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Everything posted by Stalker

  1. People will select a song if they think others like it. In other words, at least one key to musical success is the buzz, or bandwagon effect. This mean we cant perciave a music as classical only if it comes on a sucefull package. On a aproval already made by others This also means your taste is very influenced by the group ( in this case psytrance) Popular songs became more popular and unpopular songs became less popular when individuals influenced one another, and it became more difficult to predict which songs were to emerge as the most popular ones the more the individuals influenced one another Lets say for ex Simon Postford comes here as a nobody, and then he would post his track LSD and asks for some honest feedback just like everybody right? Now, all of you Postford fans would really like this, especially because of the surprise factor...but you would never label as the "best psytrance song ever" or as instant classic Humans has fears to have the first word and stand out from the group and especially, when it comes to a nobody Thats why on every music genre there is the "obvious artists" those guys that are very sucefull and stay like this How they become sucefull is a matter of time and another topic
  2. That is a great sample indeed and also a great track Pernaly my favorite voice sample is Cosma- Keep Going There is a light....that flashes
  3. Sorry for the rudeness moma said one day this would kill me I was being honest...sorry
  4. yeah...RAH told me the same thing on Blue Room Weird that Otto and Cybernetika could If you would be patient unikos I will fix that
  5. I hope you didnt take me too serious I read what wrote now, and i thought that it maybe sounded too harsh with all those bold texts I know that you have a good sense for Goa music you really know what is the best for you, and thats good I was mainly crtiizing to the fact it seens that you only like that old school acid Goa sounds when comes to eletronic music I would love the fact that you love not only Postford and alikes music, but on top o it all, you still likes prog minimal psytrance Quality music is quality music, and good music is good music Its like you are trowing yourself out on 50% of eletronic music can provide you Just a thought
  6. You know I really like you oopium and i think you are a very smart men but you would be last person i would ask for some eletronic music recomendation after you there is Cinos and then Traveller in third I am also an example of someone who tried to listen all kinds of eletronic genres and i listened to a lot of it. EBM, electro, Goa, House, Industrial, Darkwave, Eletric, Break Beat Techno etc...you name it! and i never found an eletronic genre so deep and perfect as Progressive/Minimal Psytrance on the likes of all those germans projects that i always tak about it here and there is also another thing, a few years ago i really liked Goa much more then i do today. Goa was slowly become boring, and prog/minimal still rocks the casbash and goes very well on my music development
  7. I go for intel
  8. Listen to this post carefully Just Click on this links svolk, and you will be ready I promiss
  9. Btw Why is it tense for me to share my music here? Is it because i always say i am getting tired of the old school and the acid 303 melodies? wich obviously goes against the majority here.... Or is it by some other reason?
  10. Thanks Otto and Cybernetika That was some great coments Otto, i noticed that late half-second on the descending pad notes. Its a minor detail, but i think it would make a whole diference in the end. I think it would give a track a more tense atmosphere About the percussion being too dry i will have to test it on them. It was part of my idea to give an impact betwen the "wet" and the "dry" I tried to give all the others atmosphere that wet and organic effect, and the percussion i put it dry so it could "carry on" the track. I will thou test a little enchacments and see how it works out and Cybernetika, it was indeed part of my idea to keep a constant felling after the second half. The variations happens but they are all very subtle. No orther lead melody or extra atmospheres. Btw, all those voice samples and breathing effect are mine.If that makes anything more interisting I recorded, put some effects and voila
  11. well it is Its a track where i tryed to give an atmosphere like it was playing on an ancient temple, hence the name.... Any feedback would be most apreciated http://www.soundlift.com/band/music.php?id=105669 Edit: There is now a permanent link
  12. The track list of the first mix is great Especially Nasa- Sloppy Nodle, that is one of the best night prog ever I will give a listen later
  13. Did you take a look at my links?
  14. You only like oldschool radi? Cause if you dont, there is some really great melodic dark psytrance out there For ex: This album is a classic classic hint hint Something that maybe is more of your taste....or not but its almost as a neo classic Great album Neo clasic knock knock
  15. Just listen to my track and end of discussion
  16. I dont like Hip-Hop in genaral BUT there is great songs and musicality in this genre, its not all about pimps and hos ( even thou we got admit, its hell funny to talk about pimps and hos) So This is an example of a hip-hop track that i like Its emotional, and notice the fine vocal work on the end A good hip -hop song, listen radi and all the others Ps: Eminem is the DEVIL
  17. Very nice track It is smooth, and groovy. I like the way you used the fx and the percussion
  18. This is very nice I like the minimalistic side and the techy feeling Very good
  19. Yeah I would also like some of yours jazz tracks Can we listen to that?
  20. I dont think you are that good NHJO Especially the way you think I remenber you once said that my music needs more "perfect percussion" Yet, i find the percussion works of your tracks very poor So why should i beleiave you heh? Another thing....dont go out asking those kind of stuff on the inernet and dont try to play the major role here....or something like that
  21. I once make-out with Marc Almond on a gay club in New York....if that counts
  22. Marvellous The acid melodies really give an edge feeling, and the atmospheres es muy bella, muy bella...ehmn..i mean, très beau...très beau Well done
  23. I second that
  24. Hey Amygdala I have boost up some of the low frequencies You can see how turned out to be New demo
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