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Everything posted by khogg

  1. I think the point is being missed by some. The point is to generate funds to help people in need. My one and only question about this CD would be this: how much of the CD price goes to Tsunami relief? And I say that without being a bit cynical. Only trying to point out that, given the objective, that's the main question I would ask. As for the consumer, as was said by this Chris fellow, you are getting 3 cd's, shipping & handling, and making a donation to people in need all for 15 pounds. Quite a deal in my books. Granted, some of the tracks are released; however, the chill cd has some real quality on it. The other two are more the new style psy, but there are some very respectible names on there. If you can't take this and burn 1 wicked cd from 3, I think you are in the minority. I, for one, will certainly buy a copy as I only have a few of the tracks already. I don't care if they are released or not. I only care if I have them already. Good luck to the organisers of this project. (Who would have thought that such a gesture would be so soundly bashed?)
  2. My goodness you guys are negative.
  3. Transwave Astral Projection Jaia I didn't know about Freq, but if it has been announced, the add Freq to the list. And how about some new Protoculture? Any news or rumors on that?
  4. Tracks 1 and 2: excellent Track 3: I've heard of it... The rest: never heard of it...
  5. Happy Birthday to Psynews! And thanks to Mars for keeping it going for all these years, through the good and the bruce times...
  6. Sad to see them go, but like Trolsk says, they haven't been that great in a while, much to my dismay. I think they lost their way over the last few years. They stopped releasing quality oldschool but didn't jump on the full-on bandwagon and released a lot of borderline psy instead... blah... Their best stuff was AP, Cosmosis, and their older compilations. RIP Transient and long live Dragonfly!!!
  7. Looks pretty cool. Will likely get it, depending on the samples of course.
  8. Anything is possible. It's the finding part that's tough. For Planet BEN, this site lists it as available and I have heard people got it there, but I have not dealt with the site, so I can not vouch for the reliability of the site: http://www.loudmusic.dk/ For Power Source, a quick google search turned this up: http://www.euromusicworld.com/albums/detail.asp?ID=97
  9. Oldschool goa/psy is rarely funky. We traded psychedlic magic for packaged funk and dance floor madness a while ago. I want both! (without the packaging)
  10. I like some things too. The way I figure it, I like them more than you do. Ha!
  11. maybe... maybe... indeed anything is possible in this crazy world
  12. North America isn't a country...
  13. To get as originals, it will be tough. Ebay or (maybe) Gemm.com are your best bets...
  14. that was a quick turn around eh? ...m...p...3...
  15. Beyond the Infinite had good sonic structure but lacked energy for my tastes. Transmissions is pure oldschool goa with a muddy quality to the sound. Neither were ever my fav's but worth checking out for those that are curious I suppose.
  16. I find I have to be in the mood for this one. There are times where it creeps up on me and I love it. Other times it plods. I'll have to wait a while to make a final decision. Some cool samples and tracks on it for sure though.
  17. You are absolutely right. To find older stuff it does take a bit of luck. You have to hunt around a bit. Ebay, Amazon, Speciality Online Psy stores, local shops... it's part of the fun My only reccomendation is check the places like Saiko, Psyshop, Chaos, etc. before you buy anything new at a place like Amazon. Places like Amazon will sometimes have some obscure stuff which is great. But you will pay more. You can get a good psy cd these days for $12-16 US. " Before that time, I was never into music and didn't even own one CD or listen to the radio. When I started listening to trance, something clicked. It's now an all consuming passion and hobby that occupies a lot of my free time." Ha ha... another one bites the dust! Good luck to you man. P.S. If you don't already know about them, you might want to check out the following sites: http://organixproductions.com/ http://deliria.org/main_page.htm
  18. If you like the older sound and all you have from MWNN is Interstate Highway and all you have from AP is their last two albums, well let me tell you... you are missing out. Older MWNN albums can be hard to get, but you should be able to get Teleportation (Dragonfly) still. That has many MWNN classic tracks like Lunar Cycle, etc. And as for Astral Projection... someone above reccomended Astral Files. It's good, but not their best. Get Trust in Trance/Trust in Trance 3 and get Dancing Galaxy!!! You can usually find a copy of Dancing Galaxy at A&B sound (downtown). Otherwise Saikosounds is your best bet. Keep your eye on their stock list. They restock stuff all the time. About the Trust in Trance 3 vs. Trust in Trance, my understanding is older version of the album were released as a compilation (there was trust in trance 1 & 2). These albums were made of songs by various combinations of a few guys. Anyway, Trust in Trance 3 was quite the album and later releases of it outside of Israel just called it Astral Projection - Trust in Trance (i.e. they started releasing it as an album). It was released in 96. So the copy you saw on psyshop was probably what you are looking for. As for some other stuff that should still be available from Saiko, Psyshop, etc....: Electric Universe - Stardiver Cosmosis - Synergy MFG - New Kind of World X-dream - Radio (it was rereleased on Avatar I think) Doof - Let's Turn On Jaia - Blue Synergy (from Saikosounds)
  19. I'll be seeing them live in a couple of days. Woohoo! Always liked their sound and I actually like Unlimited better than the first album. I know many will disagree with that... As a group they have released many great singles as well. Perhaps not always as good as their top top tracks, but when I see a Logic Bomb track on a compilation, I'm always curious. To be honest, I've never heard a track by them that sucked. Certainly a cut above many of the new artists we see nowadays. Would be nice to see a good non-fullon album from them in the near future.
  20. I pick: none of the above.
  21. Check out Astrix's first album: Eye to Eye. That's about as good as full on gets. He is the master of that sound (or was... ?).
  22. ASIA 2001 is oldschool, no doubt, but nothing compared to classic oldschool artists. AP, MWNN, and related artists (like MFG) blow ASIA 2001 out of the water.
  23. Some classic stuff you got there. Good luck with the sale...
  24. I like Overlap. They are from Russia no?
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