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Everything posted by Stalker

  1. Man...this looks like a lot of work FL has a very geometric feeling about it.... By the way, you can post unfinished songs on this section. Finished songs, you should put on the Music Promotion forum
  2. Jesus Christ! Those Trackers are scary
  3. Ok you weirdos...... If you guys dont know, let me tell you something The most talented producer from "these days" is Tim Larner from Sensient Names like Human Blue and Ghreg on Earth made this a tough decision
  4. Ok, B4511 takes the cake...Amazing track!
  5. B39 is a great track! Very good melody you got there heh? Yet, what have truelly amazed me was track B44...man...NHJO you did some great tekno madness there...drum and bass, jungle, hardcore, acid techno..all those stuff are in that track Your band can make any music indeed
  6. Looks beautiful, as i said before I really love the way you name your tracks Colin.."spoooongy"
  7. Thats a great site! Thanks Mckoy Btw, i did see your response on the mixing topic. I will respond to it tonight first, i need to back me up with some mono vs stereo articles Another question...on the second sample, that intro sounds very familiar....which track is it? Is it yours?
  8. Thanks Philter and Bahamut for your aswers But i still need some help, its for a test i'm aplying to and its very important
  9. I hear you mate Those god damn kids ruined for everybody
  10. Could you guys please help me out on gathering info on the net about the whole studio-music production thingie? Anything that involves, studio gears, cables and conections, digital audio edition, therminology, types of mics, types of monitors, signal flow, MIDI and recording It doesnt has to be those basics stuff too, advanced reading would be very apreciated Untill now, the best site i found about this was Tweakheadz page ( attention newbies, this is a great site) Still it doesnt cover the whole thing, for example, it doesnt talk about the diferences in audio formats like wav. ; aiff. ; etc I need so much help on this stuff for studing, and i also bet is going to be very helpfull to a lot of people Please help me
  11. Great Topic I did this shamefull and horrible page at soundlift two years ago, when i started producing I just need it somewhere to put my tracks on line in order to others listen to it and help me...but i must say i'm not really proud of my first tracks, but here we go Beh
  12. Troslk knows what he is listening to and RAH, you are a nobody untill you get the new Nuclear Ramjet album and Frontier....nOOb
  13. Hey Mckoy, i noticed you got a thing for Stereo sounds The bass and Kick should be always on Mono for better sound response only, its not about quality Mono and Stereo has the same quality, so basically there is no diference in quality terms to put the Kick and bass on mono, the diference is that the audience/listeners will have the same response of both no matter where they are placed
  14. I forgot to mention that isnt psytrance, which make it better Visine had described very nicely
  15. I wonder what the canadians feel about it
  16. Nuclear Ramjet relesead his album This topic is to discuss about this being the most awaited album of this semester Do you think you can beat it? Discuss
  17. Hey Otto, you know i think this is beautiful, but you are still a long way to reach the NHJO status Step by step man
  18. I wanna hear it too
  19. The most genius vocal work ever. Period
  20. Excatly....even Hypershonic makes a better killaarghh bassline
  21. I am having a great time listening to his samples...His website is a masterpiece of comedy
  22. Ok thanks Synogen
  23. and he has a track named "Drug dealer"..... you cant top that
  24. LOL!! That is what i call killer....
  25. Ok psycho I did some research and i found some interisting tutorials on Reasonfreaks Here is the link for the tutorials list. They teach how to use the reason compressor, a making a song step by step, a bass and kick tutorial too Very interesting stuff http://www.reasonfreaks.com/modules.php?op...ials&file=index By the way, this whole site is very usefull for Reason users. There is also a forum try to use some search there or ask the question
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