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Everything posted by ambienta

  1. see this 3rd album as a kind of remix album and dont compare it with others cause its unique! it never existed an album which is comparable with this ... in this dimensions with so much great artists remixing one of the best chillout acts. simply amazing and a milestone and masterpiece!
  2. there seems to be a new album already on the way, the question is just when it will be released. damion from psyreviews mentioned this in his review about the "dialogue of the speakers" album!
  3. mostly i cry to skazi tracks! somtimes also britney spears!
  4. no good what you do!
  5. maybe you hear the sample again because of the reason that its a remix ?
  6. A Human Blue Downbeat Album is coming out at End of August 2005 on Chillcode. I´m expecting great stuff since Human Blue is one of my favourite artists and a quite versatile also
  7. you should know that its apperently travellers job to "push" the shpongle album and down the enthogenic album in all forums. maybe he get payed for this or something. apperently its necessary to push the shpongle album this way, if it would be a convincing release they´d not be in need off to write in this style. but ... i guess they have a reason for it, and the reason is called ENTHEOGENIC the 3rd one will gonna be a awesome album, it never exist a similar album like this before. not in that combination of such a massive act like ENTHEOGENIC, with new tracks and surely outstanding remixes from only the best artists you can imagine!
  8. what an unchilled cover for a chillout/downbeat release ..... btw, a little bit variety regarding the cover would be nice, quite uninspired and repeating.
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