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Everything posted by Lauryn

  1. really liked these samples besides those already mentioned, some Tryambaka stuff also came to mind....and maybe i'm a bit off here but EVP (WildThings Records) as well. ......And then there's this guy called Melodix
  2. Now, I can't really speak for Rama, but I will say that Steve is probably one of my favorite djs around...his mix cd has been on regular rotation in my cd player since I got it about six months ago...so I encourage everyone to download and enjoy
  3. BLT AND DJ NADI- Space boogie (aerospace rmx) (G-Spot, Domo Records) I like this...a more groovy refined version of this track...
  4. wow. i SO need to get this and I know you gave me the link and everything and i know it will be $5 well spent but ive been so lazy.... ahhhh yes, but you know he's a good looking guy So, as it turns out, I will be temporarily whoring myself out to some corporate entity for the next month for decent money....so. technically.....I *could* come to Montreal....though I did already commit to playing new years in new york...what to do...what to do... oh yah. Listening To: Nova! :wub: ...saw this guy dj in Belgium last year and wow....
  5. Lauryn


    I have to also add to this list, Krumelur and his electro/techno influenced side project Kroppsspråk ---> http://krumelur.trance.net
  6. wow. im totally predictable these days....
  7. Lauryn vs. Ammon EP - DJ Set @ Chaos In the Kitchen- Boston 12.06.02
  8. Carbon Based Lifeforms- Proton/Electron ...can't stop listening to this...
  9. oooh...I get to see these guys play in February! Can't wait! np: of course
  10. Shakta- Funky (VA-Pure MDMA Vol2, MDMA Records 2001)
  11. To my knowledge, no, but I know exactly the error you are referring to (its a slight skip in the track)....and its something that's always annoyed me, but fortunately it doesn't affect ability to mix the track, and error aside, its still a great track in my mind
  12. 1. Hujaboy- 'Home Alone' -Purple (TIP World) 2. Protoculture- 'Dawn Razor' -Interphase (Alchemy Records) 3. Audialize- 'Full On Chaos Magic'- Satellite (Oxygen Records)
  13. Not an album recommendation....but here is a pete namlook tribute dj mix that was done by Master Margherita (Peak Records), that i've been really enjoying....you can dld it here: http://www.voiesensible.com/mastermargheri...butetoPN06.html Track list : - P.N. , A meditation in a modern philosophy - P.N. , Subharmonic Invocation of the Dark Spirits - P.N. & Gaudi , Nafk - P. N. & David Moufang , The art of love - P.N , Russian spring - P.N. & Prochir , Apart 1 - P.N & Wolfgan Spyra , Tshoogy beatbox - P.N. , Under heaven - P.N. , Shmooz - P.N. & Buran Oçal , Nerden Geliyorsun part 4 - P.N. , Urgent message - P.N. , Nightime pleasures - P.N. & Buran Oçal , extract from Sultan Orhan - P.N. & Bill Laswell , Trautoniolo - P.N. , Travelling without mooving trip 9
  14. Carbon Based Lifeforms - Abiogenesis :wub: I finally got a copy of this!
  15. :wub: Ultimae
  16. been hearing lots of good things about the new CBL.....must check this out.... For me, track of the day is most definately.... P.O.T.S.- Candy from the strange side
  17. I have a burned copy of the original, I don't actually own the original cd. but omg. this is making me all nostalgic for that minimal progressive sound...its all i used to play.... np: POTS- Candy from the strange side Feb 3rd it is! Canada!!!! Can't wait to party with you guys again!
  18. ok. this album is really good so far....i recommend for tc to continue her search. it will be worth it
  19. excellent! Me..... I saw TC's post and got curious...my copy is a burned one tho....just pulled it from my archieves ...if you don't find a copy in the next month, I'll bring you a copy when i come to toronto
  20. Segment- We Sold Our Souls (Ololiuqui rmx) gets my vote. I'd check out the new album for sure....
  21. Alladin Project Presents: NEW YEARS EVE 2007 party Sunday December 31st in 83 worth street Manhattan New York 10013 We are very excited to open the New Year with this event, we wish you all a year of success, good vibe, happiness and health, we hope that this year will lead you to accomplish your good dream Line Up: LOGIC BOMB Live Solstice Rec Tip world Sweden S RANGE Live Liquid Rec, Team Cubase Sweden TRANAN Live Solstice Rec Sweden ZION Live Alladin Records Israel KNO-B Live Alladin Records Japan CRIS Alladin records Mexico SHAY Omni Tribe NYC Second floor: DRIZZT Montreal TONY UNORTHODOX 28thday, NYC SINPATEX Alladin records BABLA Kagdila rec India SHUNNY Mad elephant Japan DROOZI Pune, India Art by: SEVERYN String art by: Alladin Project Crew VJ Art by: GUILLAUME NYC / France SURGE MX Works / Subtle Chaos Extra Sound by: 28thday production Allen Thomson ****18 to enter 21 to drink with picture ID*** doors open 10 PM to 8 AM *** champagne toast @ midnight *** ***Fruit and bakeries buffet will be available in the morning*** Tickets: $65 till December 20th $80 till December 30th $95 @ the door Open bar tickets: $50 till December 30th $65@ the door, open bar will be available till 3 AM Advance Ticket available in the following shops: Hoomoos Asli NYC 100 kenmare St & Lafayette 212-9660022 Satellite Records NYC 259 bowery AVE 212-9951744 Or call 917-5691177 / 917-4054847 Location 83 Worth street Manhattan New York 10013 Google map: www.google.com/maps This is a beautiful space located in Downtown Manhattan. The place has a good sound and friendly security, Directions By Subway: A, C, E. J. M. Z 1.2.3, To Chambers St 4, 5, 6, R & W To City Hall. Q & N to Canal St, By car: www.google.com/maps More info: (917)-5691177 (917)-4054847 alladinproduction@yahoo.com Links: www.alladinrecords.com www.myspace.com/logixbomb www.logicbomb.se/ www.myspace.com/trananmusic www.s-range.com www.myspace.com/srangemusic myspace.com/zionpsy www.omnitribe.com www.kagdilarecords.com www.28thday.com/ www.severyn.com See you All there Love & Light Alladin Crew
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