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Everything posted by Lauryn

  1. With psyshop it tends to vary a lot for me....last time i ordered it took over a week, this time it took 4 days. With Saiko Sounds I always pay the extra $$$ to have it shipped via courier, i think just because i think i like to be able to track them and be like "ooohh...my cds just landed in Alaska!" ...also typically i wait until the last possible moment before a dj gig to order new music...so i usually need to have it within 2 days.
  2. http://www.28thday.com/choons/lauryn/Laury...sMixProject.mp3 Voila! Tracklisting still to come....
  3. Psyco Zaika who is owner of Zaikadelic Records... thanks!
  4. Hello This is a mix I recorded in August of this year and I finally got it online! Enjoy! http://www.28thday.com/choons/lauryn/Laury...ermanStreet.mp3 Tracklist: Lauryn- Escape from Sherman Street Kindzadzaika- White Midgets (Zaikadelic) Red- Sense of Elements (Tantrumm) Syntax Error- Bitmap Bugs (Vertigo) Furious- Mics and Things (Vertigo) Pondscum- Compufule (Illuminati) Bon- Apocalypse Now (Dharma Kshetra) Ocelot vs. Alien Mental- Quaternary (Dropout) Psychobeat- Marcian Values (Zaikadelic) Electrypnose- Le Tireur De Ficelles (Peak) Penta- Looking Good (Vertigo) Kindadza + Kaliflower- Viva Tempo (Parvati) Hefty Output- Smear Campaign (Illuminati) Xyla- Texas Hate (Zaikadelic) Comments Welcome!
  5. if i'm not mistaken, i think that yousendit not only limits the number of downloads, but also limits the size of the file...last time i tried to send a 70 minute mix there, the file was too big....i was more looking for someone who could host it on their server....pm me if you can help.
  6. yes yes yes
  7. to buy....or not to buy.... *shrug*
  8. Doof Records EST Sessions 1 + 2
  9. i'm done. where do i upload?
  10. Vibrasphere! Can't wait to hear the remixes...especially yours Nemo!
  11. I got all the tracks and am going to have a go as well...its going to be a very interesting project
  12. yessssssssssss!!!!! TC you know i'll be there if i can make it happen...
  13. listen to them on saiko sounds instead
  14. I was waiting for someone to post this topic... Ocelot's been one of my favorites recently and I was a bit surprised by the change in direction for him. Melody in dark(er) psy is for sure not a bad thing! A few of the samples sounded a bit cheesed out tho. Regardless, I purchased it.
  15. - Electrypnose vs DocD - digital tricot - Electrypnose vs Mubali - data potion - Electrypnose vs Elendil - Marmitage very nice!!
  16. about which? or all of the above?
  17. definately looks more frat boy rock than psytrance to me.....
  18. yayyyy!!!! np: Reefer Decree- Curved Air (Filur Remix)
  19. yes and yes... Add to that list... VA- Neverending Story, DejaVu Fabrique, the first Mr. Peculiar Album- Elements, some Electrypnose, some Pondscum, some Terminator, some Xyla....some Dissociactive...and Activate Morlock (as a blast from the past)
  20. This sounds a bit generic...but Tegma- Drums of Africa comes to mind...I love this track....
  21. I believe it was actually printed as "psychedelic tunning" they fixed it for volume 2 then reverted back to the original spelling for old time's sake in volume 3
  22. wtf??
  23. Loopus In Fabula- Fat Old Ladies. going to see him play along with protoculture in new york tomorrow
  24. Perhaps they stole their lack of imagination from 3dVision... http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/dv3/dv31cd022.html
  25. give it time...ive had this one for months now and only recently started listening to it semi-regularly when i fall asleep at night...
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