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Everything posted by Lauryn

  1. Leaving for Toronto this afternoon!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see you guys!!!!!!!!!!! And Sooooooooooo glad to be getting out of the country for a few days!!!!
  2. fucking horrible.
  3. gotta go dig this one out now....
  4. Jaia- Drum Explorer to be exact.... I was doing a radio show at college, playing trance (global underground sasha & digweed style) ....my friend who did the show with me went to Prague during Autumn break and returned with this cd: Tracklisting... 1 Mindfield Space (7:09) 2 Darshan Energy Trace (7:53) 3 Somaton Melodic Cheese (7:15) 4 Jaïa Drum Explorer (8:51)Featuring - Gill 5 Hunab Ku Corridors Of Chaos (6:52) 6 Anamist Chemical Drummer (8:57) 7 Analog Pussy Flow Control (9:55) 8 Chi-A.D. Spirit (9:29) 9 Asura De Profundis (7:03) which we totally obsessed over from the moment we heard it.
  5. Thanks for all the kind words and thanks to pavel for posting this for me...as I had food poisoning the day this was on and couldn't really do anything.... Here's a link to the mix that played on the show.... http://www.28thday.com/choons/lauryn/Laury...lightUSAMix.mp3 The link should work, but might take a bit to download...
  6. lauryn, you pwnd page 1337 in whatareyoudoingrightnow thread, so...

  7. Hi Lauryn, I'm about to make another nasty topic right now.

  8. Hi Lauryn :) One of these days we will finally meet in the real world :D

  9. Psyboriginal featuring Daheen- Freak Rmx. off of VA- The Numinous on Ketuh Records.
  10. specifically, 'Encrypted Session'...I've been listening to this album a lot in the past few days....
  11. :wub: Indeed! I listened to the samples last night and they sound great....can't wait to get this in the mail!
  12. online samples of this album on saiko sounds: yes, it rocks
  13. ahhh well I suppose this track [in a past life] belongs on my list as well. Its the track I opened the Gaian Mind Festival with...I had been a bit worried that no one would show up for my set because I was playing first, but it turned out that everyone had been sitting in their tents all day waiting for the music (it had been downpouring all afternoon)...so when this track came on, EVERYONE was there for it, and totally rocked out http://s20.photobucket.com/albums/b201/lau...=Picture167.flv
  14. I got another track of the day today....this time its an older one.... S-Range- Kym released on Flying Rhino in 2000.... I think I lost this 12" to my ex when we divided our vinyl :( such a great track!
  15. soooo excited to visit Toronto again!!!!
  16. Just heard Freq- Stone Shaker off of GOSUB 20, and thought it was horrible, haven't given the rest of the album a listen yet, but like Basilisk said, most of the bad stuff doesn't stay in the memory for long.
  17. Allaby- Aurorae Off of VA- Neo:Caine (Neurobiotic) ......great morning track...not new, but new to me
  18. 1. Vibrasphere- Archipelago 2. Mantrix- Universal 3. Carbon Based Lifeforms- World of Sleepers 4. Naked Tourist - Mad Different Methods 5. Tegma- Around the World in 80 Minutes
  19. Ahhh...I've been liking the Tribal Vision stuff lately...totally need to hear this one My new discovery today (although not really new)... Electrypnose- Cordial Family ....wow seriously liking this track...complex, psychedelic, groovy downtempo...makes me wish i hadn't been so preoccupied with getting beer at the festival last summer that i missed his set
  20. I used to listen to the chillout channel at work on occasion....
  21. Well I'm just finishing listening to this now, and I must say I really enjoyed it, much different from what I typically listen to....And the tempo change works really well here, its so gradual, its hardly noticable, but gives the mix an overall feeling of moving from point A to point B....I also really liked how theres a bit of old and new in this, and really like that Benza track as well Rock onnnn...can't wait to hear more
  22. Thanks for the kind words!! My numero uno pick is..... Steve OOOD-Summer Psy Journey...is this even online anywhere? It should be. Runner's Up- Master Margherita-Pete Namlook Tribute, Tegma Liveset 2006, Colin's Mix of his music, any chillout mix by Blue Spectral Monkey Still to be heard: Anoebis's mix that i'm dlding now...Basilisk, and Pavel, I still haven't heard yours
  23. Totally agreed. Definately in my Top 5 for 2006. More :wub: for CBL!
  24. This is Pavel's comment for Lauryn :D

  25. yes. me tho i moved to nyc 3 weeks ago, i lived in boston for 5 years..i can tell you just about everything about that place
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