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Everything posted by Stalker

  1. + 1 Especially interested in the music of Gummi HZ and Robert Babicz
  2. Stalker


    Yes. I also predict 2007 as the last hyper full-on trend year. It has been on top way too long for our scene standarts The electrish pornish kind of music will be the new thing
  3. Ok, so another goa melody- heroes-project released a crappy commercial full-on heh? What a surprise
  4. Beatiful, Kat Amazing work you got there Personally I enjoyed the first one more. Emotional
  5. Have you been impressed by anyone sugestion oopie?
  6. I'm all for not puting labels in music too exotic . Its just to indicate that if there is anyone who messed around with this so called full-on music and took the best out of it was Cosma His music is unique indeed, and I agree with you. That ghost alike atmosphere in it, never seen any where else in this genre
  7. I dont know about Fatali and Protoculture, but Cosma blends progressive with full-on, yes. In fact, his first album was minimal only ( and a good one too) but after he released some full on tracks on comp and Non stop is like 50/50 You can't say that tracks like Non Stop, Yok Yok and People on Hold arent full onish
  8. Oh and Yok Yok My God....that is what I call killarrgh
  9. I really like Xerox and Illumination- Nightshift Even the new remix . That track is part of full-on history, and its nice And why not mention the best full-on artist ever? May the jew god take care of Cosma, he was a nice fella http://www.saikosounds.com/english/display...ase.asp?id=3190 I'd say for you oopie. To check The time Has Come, opening track of his last album Non Stop. Personally I think Keep Going to be the best full on track ever made Period
  10. Ahhh, In Spectre Moodz. Love this track.
  11. Nice going
  12. You sexy beast you.

  13. Very nice, simple and beatiful I like the way it evolves and particularlly the second part towards the end, nicely composed Production wise its nice and clear as Bahamut said. And yes, it does have a good mood attached to it
  14. I think that all of the old polls made before the upgrade got this way Now I'm curious about this poll
  15. Yes radi The problem is still there
  16. I also agree with O.D I'm worried about it as well. If you scroll thru this topic its kind of freaky how many Hallucinogen tracks a man can listen I think Simon is worried too, overplaying is not good for any artist You could end up hating Simon's music, and I'm serious about this
  17. You are a great wise monkey then
  18. I have always noticed how good your taste in music is, reger Only for that day you said you didnt know who Roger water is, but I forgive you now
  19. You are a great wise man krelmatrix
  20. Because its fun Seraph, I know those producers are all entragled in their projects. Delta, X-dream, Downhill etc. Those people must share the same house But X-dream and Delta is so Marcushi, while Spirallianz is more Arnesih
  21. Its not the Delta The Delta producer is Marcus Maiche
  22. After we decided that Simon is even pwned by Marc Almond. This topic is just to share the diferences since one is obviously a superior producer than another A mistery... Why does Simon have more fame than Arne? You know why? Because people like radi dont get to be fans of Arne
  23. Jeferson Airplane- Count on me God sh#t damn, get off your @SS and dance! I just love old moo-zick
  24. The Doobie Brothers- What a fool believes
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