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Everything posted by Stalker

  1. You mean every shit producer from the past now produces full-on. Yes, thats correct The good projects from the past are not making full-on today (the older and favorite son of goa trance) The shitty projects are the ones making full-on nowadays
  2. Take a look, it's cool http://www.zappinternet.com/?video=fodCyoDmiV
  3. I just realised I never liked trance
  4. Please Radi explain why Full on bassline sounds monophonic, I'm really curious about it
  5. Stupidity can be funny for a while, but then it just gets irritating I'm also amazed how many people still think he is a fake account...The NHJO is real
  6. Sorry mate I tried again and couldn't do it I know its just an advert, but I think my browser doesnt let me go thru, since it close the window after I close the advert Anyway, I'm still curious about it, let me know if you put another link
  7. Remind me later never to touch that fucking link again That site is the biggest pile of shit I ever seen. After going 3 process and finally having the file to dowload it says I got a spyware and I should dowload a program to get rid of it This shit really piss me off, and I know I don't have a freaking spyware and the adawre was the program itself Sorry Snowball I tried to listen to your track, but as you can see I couldn't Stop being a noob and choose a decent and simple site to upload your files http://www.sendspace.com/ http://www.lightningmp3.com/ Or yousendit or even Rapidshare is better than this
  8. My toes Seriously, there aren't. Most of the projects here is wishy-washy full on
  9. I really don't care where the music comes from, but the main thing here is that brazillian acts are generally rubbish So, no. I don't
  10. Tech-Trance Stuff like those guys from Germany do ( X-dream, Midi Miliz etc), wizzy noise first 2 albums, Refeer Decree, Sensient, Nuclear Ramjet, Kino Oko.... Those stuff I can get. And I don't think there is enough of it. Tech-trance is maybe the most underrated sub-genre in eletronic music ever Too bad most people don't get this
  11. This is really a great topic Just want to have a special thanks for this: This helped me a lot! Apsolutely cracy so there you go, thanks again nemo
  12. Yes, I know that you are perfectly right I should have made it clear thou. Thats why I wrote inbetwen " " cause I wanted to maintain in the eletronic field concepts. Since we cal the artist as a producer
  13. Yes, you can say it's part of the production. That's called mixing BUT depending of what musical style you are hearing the producer didn't do the mixing. This usually happens for ex with rock pop bands. The "producer" (band) just writte, create and record their songs. And then a mixing enginner and a mastering enginner will take the songs and pan the sounds, give stereo treatment wildh etc. And the mastering enginner will finish up compressing, expanding etc In eletronic music production the mixing is part of the production, so yes, you can assume that Koxbox's panned sounds it's part of the production No, there is no such term. The album tracks was probably compressed, maybe not, I don't own this album, but I'm 99% sure there was some compression involved To analyse a good mastering, you have to be a sound enginner, or at least get the things rolling. It's a secret art and the best mastering jobs is those ones you cant "see" them or hear them.... The name's Stalker, Adrian Stalker
  14. Mastering it's a human process to edit the signal of a track/album and give the final treatment before it's "released" It involves the use of editors (waveform editors, track timeline editors, PQ editors, etc.), signal processors (EQ, compression, expansion, etc.), and media recorders (tape decks, CD burners, DVD burners, etc.) While production is the creation. Some producers master their own productions, but it's two forms of art
  15. I'm looking for some free spectrum analysers and RMS trackers I had take a look at KVR and I found that there was no freeaware with a spectrum and RMS analyser build in together, or maybe I missed some? But I found about this one Which is a beta version (for free untill it's beta)of a spectrum analyser FFT tools Looks fine, I installed and it runs fine So now, in order to get the RMS info I found about this one It's very simple, but it seens to do his job done dfxRMS buddy That's where it lies the question. Is it really accurate info those plug-ins show? For say.. Whats the diference between a U$ 400/600 software and a freebie in terms of accuracy? Should I just be content with those ones? Since I'm not planning to do any "pro-mastering" myself, but just to keep up with some info in hand
  16. Hey nemo thanks Thats great help I'll have to act carefully to this change, cause I think my sequencer will crach since I assigned all of my sample patchs on the Drive C:\ I'll proably have to clear the instruments list and assign them again later, on their new drive patch
  17. Ah Now I understand. Thanks for clarifying that
  18. Thanks Jikkenteki Ok so lets say one have already one drive containing all the programs and audio files Should he create another drive and change the locations of those audio files and keep the main programs on the default drive ( C:\ )? Or should he create another driver just for the programs related to audio processing? Having then three drivers For ex: C:\ for Windows related program E:\ for audio related programs F:\ for audio files
  19. Does having a dual drive setting separating the programs from the audio files really makes a diference in terms of RAM and CPU load? I once heard, it helps running your sequencer better, especially when recording, but I'm not really sure about it and I would like to know the logic behind this
  20. Would you like a fresh night-spooky-minimal psytrance?
  21. He means born in 61 Thus being 45 years old
  22. Nhjo.....I need to talk to you On the msn right NOW!!
  23. According to someone else
  24. Well guys thanks for your help I sorted it out. Yes, the problem is that the signal was way too high. I once had already turned down but the problem was still there The thing is that there was an "Auto Gain Control" optiom enabled on the driver settings. I disabled and turned down the volume and its seens to be working fine now
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