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Everything posted by flymchigh

  1. nice sound! realy like the bassline! keep up the good work!
  2. Hi! This is new demo with improved sound quality and synhts! Hope u like! If u got time plz tell me what u like and dont like! Mind over material world
  3. ok! thnx! he he but im still practicing. dont know when the full songs are comming, but i guess when they are, you are the first ones to hear it ok! thnx again! bye
  4. THNX MAN! realy apritiate it! Anything u would like to hear more of if i make a whole song of it? anything u would like not to be there? anyway thnx everybody for taking time to listen to my projects and reviewing them!
  5. DEMO1 DEMO2 DEMO3 OK! Thats all for now! And what i would like to know is. what style is the best to continue to evolve? Anybody like the songs? Anything i absolutly shouldnt have done. All feedback is welcome! Take care PPL! keep working
  6. Jävlar de visste jag inte ens sorry man! Shit! Didnt even know HA DET FETT!
  7. HE HE not realy. just wanted to check if it would get me rich
  8. I need a name list to know if i can make profit out of my ide. how many of u guys would be intersted in buying fruity instruction videos? just typ me or something. i need to se how many names i can get! take care people!
  9. glad u like it. my music is for the people the only tip i can give is to keep on practice. Im not fully learned i got millions of things to learn. Got anything u can upload?
  10. ok thnx man! and by the way use fruity with vsts.' About funke how do u mean? like a funke rythm or do u think the leads are funkish melodies?
  11. New demo from my new project SuomiDeformis this is not like Ugglyfinsk. Havent changed the name on the soundclick thou. Hope u enjoy! SoumiDeformi - Learning to Psy
  12. about the base... its just the beginning... the base get better. and about the squeeks i can fix that. sorry its not real your style! Thnx for taking time commenting!
  13. thnx for your kind words! and it is fruity loops! and ill try to make it flow more together! PEACE!
  14. Ok, someone told me to get my own sound, so ive been working on a new song for couple of days now, heres a sample of it! let me know what u think! And by the way? Can anybody guess what program im using? New Demo Thnx for comments!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take care ppl! Keep up your good work!
  15. Ok, someone told me to get my own sound, so ive been working on a new song for couple of days now, heres a sample of it! let me know what u think! And by the way? Can anybody guess what program im using? New Demo Take care ppl! Keep up your good work!
  16. New demo! feedback would be nice. Dodge this
  17. hi! here`s a sample from my upcoming track. LiFe cOdE right click. thnx for comments!
  18. this is a part from a new song im making. LiFe cOdE Thnx for comments!
  19. demo of my song ok, tell me what u think!
  20. what kind of equipment have u been using?
  21. Total tyst anybody who likes this kind of songs?
  22. thnx man great review!
  23. didnt mean to sound so angry but. but does anybody understand what im talking about? thnx for taking time to give me feedback and replys.
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