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Everything posted by Stalker

  1. Skazi- Animal Now seriously: X-dream- Radio We are talking about revolution here
  2. I dont agree here If this is an average darpsy album, then dark is doing very well. This is for me, a dark album with qualities that stand by far then any other album released this year yet. Yeah the music doesnt have the same unique impact as Pentafiles, but his style is there and is still great imo
  3. He is not serious about it
  4. just one word for this kind of request: LUNASPICE
  5. and btw L25 is such a noob
  6. Great to hear that this album was released I totaly agree This album has what its probalby the best progressive track of the year, i even made a topic about it. There was a time, that i was addicted to that sample, so freaking great it is! And the Third drop reflection its great too No he is not back this is from way back April material
  7. Yes very lame indeed i found out those days that they are a fake label and that even released an album of Pondscum without contacting him and making up the names of the songs pfff
  8. Were you not the one that said that progressive isnt psychedelic? maybe your set is just too hypo for me just j/k mate good luck, but i wont listen, because i cant i will listen to Tegma instead
  9. hey Manuella, is that you on yours avatar?
  10. V.A Complexity V.A Inner Circle Both excelent releases
  11. You are way too anal
  12. I have always liked that Xerox & Illumination track called Night Shift, that is some real good full-on for me since those days and still is untill now, and that is rare
  13. yes, this one i know i cath every Zenon releases, great new label indeed
  14. Sounds excelent! i already heard the Midi miliz remix of psychomachine and i loved, but i guess that i missed this album thanx very much seraph I totaly agree
  15. Thanx RAH didnt know about that one will definitly check it out
  16. Where is the good old dark minimal/prog? 99% of the new progressive is morning oriented Besides the new Sensient and Serious Porn Collector albums i cant find another artists release in this style. As for comp, there is the Minimal Ritual 1 and 2 by Brain forest recs wich is quite good psychedelic minimal. Especialy Minimal Ritual 2. No more than that so, there are ay comp/labels or new artist i should know? i miss the old dark minimal
  17. Can you do a clubby sandwitch?
  18. yeah i am geting the feeling that him wouldnt like those really dark-horror stuff maybe he is just looking for some night full-on Then i guess that 3dvision releases is a good recomedation
  19. I am not geting into this fight, but i wanna say that i agree with Kryptum I dont think that 3dvision produces dark psytrance Its more like hard full-on. Those artists that you had mentioned play hard weird full-on music imo Especially CPU and Absolum Dark labels for me are the ones that dmtree sugested like: Sanaton, Apoxina, Schlabbaduerst, StoneAge, Parvati , Vertigo, and Mistress of Evil are all very good labels that produce dark music
  20. I dont think that you are actually serious about it Especially by the fact that you are asking for a label. The song doesnt sound profressional not either psytrance, just eletronic music with some simple melodies
  21. True
  22. ETNOSCOPE- SUNRISE I dont think it sounds arabic, but i know its damn good Bon appetit
  23. Stalker


    I am very disapointed by this sample and how it sounds the whole way for the album. I dont like at all this new sound of S-range, wich is a shame cause 2001 is one the best albums i got and his music was so unique in those days Now he is a joey- six- pack
  24. if you are looking for a classy deep sound i would say Beat Bizarre- Lewd. That is a classic! I love dark progressive like Nervus- No Fokus is genius BLT- God is love is a must have Haldolium first album Igneous Sauria- Encpfalophagus is great! and for the new stuff, Lunaspice- Reflexions is the best of then all
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