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Everything posted by Lauryn

  1. Tetrameth- Psychological Pyrotechnics
  2. OK. DP's review (& the samples) have convinced me....i'm gonna get this one
  3. Ahh for sure its ok to be in love with this girl, but its really not ok when it starts impacting your daily routine in a negative way (i.e. preventing you from being able to sit down and work on music)....its overtaking too many of your thoughts and that's a bad thing. I suggest you get away from it all for a weekend, and concentrate on clearing your mind. good luck!
  4. SPIT018 Hux Flux Lex Rex Perplex / Errorhead (12") SPITCD003 Atmos Headcleaner SPITCD004 Logic Bomb Headware SPITCD006 Vibrasphere Echo SPITCD007 S>Range 2001 SPITCD017 Hux Flux Division By ZerØ
  5. This is because you live in Minnesota where there is no psy scene...but you do in fact live relatively close to a few relatively new and thriving psytrance communities in the midwest...Chicago and Iowa to name a few...there is also the occasional event in Michigan, and I have friends living in Milwaukee who are djing and producing psy. In fact, there was a psy festival out in Wisconsin back in May. So don't make a comment like that until you have done your research and really checked out what is going on around where you live. For starters, check out www.chilluminati.org....and go check out a few psy parties before you start complaining. yes, yes, and yes... oof...this is bad news for me...I'm planning on moving there...but I kinda did know this...the rest of europe is very close by tho...so I'm not worried.
  6. ...and quite a crazy beach party i hear it was np: Puff Dragon - Qi Gong
  7. All excellent choices!!! hehehe...Dune- Boomerang...its been a looooonnnggg time since i've heard that one me-> Pondscum
  8. yes i think so! I listen to this faaaarrrr tooo much...
  9. Alkaloid Productions Presents ALKCD005 Encephalopaticys - Psychotermic Meditation What is the meaning of Encephalopaticys? E- nergetic N - ew C - omposed E- xclusive P - ractically Perfect H - igh Spirited A - stonishing L - ively O - utstanding P - ragmatic A - mazing T - angible I - nspiring C- onfounding Y - earned for S - ignificant And when you combine all these wonderful things together, you are left with one of the best, most marvellous projects and unsurpassed live acts - ENCEPHALOPATICYS . Releasing his first Album, Psychotermic Meditation with Alkaloid Productions, Vasko Velickovski also known as Encephalopaticys has spent the last 12 months compiling what we believe is going to be the best solo album of 2006. Encephalopaticys originates from Macedonia. His first connection with the psy and goa trance party scene was almost 10 years ago, in the 1997 when trance was young, completely underground and the music was more progressive. Vasko began by buying music to listen to after the inspiration of parties that he would go to and kick his brain on the dance floor to at every available opportunity. In 2001, Vasko Velickovski began DJing by the name Vaserman and would play full on hard dark sets inspired by such artists as Droidsect, Parasense, Haldolium, Xenomorph, and Psy Side. However, It was not until 2003, that Vasko Velickovski decided to go beyond what music he could buy and started letting those tunes in his head emerge. Then and only then was the project Encephalopaticys born. When we asked Vasko what his inspiration for his music was he replied that his music was inspired from the high hills, the oxygen power and the big mark in his soul caused by psychedelic spirits and you can actually feel these images and the projection coming through his tunes. This album - Psychotermic Meditation is very solid, competitive, exceptional and a must buy for all trance loving people who like something which is very powerful, dark, that has psychedelic sounds, with deep bass line and scary forest atmospheres. This album is a must for all DJs and music lovers wanting to bring the spirit back on the dance floor. TRACKLISTING: 1. Introduce 2. Oxygen Poison 3. Morbid System 4. Psychotermic Meditation 5. Foksi`s Insomnia 6. Sinus 7. Freakedelic 8. The Biggest experience 9. Reverbosan 10. Cosmick None ALKCD005 - Encephalopaticys - Psychotermic Meditation will be available in all good music places on 27 July 2006 So watch out!!!!
  10. Nah. Too much sodium. could lead to scurvy. That the music that brings in some sort of material reward is many times cookie cutter crap is in and of itself rather discontenting.
  11. 3 weeks until I get to go dance in Canada!!!!! Trancechick & Echo & Further- I will see you soon!!!
  12. I have an original. It has a few scratches, but is in good condition. pm me if you are interested.
  13. Ehhhh....can't say I'm much into this...these guys are from Boston, and are pretty big around here...but I didn't really care for the whole cabaret/rock thing... DJ Krell- Opening Up (11/09/05)
  14. Steve Oood - Summer Psy Mix
  15. Many congratulations on quitting your job to pursue something you are passionate about!
  16. Reeeeaaallllyyyyy???? I have the 2LP Vinyl of that....Maybe I should think about putting it up on ebay...I never would have guessed it would be such a good investment....
  17. Atmos-Headcleaner Vibrasphere- Lime Structure Vibrasphere- Echos Beat Bizarre- Pandora's Groove Box Tegma - Around the World in 80 Minutes Reefer Decree- Sound Frames Auricular- Audion Frogacult- Something For Sundays edit: are we talking progressive psytrance or progressive trance here?
  18. 4.Drums Of Africa <~~~ love love love love love this track!
  19. yaaaaaaahhhh!!!! :) downloading now...tegma is probably my favorite progressive album so far this year thanks and can't wait to hear!!
  20. Dab Screen - Dab Away (Spiral Trax, 2002) ...really liking this one
  21. S.Zeilenga - The Journey Begins at Dawn (randomly heard on di.fm)
  22. 3 days! and I'm actually going!
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