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Everything posted by Stalker

  1. By the way Latly i am also into Tribal electro, Darkwave, IBM, Industrial dance etc There is some freak excelents music that mixture all that. and the best part is that they all sing in german Projects like STURTEFREQEUNCZ is great!
  2. but we psytrancers dont like inovations Inst thats why you guys ask for that oldscholl sound everytime? I recently discovered that i dont like psy/goa or whatever. What i like is minimal orchestral Tech-trance now...that is a genre you cant get enough
  3. Sure you are Welcome Shaft By the way, what sequencer are you using now?
  4. I dont use Reason , but one day i got reason 3 demo just like you ( and yes, that 20 minutes timning is awful!) i had to do things pretty fast Anyways, this topic i made asking for help on Reason is with amazing tutorials that xphiaz did, wich was a tremendous help Maybe you would like to check that out Reason topic
  5. Good to see that things are hapenning there but dont you guys have those 24/48 hours party? Why the parties is 10 hours at maximum? Is there a law where it prevents for doing that?
  6. I mean, part of it
  7. Snake? Mushrooms? Motar? Pestle? Lotus Flower? Penil? Where do you guys come from? That is a penis and a vagina. The guy is about to pick up his penis and penetrate into the flower vagina he got in his other hand. I dont think i need another south american here, to clarify that part of the ayhuaska experience is to surpress sex, or do i?
  8. Please dismiss my coment You wont get decent results from that. You will actually need an Audio Interface to do that, but i guess its possible to do what i said
  9. I know how you do it, but i wont help ya I dont want you to ruin a good psychedelic track with your skazi riffs Just j/k mate Now, i dont undrstand about soundcards and such things, but i will try.... I think what you need is a recorder. For ex, you can conect your guitar/ampl to your soundcard right? Now, what you need is something to record your perfomance. You could use an expensive digital recorder or a simple free software I will take as you want the free stuff You can use audacity wich is what i tell to everybody who asks me wich one is a nice software recorder, because this one is very nice and its for free Here is the link of the oficial page where you can dowload it http://audacity.sourceforge.net/
  10. yeah how supid of me I will sound more stupid to the fact i thought he was talking about gj gear only I dindt considered softwares and such
  11. The topic is well written No, you cant change the picth permantly, if is that what you are asking I usually like to picth the track down and see how it works
  12. Well said I must add that this process goes for almost every artistic creation in some extension The way i create a track is usually this: I first get the idea, obviously. Only them i start to work on how to get there, but before the first kick i pretty much already knows how the track will be. So, i first writes all the basic percussion of a track in a 32 beat bar. I will add the kick and bass then hats, snare, toms, congos, open hat everything in terms of percussion is pretty much wroted from scrath. Everything has to be tested together and everything should fits it place without troubling or supresing one from another. That means basically that even if you are not going to put all the percussion elements together to be played on a part of the track. You know that they will work well together. In order you can safely remove/add those very same percussion layers on diferents parts. For example.... the idea is to do something driven energetic, so you have allmost all the perc layers playing together and you want something out and something new to enter. You can do it without with it sound "out of its place". Because every percussion layers has its place. Its up to you (me in this case ) now the decision of wich parts shoud be filled and where After setting up this, i basically go after effects and atmospheres sounds that are related to my original idea. I tweak, twist, test diferent notes,untill i find something i can work with it. I play major atention to this part, mostly i gather new samples, save new pacthes on synths. I prety much have a full day of working only to "gather" just the basic sounds and fx i wanna work with it After solving that, i go back to the arrange window and starts to sequence the percusion with the new instruments. I try to visualize the "work area".. i create new bars and work with them in the same line i work with percussion Only after all this i start to really make the track oh... and about the automation question...i do all the automation later when almost finishing it.... usually
  13. I listened its nice You did a great job creating the atmosphere on that one. Some kind of dark goa I liked it I got moan about those lead melodies. They are very nice itself, the only thing is that they are too loud. Try to adjust the gain of those effects About uploading your tacks or creating an artist page on acidplanet i am all for help If you got any questions about it, i am willing to help you
  14. Audacity can record your voice and put into wave or Mp3 format Plus its a free software and has a quite good performance. Its very recomendable All the voices i record on those latest tracks i did was using Audacity, then i saved the files as wave file and add as an Audio track, or i would use the sample from Logic if i wanted to manipulated more Anyways you shoud try Audacity, as its free and have good quality Here is the link of the oficial page where you can dowload it http://audacity.sourceforge.net/
  15. Thanks Fluffy Really apreciated your coments. About the reverb thing, i still have to find way to cut off that habit, that thing is addictive thanks for listening and for the kind words
  16. So, i did an artist page on acidplanet. The project name is SoundofMind and i uploaded the last four tracks i made: Consider, Machine, Mind Court and Lost temple If you guys could check it out and say to me what you think about it would be nice and highly apreciated SoundofMind Page
  17. Its very nice The kind of music i like it. Minimal and inteligent Very nice job you did there. The use of fx and percussion. I got complain about those effects that goes in the middle towards the end. They are very loud and "harsh" in comparison with the rest of the song. Maybe you could cut the excess of low frequencies and there and set up a volume where it balances more with the track The beat and bass has an atmosphere feel that kind of plays in "background" and they dont play the major role in the track. That is very nice, however that requires better settings for the others instruments, especially the effects in this case, cause the percussion is very well build and mixed. I am talking about those effects that comes after 4:00 min, that are the "lead sounds", they are the ones who need a better treatment. I am not talking about making crystal clear, you have to keep the mecanic concept, but some frequencies range are crashing. Make then fit more natural into the song Very nice job fluffy, i am really impressed, and i really enjoy the idea
  18. Listen to him NHJO This guys has a big label that endorse your type of music big money, its your time baby! Take it!
  19. Thanks I end up leaving the frits track on the site, buutttt..... i do have an unrlsd kilarrgh version where its like the 'Teste' version, but a litlle diferent. What i did is to keep the bass more or less, the way i did on the second time and not go so wild on the the high freq and mid freq boosting I kind of felt it was way too much, it was needing but not the way i did So its cleaner, but still kept the 'big room' atmosphere
  20. Excatly. and they are involved, you can hear even the same sounds
  21. Thats right I said AP and MFG are chessy music, and i dont take it back
  22. I dont see no suprise here AP and MFG is not the first 'not chessy eletronic project' out there. we goa lovers, think that their music is madness, psychedelic, trippy, but that is chessy as Tiesto too, only atempt a diferent style. I said that this a lot of time, we are the only people in the world that think that is not chessy Their Project human evolutiom is like so normal to then
  23. Kraftwerk Anthony Roger X-dream Aphex twin Nuclear Ramjet Saint German Leftfield
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