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Everything posted by Stalker

  1. http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=39286
  2. You got everything you need to get you start with it. Now, one thing you must comprehend is that there are no rules or step by step help in order to get crazy sounds out of a synth What you need to understand is how, why, and for what you are tweaking those knobs To aswer something like “ how do you do a psychedelic fx? Is as impossible as it sounds, and anyone who attempts to with a drafted comment like “Use reverb or delay” lacks of instruction, sensibility or simply is irresponsible What I recommend you to do is carefully explore the potential of each knob and its function Take a look at these Vanguard pic. Notice how there is an Env section with two lines(1 and 2) of knobs more or less in the middle. Env stands for Envelope and the knobs come with in this order: a( attack), d( decay), s(sustain) and r( release). There is also the knobs level, resonance, pwnd and detune, but lets get on those ones later Let’s try to focus on the attack, decay, sustain and release buttons. Those envelopes parameters affect how the sound volume and its properties will be. For example: the attack knob will define how long wills it take to the sound “kicks in” If you tweak the knob to the right the sound volume will slowly build in, The sustain indicates how long the fx will stay on its peak volume, the release will indicate how long will it take to fade away So if you want a windy sound for atmospheres for example, you should have a long attack range, a nice set of sustain and then a long release range so it can actually sound like a wind. Understand? If you want a fast ripping sound, you should do the opposite. Fast attack, and fast release parameters Now, lets see what else the vanguard has to offer. Can you see those 3 OSC on the up right corner? One has pulse tl pwn, and the others two has sawtooth on it. So, Osc stands for oscillators. They are a major thing in sound design I wont get all technician about it, but is the oscillators that defines the wave form, that is why is so important To see what I’m talking about, choose a preset and then changes the last two osc options to see how the sound changes. Another thing you should understand is how a wave form “sounds”..Dont worry, most of the times the name says it all, like a pulse wave is a pulsating wave, doh. A sine wave is a wave that goes symmetrically up and down and so on…The filter, the AMP ( Amplifier), Delay and Reverb knobs are a subject to lesson 3, but it will be nice you tweak carefully to see how it affects the sound. The best advice is to do slowly, one by one Now lets have a look at that Trancegate thang. You can see a line of rectangles right above that small written “ Pattern” right? Now select a famous vanguard preset called “Helicopter” or something like that. Then click removing or adding those little grey squares of the trance gate. Notice how this will “slice” the sound. This is the famous and widely used arpegiator function. A truly electronic mayhem So, what you have to do now is try to understand those knobs, try to picture of what I said by choosing a sound and transforming it the way you desire, until you “get” them and starts using them with reason, cause that’s what you were asking in the first place! Now go ahead and try a little bit, any doubts just ask….Then tell me what happened so you can go back to Lesson number 3
  3. First of all: Buy new music Second of all: What you are talking about is the famous synths fx. Effects produced and modulated by synthesizers. There are various form of synthesizers: FM (Frequency modulation), Hybrid, Wavetable, Analog, Digital, Soft Analog etc… Now you ask me…Ok Stalker, so… which one is the best one? You are not getting so go sit on the corner! There are no best types, they just functions differently from one to another. Basically what you need to know now, just to start is: You should get software synths…VSTi as famously known. VST are programs that try to imitate the old synths keyboards world, in a time that people didn’t make electronic music thru PC So get those VST and tell me which sequencer you are using Then you go back here to see lesson number 2
  4. This whole basslines things applies (in the end), more or less just like any sound other used on the mix. In my opinion, those tips about adding reverb, delays or distortion is way relative. Sometimes, all a bassline need is a better mix setting. Basically you have to fit on the track nicely Sounds simple, but it isn’t and this settings goes along the preferences of the producer and the atmosphere he wants to produce on the track. You have to follow your ears and the numbers too. Watch out for the collapsing frequencies on the bottom end of the track. The very same region of the bass and kick that goes from around 90khz to 400khz. Anything under 60khz must go Said that, I think you should concentrate on the basses of the sound… defines its wave form, length, attack, sustain levels etc….basically create a nice sound and then give the power on the mixing and using carefully effects processors. Do not rape the signal! EQ, compression, distortion and everything else must be used carefully So yeah…in order to have a good heavy bass sound, you need a clean signal ..and.... good will
  5. You still can use the pulse Wave on your favorite bassline software NOOOOOOOOOOOOB!!
  6. Even Simon Postford can do a cool arpegiatto sound
  7. Wrong. Cubase SX
  8. You can get the old PC version of Logic 5.5 which is the very last Logic available for PC It’s cheap and extremely powerful. I can safely say that for the next 5 years Logic Platinum 5 and 5.5 will be still widely used among professional musicians It simply has it all. You can use VST on it (Version 6 and 7 doesn’t accept outboard VST), the native plug-ins are awesome and the interface is genius I’m one of those people that finds Logic not only the best, but the easiest sequencer of them all. After meeting Logic, I concluded that FL (my previous sequencer) is actually the hardest of them all. Obviously, I have not tried every single sequencer, but I discovered how fruity is limited on certain actions and functions. I’m not talking about the quality of the native plug-ins and the “sound” it makes. I’m simply talking about as a “sequencer” purely.
  9. Hey Toza, do you like to read man? If so.....Read this!! If not, find another hobby... I'm giving you this link because I beliave you must understand what is those VST Instruments people talk so much. The important things like compatibly, formats, quality etc…. Enjoy
  10. Hey NHJO! You got shit for brains man!!??
  11. Tas you are such a sweetheart.... I'm not saying that progressive is something you shouldn’t love. Simply because I really do love progressive psytrance. So, I just said that, to point it out how cruel it did sound to me. That sentence…Its like when you say something like this…”She is really beautiful even for an Asian girl." Do you see? No? I know… I’m an idiot. I’m sorry
  12. I mean, how cruel is to love something even when its progressive
  13. How cruel
  14. I also remenber a topic he made once in freestyle section The topic was titled "Happy birthday" and inside there was: To all who just had conceived..." Nice, I thought...
  15. I remenber null A very weird guy. He used to post strange things out of the context and used an avatar of a guy jumping on a fence He is from Holland, you know?
  16. Ok...Just wait by the end of the line please!
  17. For this kind of problem I recommend Reason 3 Reason 3 it's a standalone software where you can go throu all the productions steps without the help of any other software It's about 300 euros if I'm not mistaken. You may think it's a bit expensive, but the program is very stable, powerfull and as I said, is a stand alone software. This means it has everything you need integrated, and the software is great for beginners That, and about 2 years of studying....just to lift off the ground
  18. Progressive Trance makes you feel like you are in a London Night Club chasing pretty girls Progressive Psytrance makes you feel like you are on a german festival chasing drugged girls
  19. You lost Lewd?? I'm really really sorry for you RAH Btw Ov3dos3, Lewd is the first Beat Bizarre album released in 2000 if I'm not mistaken That’s one of the most important and influential album in psytrance history. One of the first minimal albums with wide acceptance and a groovy side Go check it out
  20. Beat Bizarre dos not only Rocks the floor but it also rocks your head, cause there is some really weird psychedelic elements in their music Progressive psytrance is a little bit dodgy genre. It’s the best we got, but still dodgy Why is it dodgy? Because it is, man....
  21. Really....
  22. Well, Trolsk is right anyways...You dont have to be a scientist, to get that
  23. Shaft, why dont you use Aux sends?
  24. 43 days I have done it already
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