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Everything posted by Stalker

  1. Please aswer, i have to delete this track sample out of that page soon
  2. I tried but i couldnt Said the server was too busy Btw, why do you feel so surprised about it? You have a gun on your hand and you are here for months and never ever took the time to listen and coment on a single track of someone else music. Its always about you, i find this odd and rude
  3. No It wasnt that harsh Just something groovy
  4. Yes With an constract feeling, that is beautiful and harsh, happy and sad, black and white....something like that
  5. I terms of production i actually thought it was vey nice The bass and kick is nice, the only thing that i maybe its missing is some high frequencies If it was me making this track, i would althou invest more on some atmospheric sounds Maybe something subtle or something strong, but just something that gives the track a unique touch Untill now, its very "scrachy", try to put something deep or melodic, that goes against the track feeling, but at the same time it fits perfectly...its hard, i know
  6. So, i tried out what you Mckoy said to me about the low and mid frequencies I also boost up the high frequencies I actually thought that now, the bass sounds better indeed, the only problem now is the snare. I think that maybe, is too harsh and dirty, i dont know I think i am going crazy Maybe i boost too much and all the snare flaws showed up Anyways Here is the link The short sample is the one called "Teste" http://www.soundlift.com/band/music.php?id=105669 You guys could see if you think that this version is better
  7. hey this is cool and really looks like a good day of work I mean, this track is so full of elements already and its nicely produced imo, just a better mixing, but i know you are not worried about this now Work on the track, that this can turned out really great
  8. Do you see how long his beard is? He is a wise old men oopium You should listen to him
  9. I see And you are right, in Machine i used almost every sound in mono but there is nothing wrong in using the bass and kick in mono right? I once heard on that this is not recomendent unless you are very sure of what you doing So, on this track only the bass, kick and some other percussive sounds are in mono but i cut the low frequencies and busted the mid and even some low high frequencies, and i also used a sub-bass where it only have low frequencies So what do you recomend me to do? Boost more the mid frequencies of the bass and the sub-bass? Did you put reverb on the bass in that sample you showed as how it should be? please mckoy, help me out of this! Btw, those samples arent crappy, they are great!
  10. Please Mckoy, tell me whats so wrong I would like to hear those examples
  11. Today i felt an effect of the bandwagon effect
  12. and your music its really interesting Experimental and all, very creative Congrats about the music promotion thing I recomend you to post another topic about this track there
  13. Thanks Mind breeder About the bass, oh well thats a complicated thing I know that the bass is "massive", was part of the idea, but off course, maybe there is indeed a a volume problem there, for ex just to turn down the volume a little bit and its "ready" Also, the bass response varies from headphones to speakers etc I cut down everything belown 70hz, so sometimes this makes for a ex a bass sounds too loud or strong on a headphone, anbd sounds "normal" on speakers or monitors Anyways, i was much more guided to numbers and rules then my ears itself as i said befor, i dont have monitoration right now, so i am hearing and making this stuff on those computer spekars with no bass response at all So maybe its too loud indeed, but i tell ya i cant hear it yet!
  14. Thanks Unikos I am glad you liked
  15. I heard it Its nice, weird and nicely produced Its not the typicall stuff, and this count as great points to me Over all is very nice I really liked Btw Mr There is now a section called Music Promotion, thats where all the tracks and mixes are being put it So, maybe the mods would change the location of this toopic to there...so dont freak out if somehown you dont find this topic here!
  16. Lets say this way The bandwagon effect pushs out our emotions, and sometimes we dont even realise how false it is Like me for ex, i hate Britney Spears, but i dont hate that chubby hot girl wich sings some pretty shitty pop music on a bar next to my house (really) This way, i am being victim of the bandwagon effect, i shouldnt hate Britney more then i hate that hot chubby girl right?.... they both creats horrible music on my opiniom, but i hate Britney because she is so damn popular and always has some sucky videoclip playing, wihile the girl from the bar next to my house dont bother me at all, expect that time when she gave me a fake phone number after a one night stand out
  17. You are right That does not aplies to every single person. I think this whole issue has to do with the "image" music provides Simon music has a good "image" , has a good reference and all among us psytrancers That helps on sub-councious level to acept it, or the oposite, wich is to hate it, just beacuse its the most famous and talked one that goes against your taste If someone music image is "neutral", those emotions of love and hate are fairly more dificult to reach Off course, music hits diferently from person to person....
  18. You are so right I think i am going to spam my tracks on some tech forums! Really
  19. I agree with it Luck is a product of working. Thats why it says "luck comes in practice" I said luck on the perpective of having good optioms in hand to expose his art That affects even the nation where the artist is born, on a very simple leve,l but it does I am not saying that it was a matter of luck that people liked a music or something, more to he information, contacts, money and being at the right place at the right time but then again one could say that this does not aplies to luck, more to randomness, facts etc,but not luck..........after all, an artist and his art is a direct consequence of his enviroment...
  20. I listen most to prog-minimal tech stuff and some experimental eltronic music like EBM, Industrial and some others Not very trancey, but thanks for asking!
  21. Well said Otto There is a lot of factors that make any form of art expression to be sucefull, and luck is very important The group factor plays such a big role on the music aceptance Its a natural social reaction
  22. Thats interisting indeed
  23. I second that Great tech project, and his album is indeedabout to be released wich is a great news for us
  24. and wich is a shame Thats why i always say: The majority is never right
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