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Everything posted by Stalker

  1. In my defense. I said ignorant in the pure meaning of the word. So I didnt attack the intention of them, just their understading about the image they're putting And the main point of this thread is: If image is not really important for a music artist to stand out, then change the pictures. Maybe even change the name. Its kind of lame anyways. Taken straight from some other movie.... You could use something more cheerie like Cannibal H Keep the music, that's what matters
  2. I actually saw the pic now. Its ridiculous! I think its another case of utter ignorance. See, you guys say you are not proclaiming anything, but just making music right? So I say take that picture out then. If it is only about the music anyways.... and while you are it, change your name as well It will only do good and avoid miss understanding. If that's what you want anyway
  3. I think we should give them a chance to explain, and I also think they should change that picture in the site too. Pavel is just one of the many out there that could be offended by this, even if it is not the project intention like in this case claim to be In the end, seems to be another case of a very, very young producers who are into dark psy that happened to like the name due to its phonetic impact on this competitive sub-culture
  4. Reasonable as I see it
  5. Together with Psychedelic dance, which has a great dark industrial techy atmophere, this stand out as best of in the new NHJO work
  6. This is one of the greatest NHJO tracks I heard in a while. An instant classic. Powerfull, objective and mad -sounds like an old Juno Reactor, but even better
  7. Thank you Pavel, I feel that too. This is a subject for whole new topic actually While we are at it, I'm going to wish Shaft good luck
  8. Maybe you're right, I do live in the country. :(

  9. who cares, youre still a hillbilly

  10. my neck's quite pale.

  11. no, as in redneck :D

  12. lol Yoke? What, as in egg yoke?

  13. hey, stalker, i post in other people's profiles too, can i get a cookie now?

  14. Told you I might post in your profile.

  15. Another vey subjective statement. What is psychedelic? TB-303 gated melody? Well, I don't think so. I think that a mechanic Techno is pychedelic and its also great for dancing. But there is no formal connection with psychedelic I sometimes forget, that AP, simon postford and friends, raped and stole the concept of psychedelic
  16. Attention for the new truest january statement Old Goa trance fans is so blind that they can't see that their music is also boring and repetitive and that all the tracks sounds the same And that the melodies are all predictable too, and that is in fact, a bit childish
  17. Except for the full of breaks part, this is exactly how I feel about old Goa Trance
  18. That was a good one reger
  19. Yes, indeed It works Thanks reger
  20. Really? Can you make a new topic at Music making? Just a test topic, because maybe you are browsing with your old cache/cookies etc I don't doubt you can enter it Exotic , I take your word for sure, but I do find weird that no one made a new topic on those sections since this IPS error come up. Althoug it might work, cause once inside a topic you can actually post Like Otto did Works for me too but.... what about creating new threads?
  21. Maybe its because you use only the general and Off topic section. Those are fine over here But I'm pretty sure you cant enter those forums others mentioned oh and Otto, thanks for the tip
  22. Otto, can you really go inside the music making forum? So, please go there and aswer Clyclotron majesty what is a pad I wanna see it
  23. Just as I thought Running smooth over here Edit: No wait....I cant enter the Music making and Music promotion forum. Getting the IPS message
  24. made my day
  25. Lets agree in one thing here. German people knows about music. Mozart, Beethoven, Johan Sebastian Bach, Spirallianz etc
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