lame me too Israeli act releasing poo on Phonokol.'
135 to low 140's at home and in the car 145 tops and only when I want to listen to something really energetic 140 to 145 is good for clubs
Commercial Hippies
How could they possibly object. Now all the tracks sound exactly the same. They've been given the full-on treatment. Take a couple of recongizable chirps from the orginal, throw them overtop of a kick drum and add the baseline. Add 2 more layers of drifting farts and squelches (for a startling 5 total layers!) and you have a CD that sounds exactly the same from start to finish.
I'll pass on the new stile of trance then thanks. Wow that CD is so gay it hurts. And it's not that he has vocals or 70's or 80's disco influcences or whatever; it's that he does with such a startling lack of talent and still manages to get his CD produced?
Try listening to: X-dream - We Created Our Own Happiness Then try listening to: X-dream - Radio. I find these two albums are a great comparison because they are made by the same artists, both very good, and yet the character of each album is quite different. For me, the first is goa, and the second is psy.
"I think it says more about where "psy" is heading than it says about the hard dance community." Sadly very true. You have nailed the essense of what disturbs me most about his sample. That song or sample is like full-on taken to its cheapest most formulaic extreme. It shows the true heart of full-on I guess. Oh dear.
I haven't heard a Dynamic song yet worth mentioning.
What horrifies me about this sample is how absolutely terrible it sounds and yet it scares me admit that it does sound kinda psy. I would like to think that psy is leaques better than this horrible shite (well it is, let's be honest ), but I'm left with the feeling that this must be what people who hate psy think when I play it for them? I've often thought that people like certain types of electronic music because it fits their natural body rythms. When a person hears something faster than fits their taste it sounds manic. Which is what this crap sounds like: manic cheap shit. Anyway, it's amusing that psy influences these guys, and it's fine with me as long as it doesn't go the other way. As a final thought, I have to admit I have soft spot for certain full-on, but have been more into progressive lately. Hearing crap like this makes me a bit ashamed to admit that I actually own an Astrix CD. DOH!!! Wait a minute. I'm not that ashamed. Imagine if you played Astrix - Eye to Eye for the people who listen to this stuff. They'd think they had died and gone to heaven I imagine.
Interesting in a weird way. Actually, I quite like the use of sound. My issue with it is that it sounds a bit thin and squeaky in places. I'd like it more if the beats had a bit more oomph and were a bit less quickly monotonous.
Sounds horrible and cheesy... and cheaply made. Sounds like pure shit. Sounds kind of like a lot of full-on mixed with a bit of horrid hardcore perhaps. Yack. They even use the baseline. Who came up with that first? Is that psytrances gift to the world?