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Everything posted by Lauryn

  1. ? who else sounds like ocelot? baaahh...this is the weekend you should have visited new york....
  2. was just going to say the same thing Can't wait to hear all this music this weekend when Ocelot comes to ny
  3. There is a lot of that in the midwest, but not everywhere in the us for sure. What kind of psy parties would you like to see here? eeeehhhhh......Pavel you've never been to a party here. Come to new york and your statement would be proven wrong. What you see is a lot of psytrance PRODUCERS making so called dark psy music coming from the US....but that's certainly NOT reflective of all the music played at parties here...
  4. ....curious as to where in this country you've been to psytrance parties that causes you to make such a generalization about parties on this continent, and where you've been elsewhere in the world that gives you something to compare things to, i've been to psy parties in Boston, New York, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, West Virginia, Seattle, California, Chicago, Iowa, Texas, Ohio, Arkansas, Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, and to Eclipse Festival in Canada as well as parties overseas and just feel the need to tell everyone reading this that what he says is totally not the case here at all. There were artists booked at AUM who did not play this style music. Maybe you missed the D-Space set on saturday morning for example? Meghan from Ohio also was not playing that style music either...Paradigm was playing his usual style of full on as well. Stop making generalizations.
  5. Psystomp.
  6. Peaking Goddess Collective- Organikia (Peak) Para Halu - Space Rock (Zaikadelic) Penta - Horn Please (AuraQauke) Sun Control Species - Scienza Nuova (Iboga) V.A-Amonit People (Organic Alchemy) V.A.-No Time No Space (Parvati) V.A.-Meaning of Life (Vertigo) ...its been a bit of a slow year imo
  7. My friend uses an iRiver. http://www.amazon.com/iRiver-H10-Player-Re...e/dp/B0009H9PZU It also records in wav and is about the size of an ipod.
  8. I would like to put my vote in for Growling Machines. naaaahhh....kindzadza is not cheese. this is what i consider darkpsy cheese ---> http://www.psyshop.com/shop/CDs/mss/mss1cd003.html some tracks on this compilation for sure. ....scratchy, bouncy, too many glitchy breaks, not much psychedelic about that...boring boring...
  9. funny....i work one street over from the Alex Grey shop......
  10. I was just wondering about these guys the other day....thinking how glad I was that they hadn't ditched their signature sound for electro. Let's hope it doesn't happen now that they are in the studio again.... I've missed the classic frogacult sound.
  11. New York will always be good to you. ...or is that the mojitos? Ahhhh I never said anything about a psytrance project.... You forget I've heard the solo non-psy stuff before...
  12. Lauryn


    ehhh....there was one time a certain artist staying at my house got a bit obnoxious on a binge of some sort, and i ended up getting pissed and started yelling at the guy...
  13. Ehhhh....i recall you also have this project called voice of cod. nope. the one's never been booked overseas.... I predict colin will have a solo project one of these days...I'm waiting.
  14. I've loved your music ever since the releases on the Bioplex complilation in 2003. Especially Mirror- love the part with the violin in this....and Modern, used to dj this years ago The new tracks are great!!!! Can't wait to hear more!
  15. wow. when i first heard what the art theme for next year was, I thought it was a joke. turns out that's not the case. burning man really is dead. sorry I never got the chance to go. http://www.burningman.com/art_of_burningman/bm08_theme.html
  16. Exactly! Right now i think it comes down to a matter of personal preference. It may sound silly, but i actually enjoy frantically flipping through my cd book racing against time to find the perfect track to play. It just wouldn't be the same on a laptop. not bad, not good, just different.
  17. Sorry but there is a really big difference between a 128kb mp3 and original CD quality. When played out on a proper sound system this is extremely apparent. DJs who play a mix of mp3's at 128, 256, 320, and CD quality sound horrible as well. Listen to a 128kb mp3 and notice how its got this piercing hissing high end....and weak low end sound and then tell me its ok. I don't think anyone is advocating against the laptop djs, however, with the availability of larger harddrives at such inexpensive prices these days, there is no reason for them not to play wav files. After reading this statement, I'm also wondering if you are a dj yourself, whether you have any idea of what you are talking about. A good dj doesn't need days and days of putting together the perfect mix, in fact, every time i dj, i have no clue which tracks i'm going to end up playing until i see the crowd, the party, the overall mood and atmosphere- and this is something a computer can never decide for you. Organization is easy- I choose to alphabetize my cds ....i've seen people who organize according to sound, or roughly bpm.... +1 ....btw i loved this set you did that went from downtempo to melodic full on......
  18. >8. AES DANA & NOVA: TRIPTONITE - ETHILIC EDEN MIX. ok. im totally interested to hear this :posford:
  19. aaaahhhhahahahaha....you'd be surprised how well it used to work on the dancefloor mixing those two.
  20. :: Mindfull Presents :: Source Sync :: September 14-16 Journey to the beauty of deep Northern California forest land for a 48 hour gathering of psychedelic vibrations to align with rhythms of natural life in a return to your connection with all that is. Release limiting karma, drama and trauma in an alchemical odyssey of awakening to the inner wisdom within universal patterns of energy flowing as a river through wild ageless spaces. Allow the guidance of nature to enrich your path with more grace, joy, clarity, purpose, passion and creativity for manifesting visions. On the weekend of Earthdance we join a global dance ritual sending energetic roots to the planet’s core and drawing dark Mother Earth essence spiraling to the heart of cosmos for reunion with the source. Derango returns with more of their Swedish forest magic in a live performance unlike any you will experience on this side of the world along with Ghreg On Earth’s first fully live set in California and many others from talented local artists over two days of music progressing through a diverse range of psychedelic genres. Derango (Sanaton / Parvati :: Sweden) Jens & Ola have earned much respect over the years since they began writing their distinctly well crafted psytrance in 2000 through phenomenal live performances and groundbreaking releases like their debut album Tumult in 2005. The creativity of Derango is a full expression of the psychedelic experience transferred in music. Their huge sound pictures are created combining a solid warm base with waves of sounds from synths and samples in constant change and movement. The result is a unique wrapping effect that gives to the listeners on one side the safe feeling of the belonging to mother-earth womb and, on the other side, the challenge of discovering and understanding that our mind and spirit have no borders. Ghreg On Earth (Mistress Of Evil / Auraquake :: Earth) In the two years since his widely acclaimed debut album Sigilweaver and appearance at the first Mindfull gathering Ghreg has composed an evolution of his unique sound to be shared through powerful live performances including new material from the coming album. As an aural architect, he constructs sonic structures of mysterious, melodious worlds which offer spaces otherwise concealed in the deep abyss of the subconscious. Guided by his passion for cutting edge music, art and literature from the psychedelic and mystical underground, his timeless sound realizes the magical properties of music to guide people into cinematic passages of expanded personal experience. Amber (Apollo’s Lute :: Portland) AnachroniD (Mindfull :: Los Angeles) Arahat (Psycircle :: San Diego) Barratt (San Francisco) Catalyx (Mindfull :: Los Angeles) Dai (Psytribe :: Los Angeles) Dog Of Tears (Xexify :: San Francisco) Dropzone (Psycircle :: San Diego) Eg-Bot (Gaian Mind :: Philadelphia) EgNogRa (Shaman Films :: San Francisco) Gayatri (Elephanthead :: Eureka) Greenman (Psycircle :: San Diego) Helios (Geomagnetic :: San Francisco) Konflux (Psytribe :: Los Angeles) Lauryn (Peak Records :: New York) Mimosa (Mindfull :: San Jose) Mulu (Elephanthead :: South Africa) Olowanpi (Dropout :: San Francisco) Subocaj (Long Beach) 15,000 watt sound by Network 23 Production support by Greentrees XLR8R by the 0mega Crew The gathering will be on spectacular private forest land in the Humboldt / Trinity area five hours north of San Francisco so I encourage sharing rides and arriving early to fully experience the two day camping event. Lots of natural food, drinks and merchandise will be on sale plus available space for anyone wanting to contribute goods, services or performances so please send an email if you would like to be involved. Caravans are being organized so also contact me if you need help with a ride. Admission is only $30 for limited presale tickets then $35 at the event. www.mindfullproductions.net
  21. OOOD vs Kindzadza
  22. I met up with Phase Phour from Norway last night. We drank good Belgian Ale. He is here on vacation- but sadly New York is dead this weekend and there are no parties...
  23. eeeehhhhhh.....Meghan have you introduced yourself to everyone here yet?
  24. Wizzy Noise.....years ago. I forgot the album name. Purchased the Japanese import out of self-created hype. Many failed attempts made to enjoy album.
  25. Totally had the same experience in new york. In fact, one of the most disappointing "live" acts I've ever heard. Regardless, Vibrasphere has been one of my favorite progressive acts for years now....off the top of my head i'd name "Purple Floating" as my favorite...but I know there are many others...just don't recall the names
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