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Everything posted by Stalker

  1. Yeah i miss those days too. But everything has to change. There was a time that this forum was great and full of inteligent members. But them this site turned into some stupid oficial hangout. I am talking about those days of Bruce and jacob spaming and posting useless threads. That was the time i leave this forum, and didnt come back for more than 1 year. Later on july of last year i decided to see how is psynews doing( i tried others time but the site was out of air) and... voila! I found this site with a new design and very few menbers, only about 500, and this new rule of signing up to be alble to post again. I isntantly liked the news and decided to join this site again. Now is a little different but is still a very good damn forum, and a lot of the old posters are still here. Anyway what i miss the most is that old reviews section wich was great!
  2. and..... END OF DISCUSSION
  3. Well there is the obvious Cosma wich make some good full-on Keep going is one of the best full-on tracks i know( the way its end is pure bliss and the samples are great) And there is Cyanescens an aussie project that do some mad full-on, very psychedelic stuff And there is also some SA artists like Shane Gobi and Rinkandik, wich by the way i have to go now to a party to see the excatly.........Rinkandik see ya oh and great topic Tastu
  4. Both is what i look for i think that Manmademan- Absent Mind is as trippy dancefloor killer i played once at a party and let me tell you ppl went nuts and tripped
  5. Yeah Cosma is da man with you want melancholic tracks His tracks like Safy smoke a lot and The Moon is extremily melancholic and very beatiful. And for tell you the truth i always feel a melancholic atmosphere on almost every track of Cosma But the most beatiful and melancholic track i know is: JUNO REACTOR- JARDIN DE CECILE Simply beatiful no more words....
  6. Maden, you looks like a professional psychopath...... How many ppl you killed till today?
  7. So this help me to give my project a new name: - Lesbian Man With Mullet What do you guys think?
  8. I would say: DROIDSECT
  9. Isnt that good? Now really, i see what you mean, but i am not sure yet if its only the kick itself, cause the kick alone is not very rough and deep, but the bass is very fat and deep and has some eq problems as benf52 said it. So they together has that caotic beat, and maybe cause i use two difrent snares on top of it at every 8 beats too But to work on this problem for ex, should i eq them on the mixer( and if so, with what?) or should i just turn the volume of both dow a little? And about to keep an eye on the red lights. Do you mean those two medidor above the "monitor"? The peak meter? Cause if it is only the bass alone make those things go red, so is it a problem of the bass? Thanks a lot for the feedback benf52 I will work more on this track and variates a bit more and also put some melody on it And what do you mean by" cutoff of the filter"? Anyway Thank you both for the patience and help
  10. Ok so it has been a few months since i have fruitloops on my Pc I know that fruity is a good program to start And is still dont get most of the program features I dont know for example how to give an effect "life" or how to variety its melody with out creating another pattern. Or how to use the mixer and its controls proprely So what i do it is create a lot of patterns with only one effect channel(besides the percussion) put them all together and this is it I dont have any free-vst yet and dont have sytrus either(only the demo version) wich is a shame, affteral it would help a lot to create a better atmosphere So what i want is if you guys please check it out my tracks and give a feedback and maybe some help on how to get better The genre i attend is Dark Minimal/prog and the Fruityloops i use is Vr.4 You can listen on here S.M.R Obs: The only track wich i actually put some work on it, is OLDJUN and it is the reason of this topic But you can check it out the other tracks too and especially the ambient one wich is fairly nice for such a begginner Thanx a lot
  11. Stalker


    No, not that big. They are being around for long, but they arent very famous besides to the ppl who go to festivals, as they dont play much on parties, execpt on their region But they have respect
  12. No lemmi thats what you think... taste is taste For example you liked the last album of 1200 mics right? I find that horrible, but in yours reviews you give it a 10 and said that was the best album and all..... So it would be the same to assume that you are probably the olny one who must find that? No. I hate them but there are ppl who love that kind of music, thats alright and about Manmademan cant he reach this point too? If you liked his oldschool material better i like his new stuff better i am sure that there are some others who think that way too maybe mot as much ppl as for 1200 mics but, who cares about that anyway?
  13. Stalker


    Yage has one of the best ambient acts i ever had seen They rock on the chill-out,but i dont really like when they play on the dancefloor, it is way too melodic and has that girl siging all the time They allways plays on big festivals here in Brazil and as i said it, their ambient acts is a must see. Btw Mylo, i didnt know that they released a promo. How many tracks there is? and is it mostily ambient?dowbeat stuff or dancefloor material?
  14. Ok thats your opinium and i cant change that, right? About their newer albums i think you should check it out, they are much better than Love Technology, especially Creation Myth But i guess you like more morning melodic psytrance, so this is maybe not for you, but they are inteligent good music indeed Cheers
  15. Thanks a lot Frontier
  16. Ok, now i am dead curious. How did i miss that? Frontier, do you remenber the name of the label or something? Cause i really want to find out of wich track you are talking about Are you sure wasnt Zirkin?( wich is also very good btw, and you should check it out O.D)
  17. Off-topic but..... Basilisk..... I got say this Your avatar is DA BOMB!
  18. Cinos i respect you and everything, but saying that Love technology is the most boring album ever is too much. I mean, i find it the worst work of Manmademan, but is not THAT boring, at least is non-comercial and not mainstream psychedelic trance. At least thats how i feel. Arent you sure you never come across a worst album than Love technology? so much chessy crap out there...... Manmademan is somewhat a kind of paradox for me. They have excelent tracks and awful ones that looks like a kid in front of the computer.. really But in overal they are great i think, and envolving too, wich is good. Their last album was their best work and they are getting better and better
  19. Well O.D Zik/Matutero doesnt have anything released anywhere. Wich is a shame, afterall, he is my favorite dark artist. Anyway, Alex from Zik has others side projects just as good, they are called Horror Place, and Adrenal glands. He was about to release a an album of Horror Place but has being saying in a long time and dindt come out yet. And for the other artists i say that is hard to find their albums, but you couldnt find Pentafiles on those online stores? There is on saikosounds and that album was a huge sucess. Leave a message is one of my favorite dark tracks ever. So.... Here is the link..... no wait Here For Hujaboy you can buy here yeah... here Kindzadza has an album released called Waves from outer space is one of the best russian dark psy albums ever. Get it here if you want Psykosvky.... i really dont know Here is some awsome Dark music: Pondscum(!!!)- Get his album! i dont know where, but get it! Is a dark masterpiece. His album is called Echoes of Night. Listen to the song Ghosts Express, to see what i mean... Dowload, steall, or whatever, but chek it out Boo-Reka- More into a prog side of Dark. Their album rocks and is easy to find on stores. Is the same guy of Hujaboy btw Entropy Bonky Para-halu uffff... that is it I hope i helpeld
  20. Where are they from? Are they producing an album or they are out there playing lives. I hope so and i also hope that one day they come to Brazil .I want to see them play live! I think that manmademan probably made the best psychedelic trance album of 2004 and untill now i hadnt see any thing that is better . I am talking about Creation Myth out on Electric Orgasm Records. This album rocks imo. And is the great example that good inteligent psytrance is still there if you look hard enough. The album is not perfect as i think that has some bad tracks as Regardles and Crossfade. The rest is just pure bliss... Tracks like Network and Creation Myth is excelent. For last but not least, this album has one absolute masterpiece! Is Program Reality. That is the greatest track i heard for a very long time! There is almost no breaks, very atmospheric, psychedelic, hypnotic ,weird, tribal and danceable. I just dont see music as Manmademan being released nowadays and i dont see their music being played at partys either, wich is a shame Their first two albums were very good too and i cant wait to hear the next one(i hope). They already did an excelent track out on Echoes(Flow records) called Absent mind wich is the best piece of music i heard this year Manmademan rocks Period All of that imo of course
  21. heheh so you like Future sound of London and Sphongle thats a start.... See how curiuos i am?
  22. Thats right, everybody does bad tracks and there is no perfect band or artists Anyway, it is funny i never come across a post where you mention the names of the artists or albums you like.... and i am even more curious now please, give me some examples
  23. It means that is funny to think of Juno music as cartoons music It means that you never say something that you like It means that you always says you dont listen to psytrance nowadays Well, mostily.... Those few ones you like or still likes must be very good them really, i am not jk, i am curiuos about it I really want know wich projects you like That whats supposed to mean
  24. You are right E.P Many artists do fail to make something unique, and when they do, they fail to keep the uniqueness. But in this case Wizzy is not sounding like they were, their first two albums were unique and very good, them they changed and now is changing again, that s good at least for me. Aftter all Wizzy is not producing unique music now( as sound like juno) but at least they are unique artists
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