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  1. hey, Tore responded to my plea of looking for "tip-yellow" by TIP records.he actually had the danish release off smart records and was kind enough to point this out to me when i said i would trade with him.i traded x dream's-radio, for 'yellow'. tore always responded to my emails and was a real decent guy to do business with, doing exactly what he promised, delivering the title when he said he would.i would definately trade/sell with him again you are the shit my man! dewdrop.
  2. i am willing to pay up to $45 AUD for it if it is in excellent con both disc and inserts.cds i have got to trade are RETURN TO THE SOURCE-sacredsites(or)shamanictrance(markallenmix) TOP OF THE TIPS 2-TIP RECORDS INFECTED MUSHROOM-the gathering NIK FISH-loveparade(live in berlin) CHRISTOPHERCOE-digitalprimate TRIPTHROUGHSOUND2-blueroomreleased CHRISLIBERATOR-trust the dj RAYCASTLE-astral attache and one HOUSE cd GROOVEGUIDE(2001)-feat:basementjaxx,spiller,etiennedecrecy,ianpooley,staticrevenger,mirwais(many more) DEWDROP
  5. did i write love dayna? didn't mean to be over zealious! you know how everyone (mostly) goes their own way after a certain age/point? it is hard for me to find people in melbourne (chicks and guys) that i can have a yarn with about music.i have only a couple, and they are guys, that are dear friends from way back when i was 18.jeez, i sound ancient, i only just tutrned 31(gem), i don't go out anymore, but hit the old numark axis9s +roland 1000 and have a play in my room, i lived in byron bay for a year in 2000 which was indesribable.beautiful! i am a hairdresser by trade and then moved to sydney and got a job at Tony and Guy , that was hard work so i eventually moved home. anyway i am boring myself sorry for the life history,later.
  6. i am a woman who loves her psy tunes.
  7. ITS ALL GOOD TORE! about the writing all the time sorry.i just want to make sure the lines of communication are clear.as i have got ripped off a few times when purchasing music online, even though we traded (damm you amazon) don,t worry i'm not some psycho hose beast (you know, like from waynes world -stacey alert!) dewdrop.
  8. HI, I traded with Quark,(i traded X-DREAM-RADIO for the yellow lp-danish release, same as TIP-yellow) the cd is great and in good condition arriving in 3 days from being sent, great! i don,t understand why you said i was 'impatient', i don't know what you mean by that, You should also read your pms more carefully as you asked me the same question 2 or 3 times (eg:is it blue room released) and when i asked you about the condition of the yellow-lp you didn't give me an answer.look man i don,t want to be anal but you pissed me off.i think that was a petty comment which could've been kept to yourself,as it didn't interfere with the trading/buying . anyway, QUARK IS RECCOMMENDED! he is a guy with good intentions. Dewdrop.
  9. hi does anyone wanna buy or trade any of these rtts/:sacred sites/shamanic trance(mark allen mix),chris liberator-01 trust the dj series,transient :psychadelic dreams 1 and 2. i am willing to buy or trade for ANY TITLE YHAT CONTAINS STRATOSFEAR BY KOXBOX or any titles by eat static,medicine drum,tarsis-melt,tantrance series,manmademan,pleidians ifo,texas faggot,shakta-silicon trip,green ant -primitive dawn or sugar! thanks DEWDROP.
  10. hi iam after tip -yellow /rtts-deep trance and ritual beats.i am willing to trade or buy.thanks dewdrop
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